(no subject)

Jan 06, 2008 02:10

Its so late and here i am again ready to write a novel of sorts but may not get there due to all how tired i am right now. So coles notes version of things...

1. i am actually done school of 8 months with is amazing.
2. i will need a job fairly quick but am in no hurry.
3. the basement is very bare and its great, hopefully in the next 3 months it'll actually be done... i can't wait.
4. I have so much stuff in my room right now it's pretty ridiculous, i dont really ever have to leave.
5. Thinking about minor problems so that the big ones stay out
6. Saying "see you later" once again is sad each time.
7. Nothing gets easier, it just gets harder 
8. I dont have family as other people "have family"
9. Change is relative, events of the last 2.5 years seem like a blink of the eye and yet we could write a book on its events.

a more substantial post later perhaps, but right now it's time to crash. *yawns
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