Title: Forever & Ever (Miseinen Sequel)
Author: Zion Shadowlet
butterflysaga(the bitch)
Characters: Aoi, Uruha, Ruki, Reita, Kai and many OCs (Fuwa etc.)
Pairing: Aoi/Uruha and more~
Genre: Drama, Romance, Friendship, Comedy
Rating: NC17
Summary: Six years have passed since the summer at the Dazai Bright Future Retreat for Troubled Children. The boys meet in an
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I hope Aoi will notice on time he needs to dramastically change how he's acting now or he really might loose Uruha ...
I think Kai and D are so sweet together! Although, it kinda makes me worry when I read the 'if you know someone who needs an appartment' I mean, only thing I can think off are or Ruki needing a place, or Aoi / Uruha?! No, no, no! Either way, I didn't saw it coming that D would go back to America, like. Oh my. Kai depressed that he's gone and stuff ._.
I'm glad that Reita told Kameyo! And she really reacted quite good. I mean, I don't think I could've shared my partner even if it was the same situation so really, big thumbs up!
Ruki and Fuwa was cute. And I think I love Akira already hehe :3
I'm no where bored or anything by this story. I seriously adore it. And everytime I read it I feel like I'm standing in their livingroom seeing and hearing every single little thing what is descriped above here. Personally I love long stories as long as they 'keep good' so not first 20 chaps good storyline and then 20 chaps about practiacally nothing. That's boring. And this is not! I love it! So don't ya come all 'Don't get bored' on my ass YO!
Thanks for le updating c;
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