Prompt: #94 Chocolate
Title: The Smell of Chocolate
Pairing/Character: Charlie, Larry, Alania
Disclaimer: Just because I own a calculator doesn’t mean I own Numb3rs
Rating: K
Word Count: 200
Summary: It seemed like such a good idea at the time.
Note: I so have done this!
The Smell of Chocolate )
Comments 21
If you are wondering about the pineapple for Larry, it is so good! Fresh pineapple chunks covered in dark chocolate is something that I was first introduced to when I was up in Boston checking out Harvard (yeah, so didn’t go there). So, I decided to let Larry have a thing for it, since I still do. If you’d like the recipe for any of the above things or other chocolates, I’d be happy to provide. Oh, and remember, I’m lazy, so my recipes are so simple it is funny.
Alright, who gave Alania the sugar? :hands out Hershey bars:
( ... )
And You made me love Charlie so much more in here, because one of my favorite things EVER are chocolate-covered Marshmallows!! Delicious!
Have you ever tried "stained glass," if you like chocolate covered marshmallows? They are fun and delicious.... Now, I want to make them! Sigh!
I shall type up some recipes and email them to you shortly.
sorry i didn't review before. But I liked this fic very much.
The idea of burnt choco yuck! I've done that.
funny how we were both on the same wave length with making candy involving Megan and Larry... but we came out with two distinct different stories.
I will NEVER yell at anyone for later/not reviewing, cause I'm so bad about it. (You know how crazy my RL can be.)
Isn't burnt chocolate the WORST? God, I hate that smell.
I loved your white chocolate moon and stars, that was so sweet. Of course, when I hear chocolate, my first thought is making chocolate. It is how I paid for my books at college. And I had to throw Alania in there, cause it was always more fun to work with my cousin's kiddies.
BTW how is the arm? cast? if you have one should come off in what 2 more weeks?
that is a great idea for a way to pay for books. an old job i had about 8 yrs ago a woman made chocolate candy of all sorts for the holdays.
i like to make chocolate covered caramel pretzels. messy as hell and my technique is improvng.... they come out not so purty looking but they taste like heaven.
alright take care of yourself......i know i can beat burnt chocolate with something else..... hmm?
Used to sell the chocolate to other students and profs and other friends.
I've never made chocolate cover caramel pretzels, but they sound good. I tend to make really pretty things that I'm always worried don't taste good
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