Beware of the teeth rotting sweet that follows...
Title: Moving Day
Pairing/Characters: Charlie, Alan, Colby, Megan/Larry
Rating: K
Challenge: #51 Shift
Summary: Shifting closer together.
Word Count: 200
Spoilers: Nope, are you seeing a pattern for this series?
Notes/Warnings: Kinda a transition between Charlie and Colby dealing with the loss of David back to Megan and Larry.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Numb3rs. Heck, I don’t even understand most of it!
But, I find myself sounding like Larry some days.
“There you boys are,” Megan opened the door of her apartment. She was wearing a pair of yoga pants, a faded, oversized CalSci t-shirt and a gigantic smile.
Alan smiled and kissed her cheek, “Sorry, Megan. I wanted to get food into these two this morning.”
“Smart man. Larry and I aren’t feeding you lot until everything is at the house.”
Charlie groaned, “Does that include the crap from Larry’s storage unit?”
“That is merely the accumulated matter of my years on earth,” Larry glared at his friend.
Charlie leaned against Colby, “That means ‘lots and lots of crap’ cause he’s old.”
“That’s my man your dising there,” Megan kicked him lightly.
“Aw, he’s been my best friend longer,” Charlie complained as he crossed the room to hug the other man.
Even as his arm came up to return the hug, Larry looked shocked over Charlie’s shoulder, “Charles?”
“I’m just glad you’re here and that we’re moving you even closer to us,” Charlie explained as he released Larry.
Larry looked at Charlie for a moment, then noticed Megan slip her arm around Colby’s shoulders. The sudden shift in Charlie’s attitude began to make sense. Smiling, Larry nodded, “I’m glad too.”
Title: Our Corner of the Universe
Pairing/Characters: Larry/Megan and the gang
Rating: K
Challenge: #52 Own
Summary: Megan contemplates the newest section of her universe.
Word Count: 200
Spoilers: Nope, are you seeing a pattern for this series?
Notes/Warnings: Nope, got nothing for you!
Disclaimer: I don’t own Numb3rs. Heck, I don’t even understand most of it!
But, I find myself sounding like Larry some days.
Megan curled herself as best she could into the corner of the couch. She was listening, just listening to sounds around her. From one hall she could hear Charlie, Alan and Larry all talking at the same time as the attempted to assemble the antique crib that Alan had lent them for the baby. From the kitchen she could hear Don and Colby laughing as various things seemed to be banging around. From the back of the house she could hear her sister, Melinda, and Coop talking and occasionally laughing. They were some of the most delightful sounds she had ever heard. And she knew they were sweeter because they were coming from her home.
The home she was going to share with Larry and their child. Yes, that was a sweet thought.
Images of the future floated through her mind’s eye. She could see her daughter crawling and learning to walk on this carpeting. She could see the dining room table covered with paper for Larry’s classes. She could see her friends gathered for special occasions.
“Contemplating the universe,” Larry asked, entering the living room.
Opening her arms to him, she smiled, “Just our own little corner of it.”
Title: Lean On Me
Pairing/Characters: Larry/Megan
Rating: T
Challenge: #53 Support
Summary: He was there and enough.
Word Count: 200
Spoilers: Nope, are you seeing a pattern for this series?
Notes/Warnings: A friend of mine had these problems during childbirth. She didn’t enjoy it.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Numb3rs. Heck, I don’t even understand most of it!
But, I find myself sounding like Larry some days.
Megan’s head lulled back against Larry’s shoulder. She was into her fourteenth hour of labor and her third hour in the hospital delivery suite. And she was pretty sure it was the most god-awful experience she had ever had. At that moment she would prefer to be going through physical training at Quantico or… anything.
She was having muscle spasms that she couldn’t believe. She really thought her good physical condition would help with the labor, but she had not expected the muscle cramps at all. First, it had been Charlie Horses in her legs, which Larry patiently rubbed for what seemed like hours until they eased. Then her shoulders and biceps started twitching and cramping. Larry crawled into the bed behind her slowly rubbing her shoulders and arms. Currently, he had brushed her sweaty hair off her neck and was alternatively rubbing his thumbs up the tense cords of her neck and kissing her neck and shoulders.
“That feels good,” Megan sighed and leaned more heavily into him.
Larry kissed her neck again, “I’m glad, sweetheart. I wish I could do more.”
“You are doing just exactly what I need you to do. You’re here and you love me.”
Title: Her Mother
Pairing/Characters: Larry/Megan
Rating: K+
Challenge: #54 Mother
Summary: Suddenly she was somebody’s mother.
Word Count: 200
Spoilers: Nope, are you seeing a pattern for this series?
Notes/Warnings: Oh, such sweetness and fluff it might give you cavities.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Numb3rs. Heck, I don’t even understand most of it!
But, I find myself sounding like Larry some days.
The slightly blue squalling bundle was placed on the center of her chest. She was vaguely aware of other activities around her, including Larry cutting the cord, but her entire focus was suddenly on this being. For a split second she felt a sense of complete panic.
What was she suppose to do?
How was she supposed to care for this child?
Who was this child?
When would it stop crying?
Larry was by her head, talking, and the baby’s head rolled toward the sound as in recognition. With that movement, Megan had the first glimpse of her daughter’s face. Suddenly her arms moved effortlessly to cradle the little girl close. The baby was still crying, but it wasn’t the awful squall that had been there at first. Now, it was more of a soft mewing that seemed to decrease steadily as Larry talked to her.
He was talking to their daughter. Then she heard Larry, her husband, the father of her daughter, tell their little girl that she was her mommy.
Her mother.
Megan could feel Larry’s arms wrapping around them both as he gently rocked them.
It was then that she realized; she was the one crying now.