the superfriends i want to see

Aug 16, 2012 02:32

from 2005:
Why all of the loathing for Manitou Raven?
# posted by Derek B. Haas : 10/13/2005 2:27 PM

Because Manitou Raven is Apache Chief. And from there it's just a short hop to League Membership for Black Vulcan, Samurai, El Dorado, Rima, Jann, Zayna, Wendy, and Marvin. A line in the sand must be drawn.
# posted by Jeff R. : 10/13/2005 2:35 PM

Yes. I'm in favor of this team. Or no, I'm not in favor of this line in the sand.

Manitou Raven - been done
Black Lightnin' - been done
I don't know Samurai, and I don't really want Tatsu (Katana, who is of Samurai background) on the League, but the League has had a Japanese member: Dr. Light
El Dorado - always seemed cool in the openings, wasn't really used. I want him to be a charater.
Rima - who? Apparently a jungle girl, public domain. Yeah, OK, her too.
Zan, Jayna - been done, sorta. Bring the monkey.
Wendy and Marvin (and Wonder Dog) are support. Do it properly this time. Sort of like Oberon and Catherine in the Giffen-era books.

Yeah, let's just make this the team. It would rock.

This entry was originally posted at, where Russian botspam is a rarity.

justice league

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