Title: The Colours of Pain caused by a Comic book (6/10)
Rating: PG-13
Word Count:1,975
Erynnbeth Thank you so much for your help and patience :)
Summary: Well, I felt like writing some hurt/comfort and it involves Ryan, Seth, worried Sandy and Kirsten, the rover and a cliff!
Author's Note: Thanks also to
beachtree who gave me some very useful medical
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Thanks for another wonderfully thoughtful comment. I'm trying to bring other Cohens like Kirsten into my stories more because people on fanfic.net have been asking about the lack of her in my stories. I think my Sandy/Ryan father son relationship obsession has begun to take over. That is why in this story I brought in Kirsten and Seth a bit more. I still forgot about Seth at one point and Erynnbeth had to remind me that Seth was still in the room hehe.
Oh and you know what? I still can't find that gag reel. I searched the disk your friend said and all the other disks that went with season 4. I almost threw the thing on the floor before I gave up. So, since spending almost £100, I have received absolutely zilch special features.
Thanks again for the comment :)
I can still feel the soreness from that tube. You've given me an insight as to what was maybe going on around me while I was in the land of nod. The attention span deficit is well written too.
My attention span is okay now but please,please,Purrlease up date soon.!!!?:D
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