The Ass-Clowns of Gaming

Jun 20, 2010 04:15

Well friends, I just spent the better part of a week coming up with an elaborate character for D&D. At the end of the night the players had a meeting and said they had too many gamers, and I had to go. This would be fine, if it was valid. The one new player they decided to keep was a girlfriend that just wanted to "see what gaming was about." She sat there through the session, not saying anything and just rolling dice when they told her to.
Apparently, despite an email from one of the members telling me that they wanted ME to help them roleplay, I was "Let Go" for acting too much in character. This is what happens when you are recruited by a bunch of cock-twiddling ass monkeys that are Power Gamers. I role-played my ASS OFF, and nobody even tried to play their character.
This needs to be said to all gamers: If all you're interested in is XP, nonstop action, and not immersing yourself in character and ACTING, then don't call me up ! You could be replaced with dice-rolling robots and nobody would notice a difference. And in case you need an explanation, it is ROLE Playing, not ROLL (the dice) playing. Keep your cat people, half-orcs, gremlins, and blood thirsty elves out of my sight, lest I kill your sorry asses and have you made into Soylent Green.
I'm going to the roleplaying board and posting my requirements for games. If that means I never game again because the hobby is dominated by lumps of unimaginative dolts, then so be it.

An addendum: Two of the players said my roleplaying was really good. The same can't be said of theirs.
If you were there as a witness, your eyes would have bled.
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