So right now, I'm down in Little Rock, Arkansas for the
Arkansas Literary Festival. It was a whirlwind, but amazing and noteworthy first day. Noteworthy? Up until yesterday, I'd never been to Arkansas. I'd visited all 48 states (Alaska and Hawaii not included) except for North Dakota and Arkansas. Now there's only one more to go!
After spending the day in airports and on planes, I needed some fresh air. So with about an hour to kill, I took a walk around downtown Little Rock. It was beautiful! There are all these cool bridges over the Arkansas River, and they've built up the area nicely. Such cool public spaces.
Then I headed over to the
Clinton Presidential Center. That was pretty impressive, too.
After catching my breath, I headed over to my school visit at Bale Elementary. I spoke to about 80 kids in an afterschool program. They had their standardized testing today (such fun), and I couldn't believe how well they listened. We ended up spending about an hour talking about picture books and