The Biggest Looser

Mar 25, 2011 22:34

I am an addict. I don't need drugs, food or alcohol. I got "The Biggest Looser." Even without having a TV set in my apartment, I managed to get addicted to this show. My husband downloaded one season, then another, now I am watching a third season after finishing watching a second one (11 episodes!) in three days. I am justifying this waste of time by the fact that I can't think after I come home from work. I use my brain enough at work, so why not give it a break : ) I can't even compose a decent meaningful journal entry in Russian. I tried this week and it did not work. I will try again next week.

I actually need to get working on the translations, and I feel guilty that I am not doing that. D is still looking for a job and there are still no leads. I stopped stressing out about it. I am tired of stressing out. And yeah, it has been cold and raining for the last several months. It rained today, it will be raining tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. Will it ever stop?


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