Title: Maturity and All Its Little Gifts (Wolverine/Rogue)

Mar 01, 2010 21:33

Title: Maturity and All Its Little Gifts
Rating: G
Pairing: Wolverine/Rogue
Prompt: Silver
Summary: Late night conversation
AN: written for [info]vegablack62
comic strip: Midday

Logan grinned cynically at her, the lit cigar in his mouth giving him a devilish appearance. “Leadership looks good on ya, Marie. Brings out the maturity.”

Rogue ignored her friend as she eased her weary body into the chair across from him and lay her head on the table. “Ah’ve no idea how Scott or Ororo did it. Ah’m always waitin’ for the other shoe to drop and when it doesn’t that’s when the anxiety just gets worse.”

“Thought I noticed a few gray hairs,” he said, the words flowing off his tongue as easy as breathing.

“’scuse me?” Rogue sat back in her chair, arms crossed. Logan wasn’t affected by the posturing though. He’d been teammates with her long enough to know she didn’t take things like that too personally.

“Comes with the job. Even Scottie’s coloring his hair these days. Besides, it looks good on you.” His gaze holding her’s with too much meaning for his comment to be considered a flippant remark.

Rogue seductively grinned and flirtatiously placed her hand on his forearm. “Well, thank ya.”

wolverine, wolverine/rogue, rogue

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