Work is work. I'm largely enjoying the new role, but the new role and the old role are being mixed together so often that I can't concentrate properly and long term. Some of it's been truly tedious (backup solutions) and some of it really interesting (designing & documenting new installs).
The worst thing is the travel. The move to Liverpool centre has had MUCH more of an impact than I anticipated. I expected losing the Runcorn bridge would be a rough equivalent of the Liverpool city centre section. It's probably not far off, but it's definitely taking slightly longer, then there's the 10m walk from the car park to the office.
I've been leaving home as close to 7am as possible, and getting in to the office about 8:10-8:20ish. It's not ideal, so I am looking around. The trouble being, that with my new role, the jobs really are centred around big cities. I don't want to be commuting from Wrexham to a big city because they're all a long way off. This means either I move, or I keep looking around in the hope something turns up more locally.
Home & social stuff...
I've been a busy busy social bee. This month has been especially busy and further stuff to come! I had a birthday celebration with
xanna last weekend, we've got gaming on Saturday, I've got 2 visits planned during a week off work and Jane's birthday later on in February. In January we had friends visiting on various weekends, Christmas was a busy time with more friends and Jane's parents up for Christmas day.
I've signed up with a meetup group in Liverpool centre, hoping that I might get some chances to socialise outside of work after work some nights. We've not used the local group very much but to be honest, the events they've had haven't had much interest or have been on days I couldn't attend.
Jane and I have finally ordered a proper bed for the spare room! So we can have people staying over who might want to share a double bed, rather than the floor or squeezing into a single bed. Oh the excitement! :-)
Musical Theatre...
We did a panto in early December. I played the dame (Sarah the Cook), and Jane played my son, Idle Jack. Yes, it was a bit weird. It was great fun, though sadly enough we seem to have lost money on it. Making money on a musical is bloody hard with some of the fixed costs we have to contend with.
The next show is South Pacific, and we're doing this April 22-26th. I am playing the part of Luther Billis (, a rather unlikable Seabee.
Anything else?
I'll come back if I remember :-)