day 13 - somewhere you’d like to move or visit.
For a long time I wanted to move to the US. I visited a fair amount when I was at uni, and spent a bit of time in the North East, New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Washington DC, and also went on a few holidays to Florida with the parents.
However now, I feel like the US isn't necessarily a safe place to move to. Not necessarily safe as in physically safe but freedoms are being eroded and the whole (lack of) work-life balance thing over there bamboozles me.
Even visiting has become an intimidating experience, what with the requirements to register your intentions before visiting despite the visa waiver program. They may as well just go the whole hog and make every visitor apply for a visa.
I would like visit... well... anywhere! At the moment it's not likely to happen anytime soon, money's needed to travel and I have not much of it.
Specifically I guess I'd like to go to Malaysia again and spend more time there, or possibly spend some time round eastern Europe.
day 14 - your earliest memory.
day 15 - your favourite tumblrs.
day 16 - your views on mainstream music.
day 17 - your highs and lows of this past year.
day 18 - your beliefs.
day 19 - disrespecting your parents.
day 20 - how important you think education is.
day 21 - one of your favourite shows.
day 22 - how have you changed in the past 2 years?
day 23 - give pictures of 5 guys who are famous who you find attractive.
day 24 - your favourite movie and what it’s about.
day 25 - someone who fascinates you and why.
day 26 - what kind of person attracts you.
day 27 - a problem that you have had.
day 28 - something that you miss.
day 29 - goals for the next 30 days.
day 30 - your highs and lows of this month