Jun 15, 2007 13:06
1. Do you download music not from the popular genres of Top 40, pop, rock, rap, dance, R&B, or country?
Almost always.
2. Are there any musicians for whom you've downloaded a significant amount of their material yet own few or none of their albums?
Ha yeah um Arctic monkeys, Johnny Cash, AFI(I'm kinda tired of them), and Death Cab for Cutie
3. Have you ever enjoyed a downloaded album so much that you went and bought the physical album?
If I had the money I would by the Arctic Monkey's cd.
4. How many different ways of playing music do you own (such as radio, stereo system, computer, Walkman/Discman, mp3 player, mp3-ready phone, etc.)?
Boombox, Stereo, computer, laptop, cd player, mp3, portable radio, car radio.
5. Do you still have and/or play a favorite vinyl album, cassette tape, or 8-track tape?
I play my prisoner of azkaban and order of the pheonix book tapes
I got my shots today. I have one more HPV shot to get, but I can't get it until I get back to the states. Tilak said I'm 90% covered until then. Not that it matter. I love the way she talks. The way she says Hepatitis is so cool. lol. Everything she says has a sort of rhythm to it. I love accents. Dude the HPV shots fricken hurt. Ugh I have to constantly move my arm or it feels paralized.
My dad is so unorganized. He told me before I went to bed that my appointment was going to be tomorrow at 3:45. Okay, so I went to bed around 1ish. Around 7 something in the morning I hear him say stuff like "grandma's", "appointment", "perscription." I said okay and went back to sleep. I wake up later and he's knocking on my door, "YOU'RE APPOINTMENT'S AT 9:30!! GET UP!! YOU'RE GOING TO HAVE TO DRIVE SINCE I HAVE TO GO TO WORK!!"" My doctor's office is at Dr.'s Inlet in Orange Park. It was 8:53. Fuck. I had no time to get dressed or anything so I fell in the car and tried to clear my eyes. I got there at 9:29. I sped in Zaphod, so he cut out a couple times after that. Ugh and other things like dad forgetting to get my shot record so I had to go clear accross town to get it and flirting with the doctor and doing his silly hum thing that he does. He always does this series of hums before he says something, so you know he's preparing himself. Only one day back from LB and he's already getting on my nerves. I have to clean the house AGAIN. errr. I couldn't get my online work last night cause he was playing WOW. errr.
Alrighty I have to clean my grent's place and get my perscription.
On a friendlier note:
I got my HP ticket, a new blouse, and a new pair of jeans. I turned in my culture essay a day early. Go me!!