Oct 14, 2005 11:42
For the past few days I was very annoyed at AA cos he seems to have a idea that Keith would turn out all right in the end. And here I am trying to fight for more therapies and there he is rejecting stuff that we might have an opportunity for.
Since we visited BSS, he had this antagonistic view of the whole matter and would always refuse to send him to this and that I suggested. When I suggested sending him off to BSS, he said no as he was worried that Keith might pick up some bad habits from there. *OK fine*
When I suggested lining him up for SLT he said no at first and then later relented when I stressed that we are just lining up first.
I am annoyed because he is set in not senting Keith to therapies (very expensive, he says). I know the costs are high but there could be so much we can do for him. What if he could have improved more if we sent him eariler? He simply cannot see the logic I'm driving at.
Sis asked me if sending him for all the therapy is to make myself feel better? I think partially. But more for his improvement. Already we are getting minimum with KKH (OT and PECS). And given that Keith is not doing much in CC also (except play) I don't see what's the problem of sending him off at least for SLT. Ultimately, the 1 hour or 2 hours might not do him any good but at least that's more intensive than what we can give him!
It's not helping that at home, we haven't got much time for him and most times we are already busily getting him ready for this and that and winding them down for bedtime.
Perhaps it's time for me to sit down and plan a time- table of what I want to do with him every night. *Thinking*
moving house