(no subject)

Apr 06, 2006 16:26

Thanks all for your support.. also thanks Hez for taking time outta your day yesterday to send me some links...

I went to work and i managed to not have too too bad of a day.

I got some nice text mssges and phone messages from some people.

Today i started to work on teh business end of it all. I am seeing my PCP, and my endocrinologist as well as a neurologist, deitician, more eye ppl, and the vampires taht do all the blood tests( i wonder if they can multitask and do what i need to get done for the marriage license?)...oh.. and we mustent forget the MRI for next week.

Isnt this the point in wedding plannign i am to be going to fittings and last minute errands??

Anyways, i am still realyl scared and worried... i am struggling to not stay in bed and ignore the world.

Even though i posted this here.. i am trying to keep all of this drama on the downlow...
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