
May 25, 2009 23:09

I never like..... got INTO Lj the way you're actually supposed to I don't think. I RPed on it, and fic'd on it, but that was about it. Now suddenly I have this urge to use it how you're really meant to xD I think one of the reasons I never got hugely into it is the html is a bit over my head. I can do invisionfree html and that's it. And for some reason if I can't prettify a site that does actually have that possibility, it bugs me.

I WAS making a point here. Oh yeah! Someone said they looked for me on Lj but didn't say anything because I looked so inactive. And I realised, I AM active I just don't look it because I post direct to various comms. And I think I'm missing out on friends or just fun times this way. So I think I'm gonna put more time and effort into LJ from now on so as to reap the spoils ^^

That wasn't a great point. WHATEVER I'M HERE, LIKE ME. *ahem* Ummm should I friend's lock? A lot of people seem to, is it advisable or just a popular opinion. Yeah you woulnd't know I've had this LJ for nigh on three years ^^; I only just gave it a new theme.

Ummm if you think you like the look of me friend me ^^ I'm compatible with a lot of types of people really.

Also all the other entries are VERY old and I'm not really hugely into LotR RPS anymore. I still like it but I've stopped writing it. I don;t write a huge amount of fanfic anymore in general actually. Basically we'll get on as long as you're not the type that thinks every thought they have is funny or interesting and EVERYONE needs to know, or the type to call someone out when they say something weird or hyper and make them feel stupid, I hate that.

my new hello

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