(no subject)

May 25, 2009 19:33

Some pictures of the boys, some video links (to be added. If I have to try and upload the same video to youtube one more time I'm going to scream.) and probably a long rambly description of the whole big fangirly nosebleeding circus. Under the cut =D Oh and there are some tidbits, one great one and one really bad one, about season two along the way.

So I found some lovely ladies, only a few actually, because I'm a mook and forgot a sign, but the ones I ddi see were great girls =D ElephantQueen, Marn_Barn (I think that was it) and another girl who's LJ name escpaes me completely I'm afraid. I'll wait for their permission before putting pictures of them up. Oh and.... I can't bloody spell it but it ends in fish. The human TARDIS xD aw her brielfy. Anyway at frist we were all a bit annoyed because the Merlin autograph stubs sold out in like 10 minutes and none of us got one. I might have had I not been sent in the wrong direction for the info table by three different people who worked for Expo. *sigh* So anyway we went to the panel with Queen's sign that said 'will pay for a Merlin stub' and by some madness we ALL managed to get one, either for free or not. Some pikey demanded £20 which I thought was really mean seeing as he blatently didn't care. Anyhoo! So then we were all being mad hats for a while and found some great girls cosplaying Merlin and Arthur and I asked them to pose.

So they did. =3 And if that's not awesome sauce on a stick then I just don't know what is. xD They might turn up on the season two extras actually - Bradley filmed most of the panel and was very interested in them when they stood up in their gear.

Teh panel =D Oh and those tidbits, Lancelot will be back season two I dunno how many people know that already. And Arthur and Gwen will become a couple. DO NOT WANT. >____>

D'awww x3

The Bradders sulking because a girl asked 'will Arthur get less dense in season two?' XDD she was 'made' to go onstage and give him a hug to apologise. I wonder what that much simultaneous hate felt like ;D

An actual picture of his face xD

Seems as good a time as any to pick up rambling again. My question was 'now that Merlin's made you more famous, what would you like to do once it's done that you didn't have the profile to do before?' But I will say I have NO idea what they said. Because they all looked right at me to answer. Thus I was busy flapping like a bat on acid internally. *beam*

"If you want profound switch off when I talk." Bradley got easily the most giggles x3

SmileyBradders <33

RIGHT, TO THE SIGNING =D *Superman pose*

*SQUEE* Bradley said my costume was cool =D (this was on the Draco Malfoy day) and I tried to say 'I really liked Dis/connected' but what I actually said was..... I really like that thing the name of which escpaes me but a girl commited suicide and you wound up with a girl's underpants in your pocket.' He stared at me blankly for a second before he got me. That makes a nice impression doesn't it!? 'yeah I've forgotten everything except you had women's underwear'. But yeah, he said it was good fun to make and I came so close to saying 'I bet, you spent most of it under a girl' but decided maybe not to. Oh and he couldn't spell my name by himself. My name is Jessie. *giggle*

*SQUEE AGAIN* Isn't he cute =D Yeah I forgot to tell Colin that he was good in Dr Who, didn't really have a conversation with him.

Ummm that's about it I wanted to keep it as M+A centric as possible for this comm. OH NO I FORGOT. I tried to ask Johhny Capps, all coy and subtle like, if slash was ok. I said smmk like 'y'know how fans have taken their own perspective of the characters and.... situations that weren't your intentions and stuff, well if is that, like, alright with you?' But see I needn't have bothered XD he said more or less; 'well if people wanna write slash fiction it's fine, if they care enough to do it it means something' D'awwww he was really nice actually ^^


Okidokie finally!

Panel video part one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EskrbOtthaQ&feature=channel_page

Part two: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dMJe5rke-vo&feature=channel_page

Sorry sounds a bit bad ^^

Marn_Barn and Kathkin ^__^ I dunno how to make it clicky ^^; but they were good fun and made my Merlining/paneling SO much more fun cause none of my friends wanted to go. So thank you all!

merlin, coling morgan, bradley james, london expo

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