Hard Candy Had the chance to view Hard Candy with my film maker friend last night.
Sick!!!!! (in a good way) I love how this film wavers on the line.....is it asking you to look at it this way.....or this way.....Does it it Matter!?
Has it gone too far?
What has society made of us, to think that these acts are ok?
Why isn't it ok?
What's the justification?
Pedophilia: 1905, from Gk. pais (gen. paidos) "child" (see
pedo-) + philos "loving." First attested in Havelock Ellis. Derivative noun pedophile is first recorded 1951... n. The act or fantasy on the part of an adult of engaging in sexual activity with a child or children.
Meeting Halie
The view feels as though Jeff is the predator and sides with Halie. Makes sick to stomach. Feeling of innocence.
Tables turn and angst int eh viewer sets in. A feeling of revenge. Feminist side kicked in. But I had to ask myself do men deserve a punishment for what they have done. Is a reaction the correct action. We talk as feminists about the theories that have been written and we can sit all day in a classroom or group and talk till our tongues are dry about what was. We need to revamp the theories so that they apply to now. Has society made it ok for Feminists to feel it is okay to attack those in the wrong? Ask yourself is there a resolution in that?
Pointings fingers....remember what they say. Is feminism giving into societal norms by pointing a finger?
Double take what you think.......The mental manipulation is interesting in that is simulates what society does to the people. Yet at this point I would like to point out that this movie UNLIKE others is not presented the way movies present. WHen we watch movies we remove ourselves because everythign we need to know and feel is right there on the screen. Direct answers to direct questions. This film is not a movie. Very artistically we don't see much of the children Jeff photographs...and ask yourself what does that mean if we did? It would change the film. Change it into being a tool that society uses to make all the acts in the film ok in a movie because the public can unplug.
Mind Fuckery with in Mind Fuckery within Mind Fuckery of the systems that we allow ourselves to be part of.....Just think about this.
This film has no villians....
We make the most important decisions at the brink of chaos.....
Remeber the questiosn that one asks is more important than the answer.....
.....there is no 'the' answer.....
.....There is no the ending, the end of a story is just the middle where one happens to have paused.
Love, Jess