Jun 14, 2007 13:29
Today i am very warm.
Its a horrible sticky sweet. And i really hate it when its like this. I've been roped into cooking tea tonight. But at least its something to do...
I'm not really doing much today... as you've probably guessed...
I met JJ last night... which was really nice. Shes someone i could get on with really really well :).
Emma's decided i'm much stronger and braver than her. Because of the decisions i've made and the attitude i'm taking now. Maybe i'm in a little over my head... or i've bitten off more than i can chew... i think not really... I'd recomend to anyone biting off more than they could chew...
I've posted a lot this week ... but i think... if i write it down... i wont feel like that anymore so as soon as its written its out of my system... and then yeah... i feel a lot better.
I didn't sleep very well last night... not by far. I was sooo damn hot and tossing all night. Had to strip off half way through the night cos i was just sooo warm. Pssh. damn weather.
Mother isn't very happy with me right now... so i'll cook tea... do the washing up maybe clean the house up a bit and then... we'll see how we are.
I've been thinking about my fairytale again and have more pieces to add to it. Its like.... doing a jigsaw. I have a vague idea where its going now anyway. Whether or not I'll get there is another question.
I'm chasing dreams again with no string to hold me to anything really i'm just drifting around again. Which is a good thing... because i'm not isolated on an island but also not surrounded by crowds i cant get away from.
It'll be good to get back to college. I'll have something to do... regardless of how much i hate it at least i'll have a routine again.
It'll be summer soon thank all the stars in heaven.
Hmmm... i think i've changed a bit since study leave started.... well... a little bit maybe.
Sparks x