Mar 02, 2011 06:42
I was looking up some questions on forums regarding marriage, hoping to find some hints on how to make time for conversation and such in the relationship. With everything that's been happening lately, James and I aren't having much alone time and I figure that it would be helpful to try and curb that before the next baby comes along. While I was on the boards I saw a lot of questions regarding marriage and clicked on them out of curiosity. The number of people who advised that divorce was the only option is really frightening! On questions such as "My husband and I had a fight and we're not really talking now. I tried to talk to him the other day but he said he needed to go out and would talk to me about it later", there were so many responses condemning the man and saying that she should find a new husband. How in the world is that helpful? I feel sorry for the bloke. Another thing that struck me is how little information the people on these boards need in order to declare that a marriage is not salvagable. A simple question such as "my wife talks about me to her friends, is this normal or a problem?" has so many people jumping up and down and telling the guy to leave because the woman isn't worth his time! I'm focussing purely on the negative responses so far. There were a few comments that were actually helpful in amongst all the trash, but I really wonder where this mentality comes from because it was by far the most common amongst the responses. Maybe most intelligent people in good marriages stay well away from these message boards leaving the responses to singles, divorcees or occasionally, the bored and mildly curious... lol!
In other news, Jessica started school!!! I have to admit I wasn't nearly as ready for it as she was... lol. But she nagged me stupid about it for over 6 months so I relented. She's loving it so far. She attends two days a week, on thursday and friday. It's actually nice to spend some one on one time with hannah for a change, as Jessica can be very demanding of my time and Hannah usually misses out.
Jessica's speech and hearing are starting to be a cause for concern though. She seems to only hear what you are saying to her if there is no background noise and she is looking directly at your face (which isn't often, as most people with 3 year olds can tell you. Who needs to pay attention to mum when I can be playing instead??? lol). She also has a lot of difficulty repeating things back if she isn't fully concentrating on listening to you, she mixes up instructions frequently and has been having difficulty with talking because her words seem to jumble together.
We had her hearing tested a few times. Twice the results were poor, but the last time had a perfect score. It makes no sense to me. The only thing that I can think of to explain the difference is that in the first two tests the examiner was behind her so she wasn't paying attention to the person causing the sounds, whereas the last test, the examiner was in front of her and she watched him as he played the sounds and seemed to respond more to him looking up at her than to the actual sounds he was playing. And that was supposed to be the more specialised testing... :S
Anyway, we're thinking of getting her tested by someone out of the area. It just doesn't seem to be doing anything to help around here and we are getting more questions than answers.
Hannah's eating habits are getting better. We have cut soy and dairy out of her diet now and she's no longer getting sick. YAY!!!! But she still has the rash that comes and goes from her face, and I'm not sure whether or not its food related but looks very similar to the rash that comes out when she has dairy. Doctors, nurses and dieticians that we've seen so far really haven't done much to help so we've been doing the whole trial and error process ourselves. Not fun, but at least she's improving now. I'm thinking of taking wheat out of her diet for a little while and reintroducing it to see if there's any change.