Sep 18, 2010 21:18
Trying to write an assignment for 3rd year psych. They've introduced a new way of doing things, right when most of the people in my class are at the end of their degrees! Been looking over some of the writings that I'm supposed to be analysing for the report, which is due on friday. The stuff seems to make sense to me for about the first 15 minutes, then everything melds together in my head and goes round and round in circles until I'm completely lost again. Not sure if its the hormones playing up, or the lack of sleep, or if I just plain don't get it. I really don't think it's the last one though because I do actually seem to understand it for a little while at least. Oh well. I guess it will all be over soon. I think after this semester I only have 2 psychology subjects to go. Can't wait!!!!
Hormones you ask? It wasn't a misprint. That's right, bring on number 3!!! Lol.
I found out a week ago. Not sure exactly how far along yet, but I'm thinking somewhere between 8 and 10 weeks. James and I were both thrilled by the news, but I will admit I've been a bit concerned during the week about how we are going to manage things. There are so many things that we will need for this one! When Hannah was born, Jessica had grown out of a lot of baby stuff and so Hannah was able to use most of that and didn't need much in the way of new things. But Hannah is still a baby, and will still be using most of the baby things when this one is born, which means we will have to buy a new cot, new pram (one that has 2 seats), a new capsule (Hannah destroyed the one she got from Jessica), a new change table (we got rid of the change table when we moved into the flat because Hannah really didn't need it anymore), speaking of flats - this flat isn't big enough for 3 children so we'll need to get a bigger flat or a house somewhere, not to mention that if the baby is a boy, I really don't have many clothes that can be handed down from the girls because they were both very much the "pretty in pink" type, and the list goes on!!!!
On the upside to moving, perhaps we can find a place that has an extra area for me to study, because it's very difficult doing my work on the couch when all i want to do is curl up on it and go to sleep! Hannah hasn't been sleeping well at night which means that I spend most of the night up with her. Adding to that is the fact that Jessica has stopped wanting to go down for day sleeps, and you have a good recipe for mummy tiredness. The plus side of this is that the not sleeping during the day for Jess is the result of her being "a big girl now", because she has learned to use the toilet by herself. At least I have less nappies to change now... for now... lol.