I wonder if he thinks about me as much as I do of him?

Jun 25, 2006 23:06

So the plans I normally had for tonight got screwed over.
And thats alright...
I'm kinda sad about it though.
Only because I'm pretty lonely, as of right now.
And I really didnt want to sleep here alone tonight.

Only 13 more days until I see him again.
I wonder what he's doing right now...
What time it is there...
Is he sleeping?
has he thought about me yet?
Because I think about him alot.
And I have NOTHING to take my mind off it.
And I've seriously been trying.

Tomorrow I'm meeting Robyn at 12 30 pm to go out for cake and tea.
And then she has to go to an interveiw.
And I have to go to work.
it's my last day, we're just cleaning up the room.
Then we're grabbing some pad thai to celebrate summer.
And then I am going home to meet up with my Mom.
And we're going to start moving my crap into the new place.

Man, I feel bad that my Dad doesnt know yet.
But I shouldnt, it's for the best and...he can be a jerk.

I know, I know...
It's not that easy...

So monday I'm bus ALL day.
And then I'm spending the whole day with Alicia on tuesday.
Because well, she's my best friend, and we NEED a whole day.

Then wensday morning I leave for camp.
With Amanda and Jenn.
And I'm pretty excited, and nervous.
I just dont want to screw up the first week.
But they'll be nice about it I'm sure.

I'm going to read the bible.
And then go to sleep.

But if you want to snail mail this summer.
Let me know.
And I can hook that up.

Yeah, basically I'm going to be spending over 150 bucks a month on the greyhound when school starts.
I'll be in Toronto ALOT.
Well, Toronto/Mississagga.
But only until I move to Oakville.
So only for a year, thank GOD!

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