Brad, we're all thinking about you.

Jun 22, 2006 20:23

For the summer, at least.
At Beal, to do film and textiles.
I'm going to miss school this summer.
Oh well, I'll be back.
And I'll even have the same job.
Working the after school program.
OH, and I will have started Drivers Education.
THAT should be interesting.
And if all goes according to plan I'll be driving by next year haha.
HEY, at least I'm finally making an effort!

So camp is soon.
Like, REALLY soon.
As in 5 days.
Wednsday morning by about noon I will be at FCC.
I'm nervous, scared, excited...pretty much a little of everything.
As I've said before, my rents leave saturday early in the morning to go to Ottawa for a week.
So I'll have the house to myself the days leading up to camp.
I'm thinking maybe monday night I am going to have a crap load of people over.
We'll see how it goes.
But I must reserve one night for Christi and Carson.
They're going to come sleep over.
And I'm planning a little birthday party for us.
A SLUMBER party, if you will.
They're birthdays just passed, they're on the same day.
Anyways, yeah, so thats exciting.

Today was the last day of work.
It felt pretty good to be honest.
I dont think I'll miss it all too much.
All I really have left to do is clean up the cupboards in our room.
I'm meeting Kate to do that on monday, for about an hour.
Then we're going for pad thai for a celebration, and goodbye for the summer.
Oh, and Shelly, one of our boss' came in today.
She bought us bamboo!
I was pretty excited about that.
I love bamboo.
I'd take bamboo over flowers ANY day of the week.

So I've been working pretty hard on Spencer's activity book.
I need to completely finish it and add the finishing touches tonight.
It's pretty awesome though.
And I thought about it and decided I would tell him to wait and open it on the plane.
As much as I would love to see his reaction to every page.
I'm hanging out with him tomorrow, and then we wont see eachother for two weeks.
We're going to see Nacho Libre with his two friends and possibly Alicia.
And then after we might go to his friends house to watch Free Willy or something.
Possibly go get some food.
I dont know, just have fun, stay out late, all that stuff.
FRIG, I'm going to miss him rediculously.

OH, here's an exciting story.
So today this kid Sean in my art history class found 80 dollars in a art textbook.
So me, Mrs. Blackie and 6 others went out for lunch at the market.
It was so awesome.
After the exam we piled into her van and drove over and got basically whatever we wanted.
And then before we all left Mrs. Blackie told us it was actually HER who left it there.
And NOBODY has taken it for the past 5 years.
Isnt that crazy?
And Mrs. Blackie is retiring this year, which is really sad.
Because I dont know how they could ever replace her as the art history teacher.
Anyways, so it was a cute way to end off the year, and her retirement.

I'm feeling better about the whole moving thing.
I kinda HAVE to troop it out.
I cant just sit here and complain and mope about it forever.
I prayed alot last night about it so, I feel better now.
I'm okay, and I'm going to continue being okay.

Tomorrow I am going to sleep in.
Then wake up, get the offical "lecture" I always get before he leaves for his yearly trip to Ottawa.
Then go to Masonville (ANYONE WANT TO COME?)
Reason: I need a new belt, and shoes, and I need to look into getting my watch and sunglasses fixed.
Frig, and I need to bring those capri jeans back, they're too dang big.
Then I'll go back home.
Only to return BACK to Masonville in a few hours.
I just dont want to carry my crap around for the rest of the night.
I'd rather just go home and drop it off.

I need to go back to the activity book.

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