Mar 23, 2009 22:36

SPN ON THE HEAD OF A PIN: POLL. Spoilers for ep.


I found myself not having too many hot bits or lines for this ep but I think that's a reflection of the no of scenes Dean and Sam were in - I could have done a Cas hot bits question, hee! Maybe I should've!

Did I miss out any lines / moments you liked? What do we need to discuss?

There were things I didn't love about this ep (and so left off poll) as I don't want to rain on anyone's parade but I wanna say...

I like the angels. I LOVE Cas. I thought Jared and Jensen both rocked it in this episode. Misha is ace. Uriel was ace (sorry to see him go). Nice to see Anna back even though 'calling in favors' felt a lame reason for having actress look the same, LOL.

I do feel plot wise, not entirely happy I guess? I want a case and the boys together and Sam and Dean back and at the moment I don't feel that. It feels too bogged down in mytharc for me - at least this week was - and I like it, but a soupcon less...

I also don't like Dean breaking being the first seal. DEAN.

Quick Qs:

Alistair says if Lilith were killing the angels there'd be a 1000 dead not 7. Fair enough. WHY ISNT SHE THEN!? LOL!

How many righteous men do you suppose there have been in hell? Surely not many as surely unrighteous peeps end up there, aside from those who unfairly get put there like Dean?

I look forward to seeing what next week brings! Thanks anyone who ticked boxes.

sn episode glee

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