Hey guys! Buses and Trains have let me down today so haven't seen last night's ep yet - and won't til monday when I'll post a poll. However...
I HAVE SEEN LAST WEEK'S! No time to poll but some thoughts on SPN 4.15 Death Takes a Holiday...
Where do I start?
*Fun with being ghostly. Hee. Oh Dean! And then enjoying the kid being good at ghost stuff, LOL! A lot of fun cultural refs this week too.
*Pamela I love, happy to see you again. But why oh why do we have to lose her? I didn't like that Sam and Dean didn't call a doc - I felt she maybe could have been saved? And Pam warning Sam...ooooh
*Sam vs. Alistair - WOO HOT SAM! I find his demon FaceOff times HOT!
*Sam telling Cole he's DEAD. LOL. Thanks Haley Joel. Hee! And oh Sam then lying to the kid. I guess in the short term it's true that Tessa leaves Cole alone but in the long term he is lying and he knows it.Poor kid. End justifies the means I guess Sam is thinking...
*Tessa the Reaper! How nice to see HER again. And hee, kiss reminds Dean.
* Poor Dean, wishing he was dead for all that time. Felt forced Dean talking to Tessa, confiding in her, to me, but I liked that we got to hear it. And do we believe Tessa's warning to Dean? That good things aren't necessarily coming - felt that she was warning him that the angels were using him to me...?
*and parallels - Tessa warning Dean bad things are coming (that people dont necessarily have good intentions for him) and Pam warning Sam that he may think his intentions are good but... I enjoyed those parallels.
*What the hell/Guess again - oh Cas you card. Nice point about WHY the angels need the boys re the angel proofing (cos really, all magnificent as we know the boys to be, they aren't all powerful like the angels... but they can do things they can't, like go into angel proofed places, so that was good to hear). And I like Cas
*Can't wait to see 16! Roll on Monday ;)
Okay - offline til Monday but will catch up then! Hugs!