It's a Steal, J2, Hard R, Part 3

Dec 16, 2008 00:08

Last part.

Title: It’s A Steal
Pairing: Jared/Jensen (implied Jensen/Jeff)
Rating: Hard R
Total Word Count: 20,250
Summary: J2 AU. Jared gets pulled into Jensen’s catburgling ring.

Disclaimer: This fic is all in fun, and bears no resemblance to the activities of any real life Jared or Jensen, or any of the names within.

Inspiration is also owed to the movies “Entrapment”, “Ocean’s 11”, and “Sneakers”.

Thanks to deirdre_c for the encouragement and support, and the fine beta.

Part 1
Part 2

Jared stirred, took a moment to wonder why his muscles ached and throbbed. Then he remembered, let the memory of it flow pleasurably through him, and opened his eyes with a grin, tossing out his arm to touch Jensen, to check he was still there.

It met empty sheets. Jared glanced up; Jensen sat, naked on the foot of the bed, head in his hands.


Jensen started, a guilty movement, hands slapping into his knees and head snapping around. “Jared. You're awake.”

“Yeah. Mornin'” Jared grinned but Jensen's face was serious, his eyes searching, moving over Jared's face as if looking for an answer. “Everything okay?” The bottom fell out of Jared's stomach, and he felt as if he were careening into the resulting hole.

“No. Jared. This shouldn't have happened. I'm sorry, but-”

“Sorry?” Jared sat up, pulled the sheets around him this time. “You're sorry about the mind-blowing sex?” He stabbed the air with his hand. “The noises you were making, it sounded like you thought it was mind-blowing at the time.” Jared congratulated himself on finding a coherent argument.

Jensen shook his head, gave a laugh that came from nowhere near amused. “The sex isn't the problem. The sex was-Jesus.” Jensen rubbed the back of his head, taking his eyes off Jared.

“Look at me.” Jensen refused to obey, staring instead at some point beyond Jared's head. “Look at me.” Jared wasn't sure where the thundering noise came from, but it drew Jensen's eyes to him. “Then what is the problem?” Jared struggled to keep his voice even, not to lose it.

“I shouldn't have come. I knew what would happen if I did, and I came anyway.” Jensen spat the words out, and Jared recoiled from bullets that obviously weren't aimed at him. Jared was caught up in some war Jensen was having against himself.

“But you wanted to come.” Jared moved his hand, let the sheet fall away. It felt like crude ammo, but Jared was going to take it. “You wanted this.”

Jensen stood, started to scramble into his clothes. Jared leapt up, grabbed the t-shirt before Jensen could put it on.

“Give it back.” Jensen held his hand out.

“You wanted this,” Jared repeated.

“You don't get it.” Jensen's eyes darkened; he looked several inches taller in a split second. He gestured at the space between them. “This shouldn't happen. This is crossing the line.”

“What line?” Jared hugged the t-shirt close to him. Jensen stretched out his hand again but Jared ignored it.

“The work, Jay. I can't get close like this, it's not… it's not safe.”

“Screw the work. I won't do the work then.”

Jensen shook his head. “That's not the point. I broke the rule.”

“Maybe it was there to be broken.” Jared threw the t-shirt to the floor, closed the gap between them, caught Jensen's wrist with his hand before Jensen could move away. He rubbed Jensen's wrist with his thumb. “You wanted this, so you came. It can work. We can make it work.”

Jensen's head shook violently. “I have to go before-”

“Before what?” Jared leaned down, met Jensen's lips in a gentle kiss, not opening his mouth to Jensen even when Jensen's tongue pressed earnestly against his lips. He finally let him in for a long deep kiss that left them both trembling against each other.

“Before that,” Jensen said, as they pulled apart. “I can't promise anything, I can't-”

“Quit worrying and planning,” Jared said. “Just for a while? Over breakfast?”

Jensen gave a small, unconvinced nod. “Just over breakfast.”

Breakfast was interrupted by the two of them continually stopping to kiss, like horny teenagers who'd just discovered making out. Jensen seemed to be holding Jared at arm's length the entire time, even as they kissed heatedly in the kitchen, pressing into each other.

They ended up drinking cold coffee and eating cardboard toast.

“I blame you for being so hot and making me forget how to cook for a guest,” Jared said.

Jensen gave a smile, let out an unsteady breath. “I blame the plan for having us end up stuck in a closet.”

“You think it was the plan's fault?” Jared lay down his coffee. “The excitement of the job?”

Jensen drained his cup. “Maybe.”

“I'd take fooling around with you over the excitement of the job any day.”

Jensen fell quiet. Jared leaned over, planted a sloppy kiss on his cheek that made Jensen laugh and push him away. That only made Jared more determined, and they ended up tumbling to the floor, meeting in a wet, open-mouthed kiss.

The ringing of Jensen's cell sounded in the distance. Jared hadn't heard the tone before; it was a tune that he felt like he knew from somewhere. Jensen pulled away from the kiss.



“It's a job.” Jensen scrambled away from Jared to take the call.

Jared tried not to listen as Jensen talked in low tones in the hallway, tried not to feel abandoned.

Jensen came back in. “That was Jeff. It's a big deal.” Jensen tossed the cell from one hand to another. He finally met Jared's eyes with his own. “You want in?”

It felt like victory.


They set out for yet another impossible-to-find house. At least Jared had Chad for company while searching for it this time. That would be good news, only Chad seemed determined to get out of Jared, as he put it, “Exactly who you are fucking, and don't give me ‘no one,’ I know a shit-eating, just-got-fucked look when I see one.” Chad smirked, “Or I-just-fucked-someone. Whatever.”

Then he slammed his hand against the wheel. “Where is this place?”

It was scary how well Chad knew him. “Don't know. Let me check again.” Jared buried his face in the map. It wasn't that Jensen had told him not to tell anyone, and Chad didn't count as anyone anyway; he just didn't feel like hearing Chad's opinion on the subject.

“Is it Jensen? You two looked like you'd been at it in the closet the other day.”

Jared gestured vaguely. “I think it's the next left up ahead.”

Two days since that night with Jensen; two days where Jensen insisted he needed time to plan the job, but Jared suspected he was really running scared. Jared's balls ached with the thought of getting to see Jensen again.

“That's what everyone thinks, anyhow.”

“What do you mean? Pull over here.”

“I think I know a safe distance to park, Jay. I'm the fucking getaway expert.” Chad pulled over. “And I mean Chris said that he thought something was going on between you, and when you came running out looking like you'd been groping in the closet like a sixth grader-”


“So you had been groping in the closet?”

Jared slammed the car door on Chad's question.

“Jay! Since when so shy?”

“Just drop it while we're in there, okay?” Jared paced quickly along the street, this one littered with broken glass and pieces of newspaper. There was a group of guys standing around on the street corner, but it wasn't the area that made Jared in a hurry.

“Drop it? Drop what, Jay? News of your crush? Of your new boyfriend?” Chad scurried to keep up with him.

Jared found the house, this one in slightly better condition than some of the occupied houses on the street, which meant that only one of its windows looked recently broken into, and that was probably Jensen's handiwork.

“Please? Just shut up? For me? I'll fill you in later.”

Chad gave a small sigh. “Later.”

They rang the doorbell but heard no answering sound inside. Jared rapped loudly on the door, three impatient knocks. A guy he didn't recognize opened it.

“Oh, er-” Jared could have sworn it said number fifteen.

“Steve! You in for this one then?” Chad pushed past Jared into the house.

Steve, Jared presumed, gave Chad a quick clap on the back. “Sure. This the new guy?”

“Yeah. He's cool.” Chad thumped Jared on the chest.

“Good to meet you.” Jared held out his hand, Steve shook it quickly and dropped it almost immediately.

“Right. We're in the back.”

Jared threaded along behind Chad and Steve, past a broken table and a heap of empty aluminum cans, until they reached what appeared to be a dining room. The chairs were arranged in a circle, as if around some imaginary table that had disappeared.

Mike and Chris were already there, chatting away. Jensen half rose as they came in.

“Oh, good. You're here.” Jared's eyes met Jensen's and he couldn't help it; he grinned widely at him. Jensen smiled back, then the smile was tucked away with Jensen’s professional ease. “We can get started.”

Steve took the only remaining chair near Jensen; Jared ended up next to Chris, who kept giving him small sidelong glances. Steve spent the entirety of the meeting staring directly at Jared, assessing eyes boring into him.

Jared wasn't sure what he'd done, but he had the feeling he'd inadvertently pissed Steve off somehow.

Jensen laid out the job quickly, going over his usual thorough plan. “We’ll be extracting something from the vault of an electronics company, downloading plans direct from their mainframe. These are plans that an ex-employee drew up in his own time; they fired him and took his ideas as their own.” Jensen's jaw tightened. His eyes roved over the whole group as he spoke, never settling on anyone. “It involves a Jim Brown beforehand, lifting some access codes.”

“Ah, dude, that's why you're here? Cool.” Chris directed that at Steve, who grinned.

“Guilty as charged.”

“Er,” Jared coughed. He raised his hand then felt stupid. “What's a Jim Brown? Isn't he a football player?”

Steve gave a short laugh, still staring directly at Jared.

Jensen grinned. “Yeah it's named for him. It means we'll create a confrontation so we can lift the codes. Steve has a temporary job at the firm; one of us will go in as a cop to arrest him for a fake crime, get past security, and lift the access codes.” Jensen cleared his throat. “It doesn't matter who goes in, but Mike and Chris, you have to arrange us a power cut for the night, so you'll be busy. I have to, uh, get some voice ID recorded, so-”

“Get some voice ID? What does that mean?” Jared glanced around at everyone. Mike was impatiently tapping his foot on the ground, Chris was darting his eyes between Jared and Jensen. Jared was holding up the meeting, showing his ignorance. He didn’t care.

“It means Jensen will pretend to go on a date with some chick, or guy, and get them to say certain words, record them to use later.” Steve rolled his eyes and sat back in his chair. “It means this dude or Chad for the Jim Brown doesn't it?”

Jensen nodded. “Pretty much.”

Jared levelled his gaze at Steve. “I'll do it,” he said, cutting off Chad before he could speak.

“Good,” Jensen replied. “Wait around after and I'll bring you up to speed.”


It seemed to take forever for everyone to clear out. Steve in particular remained chatting to Jensen for a long time, and eventually left with a long look at Jared that wasn’t at all friendly.

“Did I step on his turf somehow?” Jared waved toward the closing door.

“He's protective, that's all.” Jensen took the chair next to Jared's, tugged it to sit closer to him.

“Protective? Meaning what?” Jared gazed around them, took in the empty chairs and the retreating sounds of the others. They were alone.

“Meaning, he guessed something's going on here and he's worried about me,” Jensen said.

Jared leaned forward. “What is there to worry about?”

Jensen smiled, and closed the gap between them. Their mouths met, opening already, tongues dragging over each other, lips growing slick.

Jensen broke away from the kiss, “Jared.” He ran a shaky hand through his hair. “We should finish the work first.”

“We should?” Jared kissed Jensen's neck. “I'm listening.”

“When you go in to interview Steve, you have to be specific, but not memorable.” Jensen tilted his head to give Jared better access. Jared took his time kissing the line of Jensen's neck, then placed small bites along his collarbone.

“Uh-huh.” Jared skated his head down, undoing the buttons of Jensen's shirt one by one and kissing the exposed skin beneath.

“If you look down they'll think you're lying, but if look up you look like you're searching for a lie to tell.”

“Right.” Jared reached the bottom button and pushed Jensen's shirt off his shoulders.

“Be funny, but don't make them laugh.”

“’Kay.” Jared undid the zipper on Jensen's jeans, palmed his hand onto Jensen's waiting cock, feeling the warm heft of it through his boxers, increasing the pressure.

“Don't shift your weight, uh, be confident, but not overly so.” Jensen swallowed hard. “They have to like you, then, uh, forget you.”

“Forget me?” Jared pressed hard against Jensen's cock, then reached in, freed it from Jensen's boxers, stroked as it hardened into his hand.

“Yeah. Be average. If you can manage that.”

“Right.” Jensen's cock was hard now. Jared pushed himself off his chair, kicked it so it fell away backwards, and kneeled at Jensen's feet.

“Uh. Lastly. Look at your mark, but don't, uh-”

“Don’t?” Jared leaned forward, licked Jensen's cock, up the underside, swirled his mouth around the tip, then took him in whole.

“Stare.” Jensen let out, with his breath, and Jared gazed up, caught Jensen's gaze and watched him the whole time he licked and sucked. He saw how Jensen's face contorted when Jared reached a hand to fondle Jensen's balls. He saw his eyes flicker shut, open as if with a huge effort, then close again as Jared sucked. He watched Jensen's mouth move into a silent cry as he emptied himself into Jared's mouth.

Jared pulled off Jensen, looked at his glistening cock going limp. He straightened up. “I think I can try and be average.”

Jensen gave a dazed nod.


Jared pulled on the bottom of his jacket, dug his fingers into the material. He tried to remember Jensen's instructions, but all he brought to mind was how Jensen's voice grew breathier, more cracked as Jared had trailed a path down his body.

Jared let go of the jacket and drove his nails firmly into his palms instead. Focus. This was an acting job; he had to be an average cop, going in to arrest some guy. He strode into the building, up to the security guards standing in front of the main doors. They registered his name and nodded him through. His feet sounded loud as he clipped through the empty reception area. There were only a couple of people waiting within, sitting on comfortable leather seats and giving him only a passing glance.

“Can I help you?” The woman at the front desk tossed her hair over her shoulder as he approached, gave him a dazzling smile that Jared ignored.

“Agent Sam Winchester, Homeland security. I need to see someone about a new employee of yours.” Jared reached into his pocket, flashed the fake badge at her at the speed Jensen had instructed - slow enough so not suspicious, fast enough so it wasn’t entirely registered. “I'll have to speak with the head of your security.”

She gave a quick nod. “Certainly.”

Within minutes Jared was being ushered past the wide front desk, past the elevator that led to the public areas upstairs, and to a door behind them. It was set into the back wall, unobtrusive, noticeable mainly for the gold handle that declared its presence. The blonde woman paused, entered numbers into a keypad and when the door swung open, held her arm out. “After you.”

Jared walked through. There was a long corridor stretching out in front of him, a long expanse of white interrupted with a few doors. The blonde woman walked past him, knocked on the door of the first office.

“Come in,” called a deep voice from inside. The blonde woman clacked away behind Jared, drawing the door shut.

Jared steadied his nerves, pushed the door open and walked into a small office, containing mainly only one desk, situated right in front of Jared. A man in a sharp black suit was standing behind it. The curves of the lapels of his white shirt stood in stark contrast to the dark suit and the ebony skin beneath. The planes of his face creased into a polite smile.

“I'm Mr. Whitfield. I understand you have information about an employee?”

Jared nodded. “A new temporary worker of yours.” He handed out the paperwork he'd been given on Steve - made up by some mystery contact of Jensen's - and waited while Mr. Whitfield glanced it over. “You'll see that he has an arrest for stealing information from a previous employer. This turned up in a secondary check by his agency and they contacted us and asked us to inform you. I will have to question him about lying on his application.”

Whitfield nodded. Jared went to smile, remembered Jensen's instructions, and kept the smile small. “I guess he figured he wouldn't get caught out,” Jared added.

Whitfield nodded. “Indeed. I'll call him in. You can question him here if you want - I'd like to hear it.”

Jared nodded. He'd been counting on it. He waited while Whitfield placed a call, trying not to fidget on the carpet, or stare too suspiciously around him. He glanced quickly at the neat filing cabinets that stood by the door, at the lone shelf that contained a row of neat red folders. Jared then paid attention to Whitfield, watched in what he hoped was interest while the call was placed, and took in everything on the desk.

There was a mug with several pens on it, a post-it reminding him to pick up his cleaning, and a neat black folder. The folder must be Jared’s target.

“Thank you for coming to handle this personally,” Whitfield said. “I take it you might take him into custody?”

“Falsifying applications to work in companies that require government security clearance like yours is taken seriously,” Jared said. “It could mean a fraud charge.”

Whitfield nodded. “We do have lots of secure data here. I've asked a check be run, to ensure no information is missing.”

Jared nodded. The door swung open, and Jared made an effort to keep his face still as Steve was pushed through by a burly security guard who, to Jared’s relief, left as soon as Steve was through the door.

“Is there something wrong?” Steve said, an edge in his tone already.

“I’m an agent from the Department of Homeland Security. We know you lied on your application to this firm,” Jared said. He moved toward Steve in what he hoped seemed an intimidating manner. Jared held his hand out, took the sheet from Whitfield when he presented it. “I have proof.”

“You don't know anything-” Steve whirled around, noticed the door was shut behind him, and darted toward the desk. Jared strode toward him, hoping Steve had noticed the folder. Steve positioned himself next to the desk.

“I know that you stole company secrets from Data Management Inc, and sold them for several thousand dollars. That kind of arrest-”

“I did my time!” Steve gave an impressive wave of his hand, which caught the mug with the pens in it and sent them careering over the desk.

Whitfield took a step forward; Jared felt Whitfield's eyes burning into his side suspiciously.

“Yes, but you should have declared it on your application.”

“What's a guy gotta do to be trusted?” Steve whirled his arm. “You don't know me-”

“No.” Jared moved right up next to Steve. The folder was a little too far away for it to be grabbed without raising suspicion. Steve backed off, a little toward it. His moves were smooth, innocent.

“I see right through you. Coming in here, throwing your weight around. You're the one who shouldn’t be trusted.”

“I'm a representative of the United States government.”

“You're a fascist pig!” Steve's breath was heavy; Jared stood next to him. The folder was right by his hands. Jared needed one last distraction before he could remove the contents of it. Steve saved him working out a plan, he pushed Jared violently against the desk, nails digging sharply into his shoulders, the shove too vicious to be faked.

Jared pushed back, and as he did he realized Steve was sweeping the desk with his hand.

“Watch it!” Jared shouted. The file had fallen open on the floor; there was a small card within with codes written on it. Jared held it up, clearly showed Whitfield the card remained within and placed it on the desk.

Steve swore violently, and Whitfield stepped back, raising his eyes to take Steve in for long enough that Jared was able to reach in and swipe the card. He pushed it up his sleeve.

“I’m going to ask you to come with me to the nearest police station, if Mr Whitfield has no objections,” Jared said.

Whitfield nodded. “Go right ahead.”

Steve kept up the act, struggling under Jared's grasp until they were out of the building and around the corner. Jared let go once they were out of sight. “Man, you were so good in there-” Jared begun.

Steve whirled around. His eyes were still wide. “I know you're fucking Jensen.” Steve's words were low and angry. “If you think you can just waltz in and hurt him, I-”

“Woah-” Jared held his hands up, stepped away. “What?”

“He hurts easy, despite what he'll tell you. If you hurt him, I'll rip you apart, I-” Steve clenched his fists.

“Hold on, hold on.” Jared glanced around them. They were supposed to disperse immediately so as not to cause attention. “I'm not the one-” He shook his head. This wasn't any of Steve's business, but he seemed to be making it his business. “I like Jensen,” Jared said in the end. “He's the one who's afraid to get close, or commit, or whatever-”

“It's ‘cause he-”

Jared stepped away from Steve, toward the crowd. “I'm not the one who'll be hurting him. He seems to do that all by himself.”

Steve nodded. “He doesn't trust easy.” His eyes turned into narrow slits, as if he was looking at Jared for the first time. “Seems to trust you though, from the way he talks about you.”

“He talks about me?” Jared couldn't help it, he forgot about dispersal and the instructions. He grinned widely. “What does he say?”

“Enough to make me worry.” Steve sighed, shrugged his shoulders and a over the lines on his face smoothed out; it was like looking at a different person. Steve clapped Jared on the shoulder. “Sorry I came over so strong, man.”

“Um. No problem. Good to know he has friends who'll look out for him.”

Steve nodded. “I will rip you apart if you hurt him.” Then he turned, and slipped quickly into the crowd, leaving Jared with the threat hanging over him.


Jared quickly learned that a job consumed Jensen's attention. He was out that same day, on his pretend date, gathering vocal identification and Jared tried his best not to quiz about that and come over like a jealous boyfriend. The next few days were taken up with surveillance, planning. They met only late, for hurried sex that left Jared only wanting more each time.

He would be relieved when this job was over, especially when Jensen told him the haul was two hundred thousand dollars each.

“It's how much?”

“Two hundred thousand each.” Jensen tried to get Jared's mouth again for a kiss, but Jared was for once, too distracted.



“That's gone up since the first job I did for you.”

Jensen licked his tongue up Jared's neck, and tugged at his pants, and Jared forgot about the money, for the moment.


Jared didn't think about the money at all the day of the break-in. The evening crept up slowly, night not falling until later than expected, and then everything felt too lit up by street lights, the darkness not reaching as far as they wanted. Jared's chest felt tight, his breath finding difficulty in escaping. He just wanted to get through it without arrest; memories of the paralyzing moment in the bank kept popping into his brain. If it wasn't for Jensen... but today would be fine.

“Everyone ready?” Jensen said, once they were all gathered at the car. He gazed around the group, waited for them all to nod their agreement. Jared was last. He held his breath, met Jensen's eyes, and gave his nod. “Remember, anything goes wrong, scatter, okay?”

“We know the drill, dude,” Mike said. “Let's get this show on the road.”

They wheeled toward the car, this time there was no nervous silence on the way, Jensen interrupting every minute with different instructions for someone. “Mike, remember to keep the guard's attention for five whole minutes.” “Jared, remember to stay right behind me.” “Chris, you're happy with the camera?” “Chad, foot on the gas already.”

The constant instructions were more unnerving than the silence. They pulled up a block away from the company. Jensen tossed Jared the hat to pull low over his head. He jumped out of the car after Jensen on shaky legs, sticking like glue behind him. From here on out, he didn't let Jensen out of his sight.

Jensen tossed final instructions out and finally took a breath, gave a nod, and darted toward the side of the street, keeping to what few shadows he could find, shouldering with ease the small bag of tools they needed. Jared trailed him, leaving no more than a few feet between them at all times, occasionally reaching a hand up and almost touching Jensen's back, brushing his fingers on the fabric for reassurance.

They crouched at the side of the building, watching the two guards on door duty. Mike approached them.

“Will he be okay?” Jared's palms were sweaty just watching.

“Mike's speciality is taking guards out. They’ll be down before they know what's happening. Keep your eye on the door.” Jensen's whisper was quiet, Jared barely heard it above the fast drumming of his heart. A go command from Chris made Jared start; in reaction, Mike made both guards look behind them, then gave each a quick blow to the head.

Jared glanced up at the cameras facing the entrance, fed with new imagery for the moment. Mike started to drag both guards out of the way and Jared followed Jensen fast through the nearest door. They headed straight to the gold handle at the back, Jared fumbling in his pocket for the list of codes. Jensen glanced at it, then at the keypad.

“Top one,” Jensen said, and there was a tremble in his voice Jared only just caught. The door slid open in front of them.

“You were sure about that?”

“Educated guess,” Jensen breathed. They slid through the door and padded along the corridor, pressed tight against the wall, moving past Whitfield’s office, along the long line that was now making Jared think of a prison.

“I'm going offline guys. Footage is fed in for ten minutes, I repeat ten minutes. I'll keep an eye on the watch.” Chris's voice turned into a laugh. “Though I suggest you do, too. I'm meeting Mike to control the power. Phase two is go. I repeat, Phase two is go.”

Jensen paused outside a wooden door. “This is it.” There was a panel on the outside that looked like the keypad at an ATM. “Codes.”

Jared pulled the paper out of his pocket, smoothed it out with fumbling hands.

“Okay. Read me the second set numbers,” Jensen said, pulling a voice recorder out of his pocket with one hand and steadying his other above the keypad.

“6-3-5-2-7-6,” Jared read out. Jensen tapped them quickly in, hesitated, then pressed a larger button. The computer blinked twice and Jensen pressed play on his recorder.

“My name is Katie Cassidy. My voice is my passport. Verify me.”

A small red light blinked twice more, then the door slid open.

Jared held his breath and peered inside. There was a computer terminal at the far end of the room. Otherwise it appeared that there was nothing guarding the computer. Jared knew this wasn't the case. Jensen pulled two small metal objects from the bag, and clipped one into the other. He then pulled out a rope and attached it through the metal, pulling it through. He then stood at the door, bouncing the rope lightly in his hand.

“You any good at the fair?” Jensen grinned.

Jared shook his head. “You go ahead.” Jared could barely watch as Jensen flicked his wrist a few times, started the rope whirring in front of him, and then threw it, cleanly like a lasso above their heads and onto a bar that held a row of lights on the ceiling. The end of the rope went straight over the edge, and Jensen caught the small piece of metal in his hand as it flew towards them, attaching it to his waist.

“You sure this'll hold you?” Jared whispered.

“Let's hope so. Hand me the hood.” Jared reached into the bag and handed Jensen the black balaclava within. Jensen pulled it over his head. The rest of his black outfit was made from the same material, so smooth Jared couldn't see the joins of the pieces that must make it up. It was a second skin, smoothed over Jensen’s.

“I can't speak once I'm inside,” Jensen said.

Jared nodded. The system was sensitive to body temperature, floor pressure, and above all, sound. He stepped back, worried he would inadvertently speak loud enough for the sound to carry into the room.

Jensen lifted his feet off the ground, reached for the wall, and gave himself a strong push. He rappelled quickly along, enough forward motion to take himself halfway into the room, then he worked his legs and arms, shifting them to create enough air pressure to move forward, slowly until he reached the computer. He reached down, pulled a USB port from his belt, and plugged it into the computer.

Jared paced outside nervously, waiting for a loud alarm to go off or security men to rush in and arrest them. It seemed to take forever for Jensen to plug into the computer, type into it, and download the necessary information. As Jensen finished, he tucked the USB away, and was just turning, when -

Loud sirens went off, deafening Jared, forcing him to clap his hands over his ears, so loud they physically made him stumble backwards. The door to the vault started to slide closed and Jared ran toward it, held the door with his hands as best he could but it still inched shut. Jensen unclipped his belt, landed on the floor and got out the door before it slammed behind them. He picked up his bag and when Jared finally caught Jensen’s eye he saw the fear within. They ran along the corridor, Jared willing his feet to obey him.

Chris's voice came urgently in their ear. “Power cut happening now. I’ll set it off early.” All the lights in the corridor went off. Jared only knew Jensen was in front of him from memory. He reached out, held tightly onto Jensen's shirt, balling it up between his fingers. After what felt like an eternity, they stumbled out of a side door.

The light was blinding, Jensen ran out the door and into the trees; Jared kept following, running stride for stride in his wake. They were half a mile away from the place before Jensen slowed down, removed his hood, and turned.

“Scatter, Jared. Scatter! It's not safe to follow me!” His face was red, scrunched up, flushed and angry.

“I didn't, I didn't think, I-” Jared rested his hands on his knees, took a breath. “We safe yet?”

Jensen shook his head. “No.”

“What went wrong?” Jared ran through the plan in his mind. They were supposed to be out of the vault, and nearly out of the building before the power was cut, freeing them to exit the side door. The guards were supposed to blame the power cut on the missing information, not realize that it was already gone. “Did you set the alarm off somehow?”

Jensen gave him a glance that cut him to the core. “No, of course I didn't.”

“It got set off somehow.” Jared tried to keep his tone level, but his heart was still beating like a caged bird in his chest, desperate to get out. It was too close a call.

Jensen shook his head. “Someone set it off.”


Jensen gestured for them to keep moving, but he didn’t shout at Jared to scatter again. They loped along the road, Jared stealing sidelong glances at Jensen’s taut, angry face. “Yeah. Someone must have pulled it.”

“A guard saw us? Woke up maybe?” Jared could barely breathe, the air in his lungs feeling like fire, burning, but he kept up the pace next to Jensen. He wasn’t letting Jensen out of his sight.

“Mike's good. The plan was foolproof, if we all followed our parts it shouldn't have gone wrong.” Jensen stopped, put his hands on his hips, collapsed onto a nearby bench and kicked out his legs in front of him. “I think we can stop for a minute.”

Jared melted into the seat next to him, threw his head back and focussed on getting air back into his lungs. His heart still wasn’t obeying instructions. “Unless someone didn't do their bit?”

Jensen hit his knee with his hand. “But we all would. We heard Chris. We saw Mike take out the guard. That only leaves Chad and-”

“Chad wouldn’t screw us over.” Jared shook his head when Jensen looked back at him with doubtful eyes. Jensen gave a small tight nod, then a shrug, but the doubt still remained in his eyes. There was an end to Jensen’s sentence. There was another person Jensen could be suspecting. Jared.

“It was someone who knew all about the plan,” Jensen said. He stood up. Jared tried to read his expression, but Jensen could have been a million miles away.

“Did you tell Jeff the plan?” Jared said quietly.

Jensen recoiled as if he’d been shot. “It's not Jeff! Jeff wouldn't do that.”

“So … Chad might but Jeff definitely wouldn't?” Jared stood too, pulled himself up and stared down at Jensen. The couple of extra inches didn't feel like they made much difference.

“I don't know,” Jensen hesitated. “I don’t know Chad so well.”

Jared was pretty certain they weren’t talking about Chad anymore. “Not like Jeff, huh?”

Jensen wouldn't meet Jared's gaze. “I guess I have to consider everyone. Fuck.”

“Maybe something else went wrong. Does it have to be a person?” Jared made his voice as soft as possible.

“Occam's Razor.”


“It's the simplest solution that makes most sense.” Jensen stabbed at the air with his hand, his voice became louder than his controlled whisper. “Otherwise, it means that somehow my breath suddenly became loud enough to set off the alarm, or this suit suddenly stopped guarding my body temperature, or the hacks I entered into the computer system, supplied by the client himself, just didn't work.” Jensen jumped as a couple walked too closely by them. He hunched over, made his body small and tight. “We should scatter. I'm gonna go talk to Jeff.”

“You can talk to Jeff but it's not safe to be seen with me?”

Jensen didn't answer; he turned on his heel and ran into the night, leaving Jared alone on the sidewalk, giving the suspicious couple what he hoped was an innocent smile. “Lover’s tiff,” Jared said. They seemed to buy it.


Chad rang as soon as Jared got home. “Dude, you're okay?”

“I'm okay. I saw Jensen get out too.” Jared threw himself onto the couch, shifted so he could hang his head off the back.

“I picked up Mike and Chris. We're all good.” Chad was quiet, letting out breaths that sounded an unsteady at Jared’s. “Fuck. What went wrong in there?”


“Nothing? C'mon. We figured Jensen touched the floor or you said something or-”

“No.” Jared sat upright. “No.”

“Man. That was a close one.”

“Too close.”


Jared didn't get any sleep that night, kept running through the events of the day over and over in his head, searching for an explanation that meant one of his friends or Jensen's friends didn't screw them over. He heard a scratch outside his bedroom window, and froze, but only for a second. Then he saw an arm coming through, hitting the wall below the window and scrabbling for purchase. He flipped the light on as Jensen tumbled in and onto the floor.

“Jay. You're blinding me.”

“You're breaking in again.” Jared reached out, and pulled Jensen up. Jensen had changed, he was wearing jeans that didn’t quite fit, and a shirt that wasn't quite his style. “Where'd those clothes come from?”

“Oh. They're Jeff's.” Jensen glanced down at them, crumpled the tail of his shirt in his hand and let it go to billow down.

“Jeff's?” Jared tried to hold his breath and count to ten, but it didn't work. “You're showing up here in some other guy's clothes?”

“Relax, Jay. The body temperature suit was boiling. I had to get out of it and my stuff's in Chad's car. Jeff loaned me this.” Jensen's eyes were bright green as they met Jared's. “You jealous?”

Jared ignored him. “What did Jeff have to say then?”

Jensen sagged onto the bed, leaned back onto his elbows. “It was the client.”

“It was what?”

“He wanted his job back; he told the company that he could prevent a future break-in.” Jensen was quiet. “He figured we'd get caught.”

“He figured wrong.” Jared sat next to Jensen. “What happens now?”

“Jeff's going to offer the plans back to the company, for twice as much, posing as an anonymous buyer who has happened across them on the black market.”

“Isn't Jeff smart.” Jared picked at an invisible mark on his knee. The argument felt over, but not resolved.

“Yes, he is.” Jensen leaned forward, aimed to kiss Jared’s cheek but Jared shied away. “What is it?” Jared felt Jensen’s eyes boring into his cheek. “I'm sorry. For considering Chad.”

“You considered me,” Jared said. “I saw it. You considered me. You didn’t consider Jeff. But me you did.” Jared took hold of Jensen’s chin, tilted Jensen’s face, held it close to his own. “I can’t take any more of this, Jensen. If it means you'll question me, it's not worth it. I could never scatter and leave you there. I could only stick with you, always. You get it?”

“Yeah.” Jensen breathed. “That's the problem. I do get it.”

“What do you mean?”

“I can't do this with you any more either. I didn’t believe it was you. And, I couldn’t believe that of myself. It’s bad for the job to trust people. To want people to follow you, not to scatter, not to question.”

“Well. I quit.”

Jensen frowned. “But you're good at it, at this. Don't quit 'cause-”

“Jensen. I want to be an actor. I like that part of it. The acting drunk, acting like a couple having a fight.” Jared shrugged. “The rest of it, sure it's a buzz, it's exciting.” He leaned forward. “Not as exciting as getting to be with you.”

Jensen seemed to accept that reasoning.


The money came through; half a million dollars each. Even Jared had to admit that Jeff had done well on that score. Jensen arrived at Jared's house - at the door - quiet, lost in thought.

“Dude. You're half a million dollars richer. Why so blue?” Jared leaned in to give Jensen a kiss. He felt Jensen's lips curve into a smile even as he was prising them apart with his tongue.

Jensen pulled back. “It's the end.”

“The end?” Jared's heart fluttered loudly in his chest. It made its way to his mouth.

“Not of us!” Jensen shook his head. “Of the jobs.”

“It is?”

“Sure. It's how it goes. Steve gave up once he had enough to make a demo. Chad will give it up; he was never a long haul guy. Chris wants to fund some lingerie line. Mike and me; maybe we'll be left.”

“You want to keep doing it?”

Jensen shrugged. “I don't know what I'd do instead.”

Jared grinned. “I have an idea.”


Jared drove them to a large hotel in Bel Air. It was the kind of place Jared would never have been able to afford. Until now.

“You're spending some of your money on me?” Jensen teased. “Aw, that's-”

“Not happening.” Jared's eyes gleamed. “We're breaking in.”

“To a five star hotel?” Jensen laughed. “Easy.”

“To the penthouse suite of a five star hotel.” Jared unbuckled Jensen's belt for him. “Then I'm going to fuck you so hard on the luxury bed, you'll see stars.” He leaned over, kissed Jensen lightly on the lips. “Maybe we don’t need heists to have some fun. Does that sound okay to you?”

Jensen’s lips quirked on their way to a smile. “Sure.”

They made their way across the cool tile of the lobby with confidence. Jensen gave the guard at the elevator a cool nod, and he returned it with a smile. They entered the elevator, Jensen holding the door open a beat too long, enabling another couple to join them. They rode up to the same floor as the couple, giving each other sidelong glances that kept making Jared want to giggle.

They padded down the corridor, walking right past the couple’s room. “We’re not high enough for the penthouse,” Jared said.

“You really want the penthouse?”


Jensen laughed, gazed around him, speculative. Jared could see him figuring it okay. “Okay.” Jensen strode toward a door at the back, it opened onto a concrete fire escape, lined with a metal frame. They followed it up to the top, and paused outside a small brick door.

“How we gonna get in?”

Jensen clicked his tongue. “Really, Jared. You should find me a real challenge.”

“Oh, yeah?” Jared kissed Jensen, pressed him hard against the concrete door, rutted his hips into Jensen’s. He pulled back, whispered into Jensen’s ear. “Can you break in with my hand down your pants?”

“Both hands,” Jensen teased, bending to pick up a small sliver of metal from the floor. He inserted it into the lock, and Jared reached around, palming Jensen’s cock with his hand and draping himself along Jensen’s back.

The door swung open in front of them; it opened into a small corridor. The large door to the penthouse suite was ahead of them. “Bingo,” Jensen said. “Now we just hope it’s empty.”

The door to the actual suite was no problem for Jensen-Jared’s efforts at distraction notwithstanding-- and soon they were tumbling into it, hands all over each other, falling to the thick carpet and barely kicking the door closed behind them. Jensen pinned Jared to the floor, firm hands enclosing each of Jared’s wrists. “I’m sorry,” Jensen said.

“What for?” Jared darted his head forward for a kiss, laughing when Jensen pulled his head out of the way.

“For being a jackass.”

Jared shook his head. “You weren’t a jackass. Never a jackass.”

Jensen grinned, kept his hands firmly on Jared’s and bent his head to kiss his throat. Jared didn’t try and move, he let Jensen kiss him thoroughly, when Jensen needed his hands to strip off Jared’s clothes, he left his hands above his head in silent cooperation.

Jensen took his time, licking Jared’s chest, splaying his hand out on it and running it over every muscle. Jared only lost his patience when Jensen reached his cock, and was licking, rubbing, teasing, doing everything but swallow it down.

“Please. Now you’re the fucking tease.”

Jensen laughed, bent and licked Jared’s cock and Jared thought maybe he’d died and gone to heaven. “Want to move it to the bed?”

“No. I want you to take me now.”

“I am a thief,” Jensen murmured, licking again, tantalisingly slowly, not Jared enough for Jared’s satisfaction. He bucked his hips forward. Jensen laughed. “I am good at taking things.”

Jensen paused, frozen over Jared’s body, just staring, then he snapped, licked his finger and pushed it into Jared. Jared gasped from the unexpected intrusion, let his body adjust to the burn, then Jensen was pumping the finger in, out, joining it with another, and it didn’t feel like enough. It wasn’t enough until they were scrambling for lube, and Jensen was plunging into him, filling him up, taking him completely, then fisting Jared’s cock until the sensations were too much. The world was Jensen, in him and around him, his touch and his smell and the world whited out in front of Jared.

Jensen pulled out, lay next to Jared on the carpet, breath unsteady.

“I got carpet burn,” Jared said, causing Jensen to laugh, loud into the room.


“Yeah?” Jared rolled with effort onto his side.

“I would never have thought it was you, you know,” Jensen said quietly. “That’s how I knew.”

“Knew what?”

Jensen lay back. “On the way to Jeff’s. I thought someone must have sold us out, without me noticing. Done something behind my back. I questioned whether anyone had motive.” His eyes met Jared’s. “I never questioned you. That’s how I knew.”

Jared bent to kiss Jensen. “Knew what?”

“There can be love among thieves.”


Like I said, much inspiration is owed to the movies “Entrapment” (esp the Jensen and lasers part), “Ocean’s 11” (tons of it), and “Sneakers” (the voice is my passport bit). The Robie and Hughson aliases used? That's a reference to “To Catch a Thief”.

I must thank deirdre_c who not only beta’d this, but encouraged me to do it. This was an experiment for me, and she helped make it a fun one!


Thanks if you read this far. I had fun with this; I hope you had fun reading.

j2, my fic

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