It's a Steal, J2, Hard R, Part 2

Dec 16, 2008 00:07

Title: It’s A Steal
Pairing: Jared/Jensen (implied Jensen/Jeff)
Rating: Hard R
Total Word Count: 20,250
Summary: J2 AU. Jared gets pulled into Jensen’s catburgling ring.

Disclaimer: This fic is all in fun, and bears no resemblance to the activities of any real life Jared or Jensen, or any of the names within.

Inspiration is also owed to the movies “Entrapment”, “Ocean’s 11”, and “Sneakers”.

Thanks to deirdre_c for the encouragement and support, and the fine beta.

Part 1 is here


Chad said he’d pick up Jared’s cut for him. “Easy money,” Chad said, with the shit-eating grin that said he knew he’d done good. Jared wanted to ask about Jensen, but the question died on his lips. Chad would see right through him.

A week after the job - exactly to the day - Jared’s cell rang, interrupting his busy afternoon of Jerry Springer reruns. Pissed that he wouldn’t get to find out why the guy was in love with a horse, he answered.


“Jared? It’s, uh, it’s Jensen.” Jensen’s voice was warm in Jared’s ear, and sounded deeper on the phone. Jared could hear more of a drawl. Of home.

“Oh. Hi Jensen.” The words came out squeaky. Jared cleared his throat. It seemed to take a long time, filling the silence with loud, unattractive coughing. “Sorry.”

“No problem.” Jensen gave an awkward laugh. “Look. I wondered if… are you busy today?”

For a glorious moment, the world stopped. It became a more beautiful place. The silence was sweeter, Jared’s couch was softer. If that guy wanted to marry a horse, who was Jared to stop him? If this was a date, then-

“It’s just… I wondered if you’d be interested in another job.”

The world was a cruel, evil place. Jared pushed himself up off the couch. The world was full of people who kicked dogs and were mean to kids. He opened a cupboard and drew out a Three Musketeers bar and viciously ripped open the top. He should say no. This could not end well. Say no, Jared. No. Two Letters.

“Sure. What is it?”


It wasn’t a date. It was a professional working relationship and they were having an official business meeting, which happened to be over a beer.

A meeting that Jared changed his outfit for four times over, all the while cursing himself for being a girl. He finally catapulted himself - late - out of the door in a randomly chosen shirt and too much cologne on.

He knew it was too much ‘cause he passed the smiley girl with the ass-length hair from upstairs on his way out, and she coughed up a lung.

The bar Jensen had suggested was in a street that had been popular thirty years ago, and the few people Jared drove past looked stuck in that era. There were women with big seventies hair and too tight faces from cheap surgery; men with pot bellies sat on their porch, waiting to tell people about their one big break, about that time they were an extra on the Redford movie.

Jared refused to become that guy. The bar itself was at the corner of the street, joining it onto a row of thrift shops, used book stores, and fortune tellers. Its red paint was peeling, a window cracked, only two cars parked outside.

Jensen was the only person inside, or at least, the only person Jared noticed. He was sat at a table near the bar, shirtsleeves rolled up to propped-up elbows, face lifted up to a ray of sun that was streaming through a skylight overhead. He sat, straining forward, his back muscles stretched, his face tilted uncomfortably far up, his nose and the top of his face in the sun, his lips and chin in the shadows. He lowered his eyelashes for a second, a cat basking in the sun. Then he gave a brief stretch that flashed to Jared’s mind the words ‘morning after.’

Jensen opened his eyes, looked straight at Jared, and Jared tripped in his haste to move and stop staring. He righted himself before he fell.

“Hey. Got you a beer.” Jensen indicated the seat opposite. Jensen’s face clouded over as Jared sat. “Beer’s good, right?”

“Great, thanks.” Jared clasped the glass with both hands. It was solid and comforting.

“You been good?” Jensen asked. He took a sip of his beer, and Jared stared as a drop stayed stubbornly on Jensen’s lip and a pink tongue flickered out to lick it off.

“Y-yes,” Jared said.

Jensen grinned then wrinkled up his face into a goofy expression. It made him more human. Jared relaxed, just a little bit. Jensen started to talk about the drive over, which led to stories about cars, and Chad fucking up some getaway job from a bank, which generally led on to friends who were assholes … Jared forgot he was talking to a master criminal. He forgot to be nervous. Jensen was… he was kind of cool.

Jared didn’t know what to do with that info. He’d kind of rather find out Jensen was an ass, or too serious, or a dog hater. The surprisingly easy conversation just deepened Jared’s attraction.

“So look. I don’t usually hang out in joints like this-“ Jensen glanced around them “-but it’s good for what we want to discuss. Whether you want to be, kind of, part of the crew. Part of the group of people I call on anyway.”

“Sure.” Jared nodded. “What- how does it work?”

Jensen drained his drink. “I never steal for myself. We don’t do that.” The words were firm, and his face morphed into the set face of a statue again as he said it. Jared gave a slow nod. This was obviously the business part of proceedings. It was like a different Jensen clicked into place; Jensen had allowed himself to be off duty for long enough. “Some people do, but I have clients. I like it that way.”

“Why don’t you steal for yourself?” Jared watched Jensen’s face become even tighter. “I mean-“ Fuck. “That’s cool, I’m just curious. Isn’t that what most burglars do?”

Jensen gave a small nod. “Yeah. I guess.” He caught a trailing drop of beer with his finger, lifted his hand up, and there was a second when Jared wondered if Jensen was going to lick it off, and if he could watch such a sight without hauling Jensen off to the nearest bedroom, or hell, men’s room.

Jensen settled for rubbing his fingers together. Jared held his glass tightly. This … infatuation, crush, thing, was not going to go away. Jared started to wonder if it need be a bad thing. Perhaps he should just make a move. No harm, no foul.

“When I started out - people always wanna know how you started out, you’ll see that - I was working for Tom. Tom runs jobs for himself. He was in my acting class and I thought-“

“You wanted to be an actor?” Jared leaned over the table.

Jensen’s face broke into an amused grin. “Jared. Everyone in L.A. wanted to be an actor. I was modelling and taking classes. Tom said he had a…” Jensen shook his head, and the shutters fell back onto his face again. “An acting class. Man, I was so naïve. I went along, and it turned out I was being Jethro for him, for a job, see?”

Jared nodded. He couldn’t imagine Jensen being taken in by anyone. He couldn’t imagine Jensen being that gullible.

“I ran jobs for him. It’s good money, and the acting went nowhere. But-“ Jensen ran his fingers up and down the side of his glass again. Jared stared at the path they were tracing. Jensen sat back, more into the darkness, and pushed the glass away from him. “I didn’t like that. This guy - a friend of a friend of Tom’s - asked him to run a job for him. Gave Tom all the info, and afterward… “ Jensen stared at some far off point, lost in some memory he wasn’t sharing, then he snapped his head back toward Jared. “Tom kept the goods. And I quit. Now-“ Jensen sat forward, right into the sun, and Jared sat back. It was too much being that close, like Jared’s retinas would burn. “Now I run jobs for people.”

“How’s that work? How’d they know who to call?” Jared took a big slug of beer; he had the desire to not be able to think clearly. “It’s not like you’re in the white pages? 1-800-Burglar?”

Jensen laughed. It was lower than Jared expected, a firm hand twisting and squeezing Jared’s gut. “No. Not quite. Word gets around. People know what I do. I have a guy - Jeff - he’s the middleman. People call him and he puts them in touch with me. I never know who they are, they never know who I am.”

“Jeff gets a cut?”

Jensen nodded. “Jeff gets a cut. A small cut. He’s good people. They pay him, he pays me, I pay you guys. They give him the info, he tells me. All on untraceable cells, from email addresses that vanish … Jeff’s the best. He’s very careful.”

The words Jeff’s the best were warmer than the others. A stab of jealousy hit Jared like a punch to the chest. He wondered if Jensen and this Jeff were a couple. He wondered if Jensen was even into guys.

“What kind of jobs are they? What’s this next job?” Anything to not hear any more about The Best Jeff.

“Right. Well that painting? That was for a family who’d had it repossessed.” Jensen shook his head. “They gave them, like, thirty days to come up with the money to buy it back. They couldn’t afford that.” Jensen spread his hands out flat on the table. “They could afford me. So I got it back for them. That’s often what I do. I take jobs that appeal to me. Like…“

“Like an illegal public service,” Jared finished. He grinned widely at Jensen, and was rewarded with one of those blinding smiles. It made Jared blink a little.

“Yeah.” Jensen shook his head. “This new job is a family diamond that the guy foolishly gave his girlfriend, then they broke up and she won’t give it back.”

“We’re getting it back for him?”


“A diamond heist.” Fucking hell. This was like being in a movie. “So how can I help you with your hot rock?”

Jensen laid out some basics of the job. It seemed to need a few interconnecting cons. Jared had a spot of acting to do (with Jensen, and that sent a thrill right through him), and some breaking in. He’d need a black outfit, Jensen said, and he appeared to be struggling to keep in a smile.

Jared laughed out loud, and Jensen joined in, before catching himself and dropping an expression approaching annoyance over his amusement.

“I have a few rules,” Jensen said, glancing at his watch.


“Yeah. Never carry a gun. Know when to walk away. And-“ Jensen hesitated. He gazed straight at Jared, and his green eyes were like sharp, glittering pieces of glass. “The crew - we’re all friends Jared, don’t get me wrong, but there’s a line.” Jensen’s voice was urgent, and the words tumbled out fast. “You trust who you work with, but you don’t get too close. All our lives might depend on our ability to walk away.” Jensen threw some bills on the table and stood up, leaving Jared staring up at him. He looked hot even from that angle, staring straight into his chin, and the line of his neck. “Don’t get close,” Jensen repeated.

It felt like a warning.

It was already too late.


Chad called the minute Jared got home. “Dude, I’ve got your fucking money. Where’ve you been? Why haven’t you been answering your cell?”

Jared threw himself onto the couch. “Keep your panties on. I’ve been with Jensen.”

“With - with Jensen?” Chad was quiet; there was the sound of impatient drumming of hands. “You mean Jensen Jensen?”

“Yes, moron. He wanted to ask me to do another job.” Jared searched on the couch for his remote control; there might still be Jerry Springers on. But the remote control had run away somewhere; along with Jared’s sense most likely.

“The diamond thing?”

“Right. The diamond thing.” The remote control was on top of the television; what crazy person put it there?

“People hardly ever get a second chance. What the fuck did you do? Bone him for it?”

“No I-“ Jared gave a strangled laugh. “Why?” Sound casual, Jared instructed himself. Act casual. “Is Jensen, you know, does he?”

“Oh Jesus, Jared. Could you be more fucking obvious?” Apparently Jared’s casual acting needed work. Chad made a strangled noise and muttered something under his breath that Jared couldn’t catch. “Jensen does guys, I think. And single, far as I know, though there’s something between him and the mysterious Jeff dude. Fuck him already, if you want. Good luck with it. He sticks pretty closely to his rules”

“That’s not what I-“

“Whatever. You want your cut of the money from your boyfriend?”


Jensen had a secure cell couriered over to Jared, one which had Jensen’s number already programmed into it under the header J1. Jared wasn’t sure what secure cell meant, but it immediately gave him the impulse to dirty talk over it.

The cell rang five minutes after Jared had it in his hand. It gave Jared the pleasant feeling he was being watched. Even though Jared assumed Chris, Chad and Mike had the same phones, it made him feel special: a cell only Jensen could call him on.

Jensen had already taken care of reconnaissance, so he said. He needed Jared’s help with planting a device and Jared had to bite his lip hard to keep from making a dirty joke.

The jokes started to slip out anyway. Jensen called several times while planning out the heist. He seemed to value Jared’s opinion, which was weird, ‘cause Jared didn’t know anything. How to distract the guards so Chris could plant a hack?

The main bone of contention was what disguise to use to get into the vault. Jared suggested they pose as brothers who were putting family heirlooms away for safekeeping. He told Jensen he’d do some crying acting afterwards, and distract the guards that way.

Jensen refused. He'd used that disguise before, he said. “Change it up, that's key,” Jensen said. “Never use the same disguise twice.”


There was silence; Jared could hear faint music in the background and he strained to hear what Jensen was listening to. Jared only had one other idea; he felt too embarrassed to suggest it. Then Jensen hummed lightly along with the music, as if he'd forgotten Jared was there, even notes let out with his breath. Fuck it.

“I have one other idea.”

“Let's hear it.” Jensen was all attention; the music in the background vanished.

“We could pose as a wealthy gay couple.” Jensen didn't immediately react, so Jared hurried on to his reasoning. “I bet you haven't used it before, and it's a good idea, right? They'll be so busy working out if we're fucking they won't ask any questions.”

“That's actually,” Jensen coughed, “a really good idea Jared.”

Great. Now Jared had talked his dream boyfriend into acting like his actual boyfriend.

This role would be a piece of cake. Jared would win a fucking Oscar.


The meeting place was a café at the corner that was full of wannabe actors and tourists hoping to catch a glimpse of someone famous. Jensen was already there, sipping a coffee when Jared walked up five minutes early. He was wearing a suit that was obviously a lot more expensive than Jared’s, because the lines of it hung cleanly from him, emphasizing his shoulders and chest.

Jared smoothed down the front of his own coat and hoped Jensen wouldn’t notice that he’d shrunk the pants in the wash.

Jensen stood up to greet him, gave a big smile, and leaned in close. His cheek brushed against Jared’s, his lips meeting Jared’s cheek with the briefest of contacts. It tingled as Jensen pulled away. “You’re on time!” Jensen said loudly. “Just in case we need any witnesses later,” Jensen whispered.

“You’re the one who’s always late,” Jared said, in a tone that he hoped sounded like he knew whether Jensen was the kind of person who was on time or not. Jensen put his coffee down and tugged on Jared’s arm, pulling him toward the bank. He held his elbow loosely as they walked, then let go and crowded close to Jared’s shoulder as they approached. It was a lot of physical contact all at once.

Jared decided to really throw himself into the role of boyfriend. It was only fair. He didn’t want to let Jensen down, right?

He leaned way back into Jensen’s shoulder. He put an arm around him and whispered into his ear. When they reached the bank, Jared laughed and winked and gave Jensen a quick hug as they walked in.

A brunette woman with a slightly pink face and ill-fitting dress greeted them. “Hello, er, Gentlemen. How can I help you?”

“We’d like to open a safety deposit box please.” Jensen gave the woman a grin that made her flush bright red. Jared sympathized. “We’ll both need access,” Jensen added, giving Jared a pat on his chest. His hand lingered there for a second or two. “And please make it a box in a high security area.”

“Certainly. I just need to see ID and we can get the paperwork started.”

“Sure. I have our IDs,” Jensen answered smoothly. He pulled two driving licenses out of his pocket.

“Robie and Hughson.” Jared nodded in unison with Jensen. “Certainly.”

It was damn easy to get a security box, Jared reflected, as they were led forward after having simply handed over ID and paid a fee. The brunette showed them to an iron door, which had two guards outside. She paused, placed her finger on a small pad, and the door swung open. As an alarm went off she moved to a pad and entered a code. Jensen moved slightly to his right, to get a clearer view of the code. He was pressed right back into Jared’s side again as soon as she turned around.

Their guide then picked up the phone. “McCoy. Myself plus two in vault. Motion Detector and alarm disabled.” She turned and dimpled at them. She was cute. In any other circumstances, Jared might be interested. In any circumstances other than a world in which he’d met Jensen. “Can’t be too careful,” she said.

Jared gave her a wide grin. “Glad to hear it.”

They entered the vault. The front was an entire transparent wall with a door set into it - they moved through that into the vault proper, full of boxes. McCoy pulled out two keys, putting one into the lock of a spare box and holding the other one out. “Who wants to do the honors?”

“You do it,” Jensen said, giving Jared a grin.

Jared’s hand shook as he took the key. He concentrated on McCoy’s face as he slid it into the lock. She flushed, and Jared winked, hoping to distract her into paying less attention. They slid the box out and onto the table.

“I’ll give you your privacy with the box. Knock on the door when you need me,” McCoy said, moving outside the transparent door and standing with her back to it.

Jensen drew out a couple of small items from his pocket. A watch - a very good fake Jensen had told Jared. A few crumpled documents that were apparently a fake will and deeds to a house. The final item was a sovereign ring, which apparently had the smoking explosive inlaid instead of the sovereign. It looked like a gold disc to Jared. Jensen smoothly slid the lid back on the box. He gave Jared a quick nod and Jared nodded back. I remember.

Jared crossed his arms and frowned as McCoy entered the room. Jensen stood stiffly by the door, doing a good job of glowering over at Jared.

“Everything okay?” McCoy said.

“We’re done,” Jensen said firmly.

“I guess we are,” Jared spat out.

They were led out to the main entrance, and McCoy bid them a good day with a sunny wave of her hand and dimpling of her cheeks. Jensen paused by the door.

“I don’t see why my grandfather’s ring couldn’t go in there, too!” Jared announced loudly.

Jensen stepped away from Jared. “That piece of junk? C’mon, we discussed this-“

“Oh, did we? Meaning you tell me the plan and I ‘m supposed to go along with it?”

“Yes.” Jensen’s eyes made the smallest movement from Jared’s face, over his shoulder. Jared knew he was checking to see if Chris was moving into position. Jensen moved closer to Jared. That meant he was. Now for the part Jared was dreading. “It’s my money-“

“Here we go. It’s your money paying for the box. Your money so you say what goes in.” Jared stood toe to toe with Jensen. “Maybe…” Maybe Jensen was damn pretty, with those eyes staring at him. Eyes that had become flinty slits.

Eyes that did not look at Jared the way Jared wanted them to. “Maybe you should learn to appreciate what you’ve got!” Jared said.

“Oh, yeah?” Jensen gave Jared a push, a slight one to his shoulders.

Jared was never pushed around. One of the advantages of being freakishly tall was that people did not push you around. Ever. He poked Jensen’s shoulder. “Yeah. Would you like it if I left?”

“Always with the threats-“

The guards from the door were hovering now. In his peripheral vision Jared saw McCoy standing up, walking around to the front of her desk. They just needed to keep this up for a couple more minutes. Chris was sidling up to McCoy’s empty chair.

“Yes. I think you’ve kind of got used to having me around. I think you’d miss me and my-“

“Your and your what?” A note of amusement crept into Jensen’s voice. Chris’s hand was sliding onto the desk. They were there.

Jared bit back the temptation to shout “Cock!” at the top of his lungs. Instead he waved his hand, as if to indicate the whole package.

“Yes.” Jensen’s eyes trailed down Jared’s body. Jared’s dick twitched in response. Oh fuck. “I guess I would.”

“Is there a problem?” One of the guards moved close enough to be within striking distance.

“Is there?” Jared asked Jensen.

“I hope not,” Jensen answered, taking Jared’s arm and pulling him outside.

Jensen held on until they were far down the street, then let go. Jared pulled an unsteady hand through his hair. “Later then,” Jensen said, and disappeared into the crowds without further comment.


The meeting place this time was a different abandoned house that randomly had tables but no chairs. Jared wondered idly how Jensen found these places. Did he trawl the streets in the dead of night, memorizing addresses of places that looked like no one lived there?

Come to think of it, he probably did.

Mike was there this time, chatting earnestly with Jensen when Jared and Chad entered.

“Hey.” Mike pulled away from Jensen. “Thanks for covering the other night man. Your first job- that’s not easy.” The words were friendly, but there was an undercurrent in the tone… like Mike was afraid of being replaced.

“No problem,” Jared said, as breezily as he could manage. “Welcome back.”

“I set the timer for five.” Jensen checked his watch. “We should get the gear on.”

Jensen would probably make any outfit look hot. If a bulky yellow firefighter’s jacket and a hat still made Jensen look like sex on legs, the mystery was which outfit didn’t. All things considered.

Everyone was quiet as they drove toward the bank. Jared joined them in their silence, allowing his nerves over the heist to take over, to quell any attempts at small talk.

Chad idled the car. Chris was making strange humming noises and leaning closely over his monitor. He wasn’t leaving the car this time. “I’m into their cameras. I can upload,” Chris muttered.

Jensen stared at his watch. “If it’s going according to plan, we’ve sixty seconds.” Jensen shifted in his seat. “Good acting today,” Jensen said, not looking at Jared.


“Forty five seconds.” Jensen stared at his watch the whole time he spoke. “Yeah. I really believed it.”

“That? I’m good at arguing.”

“Thirty seconds. Not that.” Jensen’s gaze lifted from his watch. “The other stuff. You were good at it.”

Their eyes met. The seconds ticked away slowly. Jared felt like he was living in the spaces between the seconds. Finally, just as Jared felt like he really should speak, Jensen glanced back at his watch.

“Ten. The smoke will go off in… Five. Four. Three. Two. One.”

Zero was an anticlimax. Jared knew, intellectually, that he wouldn’t hear the small explosion from way out in the car, but he kind of expected something to happen. Instead Jensen turned and stared at Chris.

“It’s fine. Signal stopped from reaching Fire Station. Go!”

Jensen slid out of the door, and Mike pushed ahead of Jared. Jared let him. They strode into the building, Jensen and Jared hanging back and letting Mike take the lead, in case anyone recognized them from earlier, although they’d have trouble determining anything about them through the oxygen masks.

The security guard visibly sagged with relief when he saw them. The building was in chaos as crowds of workers and customers fled for the door. “The alarm that’s gone off appears to be in your vault, sir,” Mike said.

The guard gave a frightened nod. “I’ll have to go with you. Will it, will it be safe?”

“That depends on the nature of the fire, sir. We’ll keep you safe.”

The guard looked white as a sheet as he took them toward the vault. Jared thought the guard was going to faint away. He placed his fingers on the pad, disabled the motion detector, and as soon as he had done so, Mike took him out with a swift blow to the head, while Jensen threw down a gas cylinder that took out the waiting guards.

“I’m diverting their feed. You have about two before they realize,” Chris spoke into their ear. Jared jumped. He didn't think he'd ever get used to that.

Mike stood guard outside, making sure the three bank staff were out while Jared and Jensen entered the vault.

Jensen turned toward Jared. His eyes were shining, his lips full, his face flushed. He looked high. Or aroused. Jared had trouble remembering what they were in here for. “We need box thirty. I think I saw it on this wall.”

They scoured the wall for what felt hours looking for the box. Jensen cursed under his breath. “I should have fucking memorized it, I was too…”

“Here.” Jared jabbed at a box high up, set near the ceiling, and stood back to let Jensen pick the lock. He pulled the box down and set it on the table, quickly retrieving an average-sized ring.

“One minute guys. Go.”

Out of the corner of his eye, Jared saw Mike take off without waiting for them.

“What the? Mike’s gone?” Jared turned to Jensen. “The…”

“It’s what we do. You don’t wait, you get out. C’mon.” Jensen darted out of the door, Jared stumbling after him. They reached the entrance to the vault and Chris’s voice came, low and urgent, in their ear. “Guys, there’s a guard heading straight for vault. Get out of the way.”

The whole world froze for Jared. It wasn’t exciting anymore, it was fucking scary. They were about to get caught. Jared would have to explain to his mom what he was doing in a bank vault. How would they get out of this one? Then Jensen’s hand was tugging Jared’s, and a door was being opened, and Jensen’s body was barrelling into Jared and pushing him through it.

They ended up in a small closet, Jared’s ass pressed against shelves of sharp objects. He caught sight of a few boxes of paper, a pile of post-it notes, other office supplies. Jensen was pressed up tight against him, his chest against Jared’s, his legs tight to Jared’s, his face right next to Jared’s. “Keep quiet,” Jensen whispered in Jared’s ear. Jensen’s hands were either side of Jared on the shelves. Jared didn’t know what to do with his arms.

Jared could hear someone breathing really loudly and when Jensen whispered in his ear, “Not so loud,” he figured it must be him. Jared bit his lip. He twisted his head just slightly, enough so he could look at Jensen’s face.

Jensen’s eyes were wide deep pools. He was darting them anywhere but at Jared. Jared shifted, and one of Jensen’s knees slipped between his. Jensen bit his lip and made a strange noise, which sounded like all of his breath escaping at once.

Then there was the feel of, well, a hard dick pressing into Jared’s thigh, and he understood the reason for the noise. Jared moved his head the inch he needed to reach Jensen’s mouth.

Jensen didn’t protest; his mouth opened immediately and Jared slid his tongue in. Jared traced around the line of Jensen's lip, then met the tip of Jensen's tongue with his own.

Jared’s arms immediately went directly around Jensen, pulling him closer against him, wanting even more contact. It wasn’t enough, it would never be enough. One of Jensen's hands dug into Jared's shoulder, the other tangled in his hair. Jared stroked the tiny hairs on the back of Jensen's neck, felt Jensen's body shiver in response, rippling against Jared's. Jared bucked forwards, met Jensen's hips with his own and when Jensen ground his hips into Jared's, Jared felt himself go hard.

Jared hazily wondered if either of them was going to stop it, if either of them could stop it. Jensen pulled away from the kiss, but only to bite at Jared's lip. Then they were kissing again, and it was more brutal this time, tongues battling with an unsettled need, licking desperately, Jared wanting to map all of Jensen's mouth. He moved a hand down to cup Jensen's ass, pushed their already tight bodies as closely as he could and Jensen moaned into his mouth.

Chris’s voice bellowed loudly in Jared’s ear, “Guys? The corridor immediately outside the vault is empty. You can head out of the closet. You have a window of about one minute. Guys?”

The moment shattered. Jensen broke away immediately. His eyes narrowed and he bit his lip. “We have to go,” Jensen said, and it was like the kiss never happened. Jensen was back to business, moving out of the closet and quickly through the building. Jared felt unsteady the entire way out, could only focus on moving his feet after Jensen's, trying not to fall.

They fell into the car, Jared's breath still unsteady and his mind still back in that supply closet.

Chad’s eyes widened when he saw them, and Mike gave a snort but didn’t speak.

“Go!” Jensen growled. When they reached a far enough distance, they all dispersed. Jensen vanished without giving Jared a backward glance.


Jared paced around all night, holding the cell in his hand, waiting for Jensen to call. In the end he sent Jensen a text: We should talk. Call Me. He didn't know what else to say.

He took a shower, jerked himself off roughly and too quickly, unable to hold it in. Merely picturing Jensen pressed tight up against him was enough to make him spurt over his hand in a few quick strokes. He didn't feel sated.

It took him ages to get to sleep, half listening out for the beep of the cell that never came, but finally the adrenaline of the day drifted away and exhaustion took over.

Jared stirred, grunted, and tried to cling to sleep as it slipped away. He cricked his eyes open but it was still dark. Moaning, Jared rolled over, then blinked as he caught sight of a figure in his room. “Who-” Jared reached blindly with one hand for anything that might serve as a weapon, then his eyes adjusted to the darkness and he recognized the figure.

Jensen. Jensen, leaning against the wall near the window, far enough in to be completely out of the moonlight and hidden in the shadows. He'd changed from earlier, now dressed in jeans and a dark blue t-shirt that molded to his muscles.

“Jensen? What the--” Jared sat up, rubbed his eyes pointlessly with one hand. It didn't make any difference to the sight before him.

“Yeah.” Jensen lifted a leg up and rested one foot against the wall. It made him look like he belonged there.

Not that Jared was complaining about a hot guy in his bedroom, but surprise gave way to anger. He'd sat by his cell wondering if Jensen would reply, and Jensen had just walked on in?

“What are you doing here? How did you get in here?” Jared sat up, ignoring the sheet that fell to his waist. He caught the look Jensen gave him though, following the sheet's movement with his eyes.

“I am a cat burglar, Jared. And you have pretty crappy security.”

“I'll get right on that.” Jared stood up. He was very aware that he was dressed only in boxers. He made no move to put any clothes on. “That doesn't answer what you're doing here.”

“You're right. We should talk. About earlier.” Jensen licked his lips, and blinked, once, twice, three times.

“You came here to talk?” Jared moved toward Jensen, stepping into the patch of moonlight that fell across the carpet. “I don't believe you.”

“It shouldn't-” Jensen's words got lost somewhere; Jared wasn't sure where because he was busy moving to stand right in front of Jensen, to block off any exit strategy that Jensen had no doubt already run through in his head.

“I think you came here to take something,” Jared said, placing his hands either side of Jensen. Jensen made no effort to move. His eyes were black, fathomless.

Jensen let out a loud unsteady breath. “I-” Jensen started, then surged forward, abandoning whatever he was going to say, and Jared bent and met his lips. His hands fell to Jensen's face as he fucked his mouth with his tongue, holding Jensen's head steady, kissing, licking, tasting him. He jumped as Jensen's cold hands pressed firmly into Jared's back, drawing him into the wall, fingertips gripping Jared's waist and there'd be marks there tomorrow.

Jared drew back, stared at Jensen's kiss swollen lips, at Jensen's messed up hair where his head was flung back against the wall. He dipped to kiss the line of Jensen's neck, to run his teeth and suck, and feel Jensen's resulting moan rumble through his throat.

“I want to take- some - get these clothes off,” Jared murmured, tugging Jensen forward so he could properly get his hands under the shirt.

Jensen tumbled with Jared, their hands bumping as they both tried to remove Jensen's clothes as quickly as possible. Jared ended up elbowing Jensen hard in the stomach as the shirt got ripped and thrown to the floor, got a knee in his groin as Jensen tried to get out of the jeans and toe his shoes off. Jared grabbed Jensen's wrist and yanked him forward as his jeans finally left his legs, and they tumbled onto the bed, Jensen landing awkwardly on top of Jared.

Jared brought his arms up around Jensen, locking him in, rolling until they were both on their sides, kissing again, legs fighting for comfortable position, for the most friction. Jared's cock was hard, tenting in his boxers and he wriggled and moved, rolling until he was on top of Jensen, with Jensen's cock pressing through the fabric, hard against his own.

Jared ground his hips against Jensen's and Jensen's eyes fluttered back in his head.

“Don't-tease-” Jensen murmured, and their hands collided as they both reached for the boxers, drawing apart so they could be pushed down and kicked off.

Jared watched Jensen lay back down, reach for Jared's shoulders but Jared shook his head. He ran a hand along Jensen's thigh, followed it with his mouth, pushing Jensen's knees up and apart.

“I'm not teasing. I'm-” Jared kissed up the thigh, until he reached Jensen's cock, paused to take in the sight of it, curving upward against Jensen's belly. “I'm gonna give you what you came for-” Jensen's resulting moan tore right through Jared, into his belly, made it clench and turn over as Jared moved to take Jensen's cock in his mouth.

He ran his tongue up the underside, over the slit, enjoyed the soft moans that Jensen let out. He sucked, Jensen still and taking it at first, then writhing underneath him, his hips bucking. Jared could hear the slap of Jensen's hands as they grabbed the sheets. He slid a hand under Jensen's firm ass, fingered his asshole, circled around its heat.

“Don't -want you to-god please.” Jensen slammed his cock further into Jared’s mouth, let out a keening sound that made Jared tremble.

Jared pulled his hand away, let go of Jensen's cock with a pop. “I will.”

“You gotta-” Jensen's head bashed against the pillow - “be fucking kidding me-” Jared grabbed Jensen's hand as he reached for his own cock, stopping him.

“Patience. Hang in there.” Jared scrambled over to his bedside table, felt Jensen's eyes on him, hot, boring holes in Jared's side as he took too long opening the drawer and finding the lube, praying he hadn't thrown out the condom.

He waved both before him triumphantly.

Jensen gave him a small smile in answer, gestured toward his cock. “Can't-Jesus.”

Jared settled himself back between Jensen's legs, slicked both hands up with lube and ran one over Jensen's cock, firm deft strokes making Jensen start to make those noises again, to fuck against Jared's hand, impatient, desperate.

Jared fingered Jensen's hole with the other hand, circling and rubbing. He met Jensen's eyes; they flickered shut, then open again.


Jared slid a finger into Jensen, paused to allow him to adjust, and Jensen swore loudly.

“Fuck Jay just-”

Jared fingered Jensen open, joined his finger with another, scissoring them and watching Jensen's face contort, listening to Jensen’s grunts and moans.

Jensen tugged at Jared's shoulder and Jared leant into the kiss, feeling Jensen writhe and buck and fall away from it as he continued to work his fingers, to splay Jensen open for him.

“You ready?” Jared breathed, against Jensen's mouth and he felt rather than heard the resulting, yes.

Jared readied himself, rolled the latex on with shaking hands and he wanted to be patient, not to rush it, but it seemed to take too fucking long before he was lined up against Jensen.

“C'mon, Jay.” Jensen's words became less coherent, more jumbled together with harsh breaths and keening sounds. He wriggled, and the sight of Jensen spread out like that, desperate and wanting Jared's cock, made Jared ache.

He took a breath, pressed into Jensen, past the resistance, into the heat, tried to go slow as Jensen trembled underneath him.

“Fuck -you're so-”

Jared tried to give Jensen time to adjust, but it was all he could do not to go balls-deep in him, to fuck him as hard as he wanted to, to be hammering home. He settled for running a hand over Jensen's stomach, for meeting Jensen's mouth with his own and swallowing down a kiss even as he gave the final push home.

Jensen's ass closed tight around Jared's cock, he shook underneath him, around him. Jared drew back, then pushed back home again, and again until he lost all sense of control, driving Jensen up the bed. He wrapped his hand around Jensen's cock, tugging him as he drove hard into his ass.

Jensen came just before Jared, and Jared lost all sense of where his hand was, of what was happening, as the blinding heat raced through him.

Barely catching his breath, Jared managed to pull out, dispose of the condom with shaking hands, and lay down next to Jensen, noting with relief that Jensen’s eyes were already closing. Jared scooted close to him, and, within moments, fell asleep.



j2, my fic

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