Personal notes, 4/30/05

Apr 30, 2005 07:35

Fascinating. Utterly fascinating.

Talia Head of LexCorp is within my possession. She has volunteered herself for further research, for which I am extremely grateful. Unfortunately, I would have preferred the million dollars she originally quoted... but she will donate something for my research.

Her bullet was clean, thankfully -- and Batman has yet to close down the underground medical facility that operates in Gotham, no questions asked. Either he doesn't know -- or he uses them himself. Or, perhaps, he uses them as a resource to track down his subjects -- but, even if that were the case, I have nothing to worry about. Even if they recognized me, they wouldn't know where I am now. No way for the Batman to track me. My wound should heal, with no permanent damage done... I must just use my arm as little as possible for the next few weeks while it heals.

I have a full chemical laboratory again. I managed to load the LexCorp van with everything in the lab I was provided -- including the newest research specimen -- and the van was returned without incident. I am utilizing one of my hidden labs, still unknown by the Batman or any other force. I also have a full supply of this chemical I created for Ms. Head, and no real plans for it. I am idly curious what would happen if it were fed into the water supply of Gotham... but this plan can wait. That risks the Batman, and thus far, I have avoided his attention.

QUESTION TO RESEARCH FURTHER: What would be required for one of my chemicals to affect the mind of an alien life-form? Do aliens have true emotional states such as humans do? Would a small amount of kryptonite added to a phobia-gas affect the alien known as Superman? I must test this when I have the opportunity.

In the meantime, I have been performing some minor research on my newest test subject. I have not fully plumbed the depths of her psyche, but I have managed to uncover one important detail: she is terrified of her father (note that I cannot guarantee at this time that he is her genetic parent, but he serves as the sociological construct of "father" to her mind). This "father" is a demon to her, as she called him a demon several times. And yet, she loves him. To love that which you fear -- truly a fascinating relationship, perhaps akin to the Joker and the Batman. I can learn much from this.

I am certain that after enough time has passed, this "demonic" father-figure will show himself, likely through the same methods she used to contact me. I suppose it means another call to Cobblepot. If I can get her "demon-father" -- have a matched set -- I will further my study by leaps and bounds. (Alternately, if I can be paid my original fee, this will also be sufficient. After all, I can always collect the father and daughter again later.)

In the meantime, I will keep my subject drugged just enough to keep her docile. She has a strong will, but one cannot fight against altered brain chemistry.
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