Personal notes, 5/21/05

May 21, 2005 12:13

The Demon's Head is a man who understands the sacrifices that must be made for the progress of scientific understanding. He has supplied me with an extraordinary amount to further my research.

If I wish to continue to receive his beneficent assistance, I shall need to attract the attention of the Batman soon enough, however. And I am certain that the Batman will get involved in the kidnapping of a police officer's offspring.

Two birds, one stone, if one pardons the cliche.

The assistants that Mr. Head provided are more than capable. I have scouted the area. I have bugged the home of the officer in question while she was out, to study her reactions more in-depth.

In short, this study is ready to go forth.

The first step is to release Destiny, that psychopath, from Arkham again. Then, tonight... the officer's child must vanish.

I look forward to compiling the results.
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