I think I figured it out.

May 14, 2007 00:07

Quite a bit, recently, I've been trying to figure out where my feelings of angst have been stemming from. I think I finally figured it out.

My conclusion is that what's been getting to me recently are not feelings of sadness, but rather feelings of disappointment.

There are some people I know, currently, that won't be in my life for too much longer and truth be told I'm disappointed in them and their decisions. I've been mulling it over and over in my head and then I realized that really, I'm not such a bad guy. There were some things I've done wrong, yes, but overall I feel like I've done them right.

My overall feeling is that I do a lot of good things for people and that yes, I make mistakes, but I atone for my mistakes one way or another. What I can't get over is how selfish people are sometimes and how often I see the attitude of what have you done for me lately come into effect. I thought that I would be sad to see these people go, but now I just realize that I'm disappointed in them because this is the course that they have chosen for themselves.

To these people, I say, I wish you a great life, but you'll be living a life without me in it. I'm sure it'll be easy to find a new person to fill my role, but maybe now and again you'll remember me and what I've done for you, if not then god speed.

This post will probably look to most as it's me being full of myself, but I'm really one of the most down to earth people you could meet. I'm not full of myself, but I realize that I have value and some people just refuse to see my value to them and that push comes to shove I'm there for them.

Anyways, to the few people that read this, it's probably not concerning you, but if you're worried it is, give me a call, I'll let you know what's up, I'd love for someone to talk to.
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