Steven and I think we saw Joan Rivers last Friday. We were walking across the street to Strand and she passed us - we aren't totally sure because she didn't have her make-up and hair done like it is for TV and she was wearing big sun glasses so it was hard to tell. But I forgot to mention it earlier.
I have a big cold sore. I always get them in the same place, my lower lip in right hand corner. Stupid Monroe genes...well I guess it's more the Schmidt genes really - whatever, it's easier to blame someone when I have a nasty blister on my lip. At least Abreva is incredible and lipstick covers it fairly well - but it still hurts.
I'm thinking about going to the Tree Lighting Ceremony in Rockefeller Center too - it might be crazy packed but I really want to go, especially since I won't be here for the Macy's Day parade (which I've always wanted to see live). It's on Nov. 29th.
I'm so mad - well not really - but Brookdale has a mandatory discussion about relationships tomorrow night at 9pm. First of all, we already had one and it was horrible and pointless so I guess they feel the need to punish us again. Secondly Grey's is on exactly at that time. Who does that! Geesh, I have to miss my show to talk about relationships with 500 people who know absolutely nothing about me and I will never meet again - I'm rather bitter about the whole thing.
Last night I went to see Stranger Than Fiction with friends. I loved it - go see it, or at least see it when it comes out on video (for those of you who have very few theater nights - like if you have 3 little kids). You might not love it but there's no way you can dislike that movie.
I hate it when teachers give those speeches of death. Perhaps that's a bit dramatic but you know the ones. When they tell the entire class how bad people just did on papers or tests. You go into class all confident and then they start speaking and you want to crawl under your desk and rock back and forth. "This is a 300 level class and all of you are English majors, you should know how to use MLA format" - I immediately think; 'I totally used MLA format, I did fine. Wait, did I cite the page number correctly? Did I even put my works cited in alphabetical order? '. The professor continues "you should proof read your paper out loud to catch any grammar, spelling or odd word mistakes that you may have mis-typed. I really shouldn't have to tell you any of this. And all of your papers need titles - it cannot be the title of the play you're writing about because that title has already been used. You need to follow the assignment correctly, a few of you didn't even do the correct assignment and will be re-writing your entire papers; others of you will need to re-write most of it because you only followed part of it correctly". At this point I'm dying. I look at her the whole time and I'm not afraid to look her in the eye but in my head I'm panicking - I just know she's describing everything I did wrong in my paper and part of my wants to jump up and cry out "don't humiliate me any more, I'll just rewrite it! Please no more public humiliation!" Then I get my paper back...I've done fine and I feel horrible for all those other people.
I went to the MET after class, yes I realize I go there quite a bit. I had to take notes on the pieces I'm writing my paper on for Greek art history. I had some pictures of them from going before but I realized that my pictures weren't sufficient and I couldn't get the details I needed. So I stood around with the tour groups and the school kids and wrote a couple pages of notes in the Greek section.
After looking at the Greek I went to one of the newer exhibitions "Set in Stone: The Face in Medieval Sculpture" where they had a bunch of heads in glass cases. It sounds very strange - and it was - but the pieces were also extremely interesting. They had everything from Celtic carvings and horned sculls to painted limestone busts of saints that opened into boxes that once held the saints bones. They are setting up the big Christmas tree in the Medieval art section too - it looks beautiful. The women were still installing it but I was peaking through the barriers to watch them work. I definitely need to go back and see it when it's finished.
Oh, and then I tried to go to the fashion exhibit but it was closed because they're installing a new one. I was sad but that just means I have to go back, oh darn. And I also bought another five dollar poster.
Odalisque with a slave, Jean Auguste Dominique 1840