Dec 19, 2005 21:53
Due to popular (me and emily) request, we have resurrected the age old and beloved tradition of "word of the day." Each day's word will be selected pre- 8:15 and if anyone should say it during the course of the day, those who are privy to the word will exclaim "aaahhh!" with no explanation. The word of the year is still in effect, I'm going to start carrying noisemakers with me wherever I go and storing confetti in my bra just in case.
The word of the day today was "list". Jerry guessed after a rousing game of unlimited 20 Questions in Physics. I should have been studying in Physics class but I just wanted to give Dr. Stroyan more proof that we are a bunch of no good lazy assholes who will amount to nothing.
I cried listening to the christmas shoes song the other day. I basically deserve to be shot.