May 19, 2005 20:40
Or feel like it, at least.
Two weeks ago, my father-in-law had a heart attack and was in the hospital.
In the meantime, my father, who has suffered a heart attack previously, was admitted to the hospital with an extremely low blood pressure.
One of Natasha's friend's dog had a heart attack and died.
Our CPA (and good friend), his brother had a heart attack two days ago.
My sister was admitted in to the hospital yesterday for extremely low blood pressure and a full neurological workup.
My father had a pacemaker put in yesterday. Today, they found fluid on his lungs and are keeping him overnight.
My father-in-law went home two days ago.
All of these people (with the possible exception of the dog) were on diets, trying to lose weight, get healthy, etc.
Fuck that. I'm gonna stay fat and alive. Yup.
(Can you tell I'm totally missing the message here?) :)