TWITTER UPDATE (follow me if you want)

Apr 17, 2010 08:00

18:07 @ mishacollins OW. But, hey! At least your hair still looked good. #

18:15 @ mishacollins - You are entirely correct, good sir. Floppy purple petals are the be-al #

18:18 @ Kijikun This should be good. :D #

18:20 @ Kijikun Ah, those issues. XD We buy the cheapy kind. I hate them so. #

18:24 @ Kijikun ;_; Why don't dudes have these kinds of issues? #

18:38 @ Kijikun That jerkass. #

18:41 @ Kijikun You'd think we would've had a sign-up sheet or something. -_- #

18:52 @ Kijikun - Ah, high school poerty. Let me go scrounge some of mine up, and we can laug #

18:54 @ Kijikun My old poetry: #

18:56 @ Kijikun :D Thank you! #

19:50 @ SupportSPN Twice. XD #
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