5.18, "POINT OF NO RETURN", REACTION POST [spoilers, obvs]

Apr 16, 2010 08:20

Sooo... yeah.

Great episode. I loved it. Loved it, loved it, loved it. Zach was fantastic here, an utter bastard that just makes me all happy inside. He's like Umbridge in that I love to hate him. And just like Umbridge, had she gone down this path, watching him die is so fulfilling. FUCK YEAH DEAN.


Sorry, automatic response. It should abate by... uh... next month?

GUYS, GUYS, I LIKE SAM AGAIN. Ever since season four, I've just been meh on him. I wasn't sure if, as a viewer, I should trust him. Now, however, I think I can. It's great. I mean, I don't love Sam like I do Dean YOU ASSMUNCH, but he's definitely in my good graces again. Yay!

ADAM. ♥ I have found my Winchester. Don't get me wrong, I love Dean YOU MOTHERFUCKER and like Sam, but Adam is just... he's super cool. XD I love his character, his cynicism. He's like Dean YOU DICKWAD, but better looking.

Sorry Dean!girls! Dean YOU FUCKASS is very pretty, but I find Adam more attractive.

Dean I WILL EAT YOUR LIVER. I tend to hold grudges for a long time, and what Dean YOU PIGFUCKER did in this episode, while softened by realizing his dickish ways and actually apologizing, is still on the 'I THINK YOUR FACE IS STUPID' list. To be honest, it probably has to do with his actions towards Cas that's making me not like Dean YOU DOUCHENOZZLE right now.

Oh, Cas. ;_; You poor bastard. After everything you've done, after all you've been through, after rebelling, dying, cutting yourself off from the only home you have, killing your family, Dean YOUR BLOOD WILL MAKE NICE PAINT FOR THE FRONT OF MY CAR does this. You have every right to be pissed, and angry. I love that he is. In this episode, Cas just lets it fly. He called Dean YOU FUCKING COWARD out every single time he opened his mouth it seemed. It was fantastic. Plus, he has several fight scenes in this episode. The first one, before he yanked Adam from the ground, was awesome. Two fully-powered angels versus Cas. Oh, it was cool. Especially the blade flippy thing.

Yeah, yeah, I'm kinda shallow, I know.

And what's the thanks he gets for helping Adam? He gets blown away by that fuckhead Dean YOU FUCKHEAD in order to escape. He was concerned and Dean I WILL MOUNT YOUR HEAD ON MY WALL tricked him. Bastard. I was utterly ecstatic when Cas then proceeded to hand Dean RAWR RAWR EAT YOUR SOUL his own ass, and then shove it down his throat. At the end, I would have kicked him again, but Cas has more restraint than I and merely knocks his ass out. Good guy. I'm petty.

And I love the line that Cas tells Dean YOU STUPID MONKEY FUCK. He out and out says what Dean I WILL MAKE A NECKLACE OF YOUR TEETH told Sam: I don't have any faith in you. And Cas doesn't want to see Dean not being Dean.


Then Cas goes off and sacrifices himself NIPPLES by cutting a banishing sigil NIPPLES onto his chest NIPPLES and sending the angel and himself NIPPLES out into the wind blue yonder. What the hell happens if you banish yourself like that?! I mean, I have fan-ficcy ideas, but I don't know for sure. FALLEN!CAS FALLEN!CAS FALLEN!CAS FALLEN!CAS

And then Dean YOU DICKWEED rushes in to save the day. Personally, I would have left him in the panic room, too. But I have no faith in anyone but Cas in this show. AND HE'S FUCKING MISSING. Of course, Zachariah uses his mojo to torture the youngest Winchester boys, trying to get a 'YES' outta Dean YOU FUCKING ASSWIPE. He caves, only to gaze soulfully at Sam and decide that he can't let his brother down. Then he stabs Zachariah. And a lot of emphasis is placed on Dean's eyes.

Anyone else think this foreshadowing Dean YOUR SPINE WILL FEED MY DOG killing Lucifer in such a manner?

Then the three brothers attempt to flee before Michael arrives to collect his free meal. Alas, Adam gets distracted by ~the shiny~ and is taken away.

On the way back, both brothers smile and laugh and hold hands and because they've newly reconnected. It's beautiful, really. YOU MEATHEADS, YOUR BROTHER IS MISSING AND CAS IS PROBABLY DEAD. WHAT THE FUCK. THIS IS NOT A HAPPY ENDING. THIS IS BITTERSWEET. WHY IS THERE NO BITTERSWEETNESS? IT'S ALL "LOL ILU BRO". NO. BAD WRITERS. BAD BAD BAD WRITERS.

Gah, it makes me mad. Two endings now that have let me down. Dammit, show. ;_;

However, the writers did fill it with yummy C/D slashy subtext. That helps a lot. XD

So, in conclusion:

fandom: supernatural, post-episode fangirling, rants, oh wow swearing, spoilers, lol u mad

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