One Night In NYC

Oct 11, 2009 18:35

Who Skuld, Thirteen, and Vekk
When Soon after she arrives
What Bored Godling looking for something to do
Notes Whatever happens happens.

Skuld had wondered out of the compound. After all, there's only so much you can do inside, she did mark where she had left so that she'd be able to find her way back. Currently she was sitting on a swing, wishing that she had asked someone to meet with her, after all, things were a little boring on your own.

So far, after wondering around the last few hours the playground was the only thing that seemed interesting to her. Maybe she was getting bored of all the tech, or maybe she just wanted to be 'mortal'. The game was kind of fun, and so far, she hadn't really come in contact with anything that she couldn't run from. And so far, that had been nothing... Even the playground she was currently in was deserted. She swayed on the swing, looking up at the sky, it felt different from home, but not in a bad way.

Sighing she got off the swing, she'd need something to do, the lack of strings to read was getting to her. Not to mention she was starting to get hungry. Stretching she figured it was time to make her way back. Maybe she'd find something to do after getting something to eat.

thirteen, skuld, vekk

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