[Thread:Open] Will No One Else Stand Up and Fight?

Sep 29, 2009 19:05

Who: Helena Campbell, OPEN
When: Real Time, as in: now. Not during any major event, not backdated to any other event.
Where: New York City, the outskirts of the new Shadowlands
Summary: Helena is curious. She's heard of some things going on in the Northern part of the ring and didn't want to believe that the Queen somehow managed to make her way here, but as she wanders around, looking for answers, she discovers that her enemy is in fact, back.
Warning: None as of right now. I'm leaving this open for anybody to buid future plot and play off of previously discussed plot. It is yet to be determined whether anything will actually happen.

Helena didn't know what to do anymore. She was travelling down the streets of New York and there weren't any people. The streets were practically empty. There weren't any partially phased people anymore. And the shadows... they were different even from when she had seen The Queen from the first time. She knew it was her. It had to be her. The creatures were way too familiar to be anything else other than hers but at the same time they were different. Larger, more brooding, more sinister. They knew they could have this land because The Queen must have realized how easy it was to take over this place. There was no real order. Nothing to hang onto or depend on.

She hadn't seen Valentine in a while... they were living together but then suddenly... he just wasn't there one day. She'd had to readjust to being by herself again. She'd been holed up in her room for quite some time, then gone when the Princess had taken her place for a short while... When she came back she had begun to hear unsettling rumors about the partially phased people of this place. Then she had seen the "Wanted" posters that littered the streets. They had obviously been up for a while now, but still, it was evidence. And now this.

Helena visibly shivered. This place was literally going to hell in a hand-basket and it looked like we were just handing over the basket willingly. Was no one trying to stop this? She looked around. If anything had tried to stop this, tried to stop the invasion (as it appeared to her) there was no evidence of it. She wasn't surprised, there was no good or evil here. Everyone just... existed... and didn't really care what happened as long as it didn't happen to them.  As for those few special people she knew they must just be loving this.... but what about all the good people she'd met?  The people she thought stood for justice. She'd seen people in the complex who fit that superhero persona... but where were they now? Where had they been? It looked like they were just letting this happen...

Memories of the place she'd been to previous to this were stirred and became visible in her mind's eye... People standing up against the enemy, standing up and fighting... Not here.

Helena walked on, visibly downtrodden and distressed. She was also visibly aggrivated. This wasn't right. If no one else would stand up against The Queen she would. She had done it before and she would do it agian... with or without anyone's help...

dante, cissie king-jones, helena campbell, roy harper, hiro nakamura, jeremie belpois

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