[Arrival] It's Todd Now

Sep 29, 2009 20:58

Women ushered their children to the opposite side of the street as Sweeney passed, all types of passersby making every attempt to avoid him as possible. He merely mumbled incoherently under his breath, eyes darting from side-to-side whenever he happened to look up from the sidewalk, which wasn't often. He stared up in bewilderment at the skyscrapers every once in awhile, fumbling the silver blade hidden in his pocket to comfort himself., turning it over and over in his hand. He cringed whenever a particularly bright light or loud noise occurred and glared with his beady dark eyes at who ever he happened to think was responsible for it, which usually was just the person nearest to him at the time.

Eventually he came to rest on a small wooden bench by the side of the road and stopped for awhile to stare at people who passed, but he felt uncomfortable out in the open. So after awhile he got back up when he saw some stairs across the street that lead underground, which he found intriguing. When he descended, he glanced around warily before moving forward into the subway station, not understanding at first where all the noise was coming from.
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