(no subject)

Sep 22, 2009 21:26

Who: Mary, open to Dante
Where: The complex :D
When: Not long after her arrival, evening
Summary: Dante offers his help to Mary, who unwillingly accepts. Nothing big.
Warnings: Probably language.

A rattling sigh.

For anyone to pass through now, it might have been strange to see someone like her. She was nervous, maybe even a little angry. Mary had managed to find one way to cope with her stress, by sitting down, her knees pulled up to her mouth, and childishly cupping her hands to her mouth. When she was last with her father, she had found herself in an argument with him.

Conveniently, over school. And it didn't help with matters that Mary was in her uniform when it happened. Despite having her beloved cannon next to her -- yes, that. An odd sight, to say the least, a Catholic school girl sitting alongside with a cannon. To her, it wasn't a big deal. The only thing that worried her was her skirt, which was worked well between her legs in her position to prevent anything else from showing.

But now her thoughts rested on her father. The argument was heated, and it was one of the few times Mary could recall her father very angry. It frightened her to the point where she stormed out of the room, to her cannon. And now.. now she ended up here. Headache was an understatement to what she had now. By now, if he ever showed himself up again, being grounded was the least he'd do.

Trusting complete strangers... I must have gone mad. Yet she was desperate to make it back. Back to her home and to her father- yes, that. He would be furious with her by now, but also relieved! Thankfully, she was armed. If anything happened now, at least she was armed...

dante, lady

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