[Closed Thread] There's A Mouse In the House And We've Run Out of Jell-O!

Jul 19, 2009 23:13

Who: OU Helena Campbell, OU Valentine
When: Couple Weeks after Valentine has been phased in and moves in with Helena. Sometime in the early morning, before noon.
Where: Their apartment.
Summary: Valentine and Helena have been living together for a few weeks and boy it's made for interesting. So here is just a brief example of a day in the life of ( Read more... )

helena campbell

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veryusefulbook July 21 2009, 14:43:26 UTC
Helena had been sorting through the pictures, putting them in random catagories that didn't really even make sense to her. She was just looking for something to do and attempting to find some kind of order to the madness when she heard a 'very manly shriek' and then heard what must have been Valentine tumbling to the floor.

Helena had jumped up at the sound of the Valentine yelling and by the time she heard him plummet to the ground she was up on her way to his door. She grabbed the door knob and turning it she pulled it open just a crack and peered inside. "Valentine?! Are you alright?"

There he was crumpled onto the floor in a large and not very figure flattering pile next to his bed. Helena opened the door the rest of the way and laughed a bit.

"What are you do- WAH!" She was midsentence when she saw the mouse scurry out from under Valentine's bed and start heading towards her. SHe jumped back a few steps and tripped over her own feet, landing on the floor with a thud. Her rump would feel that for a few days.

Helena hopped up and made a jump for the couch. She wasn't really afraid of mice, but she didn't exactly know what to do about it either, so she did as most women must and hopped up onto something that was not the floor so that she could try and figure something out.

She glared towards Valentine's room, "This is what you get for leaving food and crumbs all over the place, Valentine!" She almost laughed but decided against it. She was however, grinning a bit. SHe couldn't help but laugh at the ridiculousness of their little situation.


gotatower July 22 2009, 13:15:35 UTC
Clumsily untangling his limbs from the bed-sheet Valentine quickly got to his feet and tried to regain a bit of his dignity. Easier said than done, especially with how amused Helena was with the whole situation.

"Hey! There was absolutely nothing edible under that bed!"

Not that he had looked of course (luckily he had never been that desperate for a snack) but the idea that this was somehow his fault was just ridiculous. That creature had made an attempt to take his life and Helena blamed him for it? He had to wonder why he put up with that girl sometimes...

And then he remembered that the creature was still loose somewhere in the apartment, a thought that immediately sent Valentine scrambling to get back up on the bed. He could've sworn he saw a glimpse of Very Sharp Teeth when he first spotted the thing in the dark and bare-feet as he was Valentine really didn't want to risk losing any toes.

Calling out to Helena in the living room (she had always been more keen on the whole heroic and risky deeds-thing) Valentine scanned the floor for any signs of impending doom.

"What was that thing?! And... did you see where it went..?"


veryusefulbook July 23 2009, 03:26:00 UTC
Helena laughed. "It's a mouse! Haven't you ever seen one before!?" Helena was scanning the floor below her feet, around the couch, and walking along the couch cushions to see into the kitchen and around the Island counter.

She heard the chittering just behind the counter but couldn't make anything out visually. "I think it's in the kitchen." She called out to Valentine, "Where I cleaned up your mess this morning!" She was either proving a point or just trying to rial him up because it was funny to do so.

She hopped off the couch and slowly began to make her way around the counter, tiptoeing in her bunny slippers a good few feet away. When she rounded the corner there was nothing there. She could have sworn she heard chittering.

"Valentine! I'm not really sure where he went." She was partially thinking out loud, partially talking to Valentine, so even though she was not yelling, she was certainly loud enough for him to hear her. With this said, she precariously walked around the counter, saw nothing. She scanned the floor, took in the living room and backed her way to Valentine's room. When she came in she turned around and found him standing and not in a pile anymore.

"Come on, Valentine! We need to see where he went!"


gotatower July 24 2009, 22:59:08 UTC
A mouse. The name didn't ring any bells but then again Valentine wasn't exactly a zoologist. He usually just kept track of the beasts that wanted to eat him and - in connection to that - what he could do to stop them from doing it. Over the years he had turned into a bit of an expert as far as Sphinxes were concerned but apart from that he really didn't have a clue when it came to strange little creatures and creepy crawlies. Would books work for this 'mouse' too? Maybe if he smacked it hard enough...

"Well, make sure it stays there!"

Staying put on the bed he leaned out to peek through the doorway, steadying himself with a hand against the wall. Helena sure made a lot of noise over there but she didn't seem to be in any particular danger. Perhaps his own heroics could wait a bit longer...

And then she came back into the room, all kinds of enthusiastic and Valentine wasn't entirely sure if he liked the look on her face.

"Why do we need to look for it?! It's not here, that's good enough for me!"

And then he thought of gleaming sharp teeth and tiny sharp claws and decided that maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea to find it after all. It was better to face terrifying beasts when you were awake than to go back to bed not knowing when they would strike next. He wasn't going to walk into the heat of battle unprepared though. Sighing he carefully hopped off the bed and headed for the far corner of the room where he had last kicked off his shoes.

"Fine, let's look for it. I'm not risking any toes though."


veryusefulbook July 28 2009, 03:13:47 UTC
Helena laughed openly at Valentine's apparent paranoia. She made a mental note to add some kind of creature that was mouse like to all of the drawings on her walls. That should stir some things up over there.

She turned a bit and looked behind her into the living room/kitchen area. No sign of the mouse. "Alright, come on, Valentine."

With that she stepped out into the living room and slowly started making her way towards the couch. Not sure why just felt compelled to go that way. Upon reaching the couch she sighed. Nothing there.

She looked around the room. No sign, tiptoed over to the kitchen. Nothing. She hopped up on the kitchen counter and swinging her legs began to talk out loud about where could it? Where would she go if she were a mouse? Questions like that. She rattled on to herself and then turned a curious eye towards Valentine.


gotatower August 1 2009, 10:12:33 UTC
If Valentine knew what Helena was planning he definitely wouldn't be helping her look for the little creature as some sort of reverse pay back, but alas he hadn't quite gotten the hang of mind reading yet. Instead he just pulled on his shoes (making damn sure the thing hadn't gotten into them already) and tentatively followed her out in the living room.

As she went for the couch he started scanning the room, paying extra attention to all the dark corners. You never knew where a monster could be hiding and it had certainly seemed happy under his bed. Helenas organized mess made it a little difficult though and he sure wasn't going to start rifling through the piles without some proper protection.

He shot Helena a glance when she started talking to herself. She did this a lot, didn't she? Acting like some crazy person who figured things out by pretending to be them - but he had to admit that it had worked the last time. He shrugged, making his way towards the kitchen. The mouse hadn't shown its horrible little face again and then there was the subject of breakfast. Which he hadn't had yet. Because going on a wild monster chase was apparently infinitely more important first thing in the morning.

"Maybe it knew what was coming and escaped while it still could."

Wishful thinking maybe, but it would sure make this a whole lot easier.


veryusefulbook August 3 2009, 00:30:16 UTC
She knew Valentine was probably just trying to shirk away from ransacking the entire apartment looking for a mouse and that, as he normally does, was his way of making things go away: by ignoring them.

She shrugged her shoulders. The only reason she really wanted to find the mouse was so that she could catch it and take it above the compound, get him somewhere else. Or make a little place for it to live. But having it run free in the apartment or even in the compound could get him seriously maimed and Helena didn't want the poor thing to get hurt.

She slipped off the counter and went over to the fridge. They still had a little bit of cheese left. She could use that to lure out the mouse. Now she just needed something to house it in.

"Valentine do you have a box or anything in your room that could hold the mouse? I really think it would be much better if we could get a cage, but I wouldn't know how to go about doing that..."


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