Enlightenment Part 1

Mar 16, 2009 22:00

Title: Enlightenment
Pairing: The only one that matters S/X
Warnings: m/m sex
Disclaimer: None of it belongs to me, I make no money
Rating: NC17 eventually
Summary: Our heroes are flung far into the future
This is not beta'd

Spike and Xander opened their eyes to sunlight.

Spike shrieked, trying to dive under Xander who was confused and disorientated, stomach churning, trying to get his bearings. It didn’t help that Spike was desperate to hide from the sunlight - shit, he could incinerate, Xander thought as he flung his jacket over the bleached menace.

“Please, have no fear, nothing here will harm you” said a vaguely familiar voice.
“The light will not harm demon kind. Please, be calm.” Spike was still in shock and peeked from under the protection of Xander’s jacket at the person who was speaking to them.
“Where are we?” asked Xander of the young person watching them cautiously.
“You are in the nursery. Who are you and how have you come here?”
Xander looked around to see if there were any babies in evidence and couldn’t see any. There were however other people like the familiar looking kid, who were now homing in on them. They were all dressed alike and he assumed they were all girls. Odd really cause they all seemed facially quite familiar. The person who had been speaking again addressed both Spike and Xander.
“I am Xan. I am designated speaker for the unit in this time period.” The ‘girl?’ smiled at them and indicated all the other people in the group who also smiled in welcome.
“Cool, my name’s Xander - sometimes Xan, so hey, same name, how bout that! This is Spike. We come in peace.” said Xander sagely, and true to form gave the Vulcan ‘live long and prosper’ salute, which astonishingly the rest of the people in the room returned.

“Oh. My. God. I have arrived at planet geek!” Spike said to no one in particular. Xan looked quizzically at him and again spoke.
“I do not understand your designations, they are unfamiliar, but I will introduce the unit.” He turned and proudly introduced the group of people starting with the nearest.
“This is Wil, Lia, Tar, Wes, Buf, Gun, Cor, Wil, Daw, and I am Xan. Our unit are designated Helpers. We are blessed as we are whole and have three who are named after our venerable ancestors.”
He smiled at Spike and Xander, neither returned the smile but had a look of utter astonishment on their faces. All the people they had left behind god knows where or when were here. But they were all girls and didn’t speak.

It was way beyond weird.

“So how come you’re all chicks?” asked Xander. Xan obviously didn’t know what Xander was talking about from the look of confusion on his face.
“I do not understand this ‘chicks’. We are childer. We are immature.”
Now it was Spike and Xander’s turn to look confused.
“You’re all childer? But I can hear your heartbeats, even Ang - er Lia’s” he trailed off into silence.
“We have not yet chosen our permanent form, be it demon or human, male or female. We will not choose until we are beyond 884 time periods. We are now 832 time periods approximately.” He told them with a look of pride on his face.
Both Spike and Xander were now totally confused.

“I have been requested by my Wil to ask a question of you, may I?” Spike and Xander turned to the girl who looked like Willow.
“And what might that be little lady?” asked Spike. Wil blushed, putting her head on Tar’s shoulder as the rest of the childer either smiled or laughed.

Xan smiled too and said “No, this is my Wil” and he proudly held out his hand to a blond female Spike. “We are bonded, as are we all within the unit. Tar and Wil, Buf and Lia, Cor and Wes, Gun and Daw, all bonded. As a unit we have chosen who we bond with, we now wait until after time period 884 and then we choose our permanent forms. We can be male, female, human or demon. I know you Xan-der are human and you Spike are demon. But what is your gender?”

Spike turned to look at Xander, eyebrow quirking, small smile playing about his mouth.
“WTF! Harris? I think we should find out a bit more about where and WHEN we are mate don’t you?” Xander nodded vigorously.
“Fine by me bleach, already weirded out by me with boobs, and havin you as bond mate, jeeze! Mind you, not bad as a chick Spike my ancient pal!” Xander chuckled.
“Oi less of the cheek, wanker!” Spike groused, deciding to be the speaker for them both, you never knew what garbage would spill out of Harris’ mouth! He wasn’t a bad kid, but he was still more speak first think later whilst extracting foot!

“We would rather keep our gender to ourselves for a while if you don’t mind luv. We would like to learn more about you tho and where we are. That OK luv?”
“My designation is Xan, who is ‘Luv’? What are ‘boobs’ and ‘chick’ and ‘wanker’? These words are unfamiliar. Please explain.”
Spike sighed, this was going to be tougher than he thought.
“Before I do that, can you tell me what year this is, or, er time period?”
“In the old calendar it would be 2532. The time period from the beginning of The Enlightenment is now 10405. I think you would understand the first time frame more easily.”

“So, tell me Xan what exactly is ‘The Enlightenment’?”

“It started with the end of all things. For a time there was nothing but chaos. The populace declined, disease was rife, human and demon fought each other, then came plague. It did not discriminate, demon, human, male, female, no one was safe. Those that survived took to living away from society in small groups, mostly under the earth where it was safer. Eventually there was only animal life above ground for many time periods. The earth healed itself and those that were immune to the plague came out of the dark. They were changed, they were in tune with the earth. We still follow their guidance. We are happy and content with our lives. We can choose our bonded mates, even our gender and if we wish to be human or demon. The only thing we do not choose is our purpose. That is chosen for us when we are 520 time units. We have until we reach 936 time periods to accustom ourselves to our purpose, but this unit is already accustomed. We are ready to serve. We are helpers.” The others in the unit smiled and nodded in agreement with Xan.
“Wow. 2532, wow.” Said Xander in an awed voice. “Never thought I’d get to time travel, this is so cool. It’s life Jim, but not as we know it!”

“You are such a tosser at times Harris, I really don’t know why I put up with you.” Spike said, fondly rather than unkindly.
Wil and the rest of the group had been still whilst Xan gave Spike and Xander a recent history lesson, but now Wil tugged at Xan’s hand.
“I’m sorry my precious heart. I will ask. Please, Wil has reminded me of the question. May I ask?”
“Go ahead Xan, but Wil never said anything; how do you know what the question is?”
“We speak in each others mind. You do not?”
“No we bloody don’t!”
“How do you communicate with your bond mate and your unit then?” Spike took a breath, this was getting way out of his depth.
“First off, I don’t have a bond mate, second, we’re talking, and third, I talk to my ‘unit’ too.” Xander sniggered thinking of Spike being part of their ‘unit’.
“But you and Xan-der - surely you are bonded. Your aura’s tell us this, they cannot lie.”
“No way Xan, no way, and if our aura’s say otherwise they are lying thru their aura-ish teeth!” Xander told him. All Spike could do was laugh at Xander’s outrage. Xan nodded in understanding.
“Xan-der. It is said that before The Enlightenment human kind did not understand and often went against their true nature. You will find each other, have no fear.” Xan told him kindly.
“No way, absolutely no way do I have feelings or urges for Spike, unh huh!” he stated vehemently. He didn’t, nope, not him, manly man Xander Harris did not think of Spike in ‘that’ way, nu-huh! He wasn’t going there. He suppressed any and all niggling creeping doubts.
“Let’s face it Harris I am one hot dead vamp and you’d love to get those mitts on my tackle!” he smirked.
“My Wil’s question! Where are your mammary’s? Also, what is the tackle you refer to?”
“Memories are in my head of course!” Xander said. The unit erupted into laughter at his faux pas.
“You misunderstand! Mammory’s - may I approach you?” Xander nodded. Xan held out his hand and touched Xander’s chest, he looked at Spike who nodded, and he placed a hand on Spikes’ chest too.
“You are flat, you have no mammory’s, all childer have them, we have not seen anyone without them, it is most odd. May we - may we look?” Xander found it all very strange but Spike was beginning to have an inkling as to what was going on, he was surprised Xander hadn’t cottoned on yet. Spike divested himself of his T shirt and there was an audible gasp from the unit. Spike preened, he knew he was a hottie.
Xander took off his shirt too and held his shoulders back and sucked his gut in, again a gasp. Oh yeah, the Xan man could make the ladies gasp too!
“May we touch your naked forms?” Xan was all a quiver, this was the most excited Spike had seen the group since their arrival.
“Yeah, sure, why not - you up for it Harris. Remember Harris they’re just kid’s, think of Star Trek, different alien cultures, you’ll get it soon enough!”
“Shuddup Spike, I’m not an idiot y’know. This is really priceless. We’re like temporal explorers, way cool!”

Spike shook his head. Xander was as much a child as the ones before him. And Xan thought they were bonded, well that was something to think about. He was easy on the eye if not the ears! He could do worse. Who could argue with aura’s after all?

The group came forward as one but waited their turn to touch Xander and Spike’s chests. They touched each of them individually and they also seemed to really enjoy touching them both at the same time.
“I have another request from Buf. Why is there a lump between your legs?” Xander all but choked when he heard that one. Spike understood.
“It is our sex. We don’t choose, we are born either male or female.” Xander looked at Spike.
“You mean to say bleach that they don’t know we’re - .“ Spike quickly clamped his hand over Xander’s blabbermouth.
“No idiot child, they don’t and we should keep it that way. You been listening to what Xan said? They have to choose. I don’t think we should influence that decision. Do you?” Xander thought about it. They all had boobs, but no cocks, did they all have female bits down there then? He’d really love to know. Could he ask?

Spike saw the light dawn on Xander’s face.

“No Harris you bloody well are not getting to ask or to look!”
“How d’you know what I was thinking Spike? No fair buddy!”
“I know how the mind of a teenager works, idiot!”

Xan watched them and became more and more sure they were bonded, even if they didn’t yet know it. They knew each others ways, even without telepathy they knew each others thoughts. He liked them both. They were helpers too, he could feel it.
“Spike? Why do you call Xan-der ‘Harris’?”
“Where we come from all people have a name like Xander or Xan and then they have a family name, Xander’s family name is Harris. My family name is Aurelius.” At that little snippet of information a buzz seemed to go through the unit. Xan and Wil became very excited.
“We know of Aurelius. It is demon. It is part of history. You are part of history Spike. You came before The Enlightenment. This is truly an honour.”

So, thought Spike, my line lasted to the end of civilisation as we know it, wonder if it was me or me ponce of a Sire or even our childer? The unit as a whole turned to Spike and bowed their heads in reverence. Spike was overawed.
“Thank you. You do me a great honour.” Spike was humbled by their respect. Xander was impressed by Spike. He’d never seen him like this before, gracious and grateful, well maybe not grateful, more respectful of others.

They had barely been in this time and place for a few scant hours yet Spike felt at home with these childer. He could feel their innate kindness and purity. It gave him a feeling he couldn’t explain.

“May I share memories with you Spike?” asked Xan.

Spike didn’t think that would be a good idea at all and said as much to Xan, he also said he didn’t think Xander should share memories either, they didn’t want to influence the decisions that the childer had to make in the future. Xan said that he understood, he would have liked to share memories but he respected Spike and Xan-der’s decision. Spike looked over at Xander who was wide eyed and open mouthed, gazing around in awe. It brought a little smile to Spikes face to see him, probably his dream come true he thought.

Xan had noticed Xander staring around the place too.

“Xan-der, would you and Spike like to see the facility? Wil and I would be honoured to show you.” Xander looked over at Spike with his big brown ‘deny me nothing’ eyes.
Spike sighed; he knew when he was a beaten vamp!

“Thanks Spikey my old mate!” Xan picked up on the word mate.
“You said you were not bonded but Xan-der called you mate - please explain.”
“Mate means friend, and we are - I suppose - friends. We might not act like it most of the time but we are - companions which are mates too.” Xan and Xander looked at Spike and both pondered on what he had said. Xander thought, yeah, they were friends, they got on, Spike was cool when he wasn’t being a pain, so yeah he agreed with the sentiment.

Xan thought too, and smiled a small smile.

Xan and Wil must have communicated telepathically with the others of the unit because they all wandered off whilst Xan and Wil led them deeper into the building they had ‘landed’ in. Xander was like a sponge soaking it all up, he was so excited Spike could practically see him vibrating. He was listening to Xan as they wandered into what looked like an atrium with seats all around, and what appeared to be older childer sitting there.
“There are our teachers” Xan told them “They have chosen to lead the life of educators and are therefore like us in appearance but more aged. Our teachers are J and G, please, come and meet them.” Xan took Xander and Spike over to a couple who were to all intents and purposes Joyce Summers and Rupert Giles. Xander’s jaw dropped a little further.
“Wow, that is sooo scary man!” Xan made the introductions and they all exchanged the universal greeting a la Mr Spock. Xander couldn’t get over Giles with breasts and kept sniggering until Spike led him away.

“Hey, what’s up Spike?”
“Harris, I know you’re still a teenager but really, can’t you stop sniggering? Do you understand what’s going on here at all?” he asked in an exasperated tone.
“Yeah, actually, I do. I’m not a complete idiot and it might come as a surprise to you but I think this place is really cool and I get what they’re doing. I know Spike, really, I understand that these kids get to choose what they want to be sexually, I know they have designated tasks and I know they will all be friends for life, and I know they have already paired off, even tho they may not be kissing and cuddling yet, I get it OK?”

“I apologise, I could not help but overhear, please, what is kissing and cuddling?”
“Now you’ve bloody well gone and done it Harris! Of for the love of ….” Spike heaved a big sigh.

“Xan, you and Wil show each other affection don’t you?” Xan and Wil nodded.
“How do you do that?” Xan was a little confused.
“In the normal way - we hold hands, we smile, we share thoughts.”
“Is that all you do?” asked an incredulous Xander. Xan and Wil nodded. Spike sighed again.
“It’s like teachin the bloody blind to see!” he said under his breath.
“Harris, Xan and Wil are like children, y’know kids who are really, really innocent, kinda like Red would’ve been when she was about 6!” The light dawned on Xander.
“Oh. My. God!”
“Yeah, precisely!”

“So then Xan, cuddling is like putting your arm round a person and holding them in an embrace - here let me show you.” He got a hold of Xander, gave him a stern look so that Xander understood the importance of what he was about to do and put his arm around him in a gentle embrace. Xander reciprocated - in the spirit of furthering Xan’s education of course!
“This then is cuddling, generally it’s making your partner feel loved and wanted and safe”. Xander nodded his head in agreement with what Spike said and realised that was actually how he felt, safe - he felt safe, yeah that was definitely the feeling!

“Kissing tho is a whole other ball game and one I don’t think you’re ready for until after you’ve chosen your gender, but if you really want to know…” Spike trailed off. Xan looked like a hopeful puppy, so really who was Spike to refuse such a plea? Xander was still cuddling Spike and rather enjoying the experience so hadn’t actually been listening to what was going on.
“That OK Xander?” Spike asked him casually.
Not knowing what had gone on Xander just smiled and nodded his assent trying to cover up for the fact that he’d not been paying the slightest bit of attention, it usually worked.
Spike smiled, leaned towards him and before Xander knew what was happening he was on the receiving end of Spike’s cool soft lips. He couldn’t even begin to stop the little sound of pleasure that escaped from him as his eyes closed and he automatically pressed his body into Spike’s.

Spike withdrew slowly, a look of astonishment on his face. He watched as Xander slowly came back to himself, he knew he’d enjoyed it, shit even without tongue it had been …. Bloody lovely!!

Xan took it all in from the look of wonder on Spike’s face to the soft smile on Xander’s and the fact that they had not yet stopped touching each other. Yes, they were truly a bonded pair.

Xander blushed and dropped his arm from around Spike, waiting for the jibes he was now more that used to, surprised when he didn’t get any, he looked at Spike who was watching him in what Xander thought of as a predatory manner.
He felt a little like Jerry when Tom had a hold of him. It sent a shiver down his spine.
Watching Xander all the while Spike told Xan “So Xan, that was kissing, and may I say it is a very, pleasant, experience. You and Wil might like to try it when you get a little older, it’s always going to be better when you have you full range of emotions and hormones, believe me. Nothing compares. What d’you say Xander?”
Unable to tear his eye’s from Spike’s and engage his brain, words came out of his mouth of their own volition.
“It was perfect.”
Spike smiled a genuinely unguarded smile which lit his whole face.

Xander was hooked.

Spike’s smile was the last thing he saw before his vision blurred and he got that awful sick feeing in the pit of his stomach. He jerked back to consciousness with the feeling he was about to heave.
“Spike!” he gasped, frantically looking around only to find he was in the living room at Chez Summers.
“Hey Xander, where d’you go? Are you OK?” asked Willow in concerned mode.

The heaving feeling in Xander’s stomach had given way to a somewhat different sensation which was growing gradually stronger as he sat there.
“Xander, speak to me honey, are you in any pain, you know who you are - who am I Xan?”
“Willow. How long - where’s Spike?”
“You had me worried for a minute there Mister! You’ve been gone about 5 minutes and well, couldn’t get Spike as well as you. If you were both OK I can work on getting him back in the morning.”
Xander looked sharply up at Willow.
“No. I have to go back Wil, please, I - I just don’t feel ‘right’. Spike needs me, can you do it? Please?”
Puppy dog eyes when they look at you desperately can melt a polar icecap. Willow, well - only human, not the Ice Queen!
“He can look after himself Xan, what help could you be?” Buffy didn’t mean to sound hurtful, but she did. Xander chose not to reply. He was feeling very unlike himself, in fact the only way to describe how he felt was to equate it to the way he felt after Jesse died. He felt lost and alone. He wanted to go back to Spike.
“Please Wil, I have to go back.”
”OK sweetie, if you really need to I can send you back to Spike. But I won’t be able to get either of you back until this time tomorrow. It just takes too much out of me Xander. Can you manage with Spike for a whole 24 hours?”

Xander smiled to himself. It seemed that they’d been gone 5 minutes tops, but they must have been in the future for at least 5 hours, so if they had 24 hours then that was…… god, it must be years back in the future!

Spike felt the wrench of Xander being yanked from the time they were in like a punch to the gut.
“Xander” he gasped.
Xan was as surprised as Spike with the sudden disappearance of Xander and saw at once it had affected Spike deeply. His aura was dull and lifeless, it looked sick, to all intents and purposes. Xan knew this was surely a test that would enable him to become a good Helper. He genuinely cared about Spike’s feelings but also, it was a learning curve for him.
“Spike, I am sure Xan-der will return. Xan-der is your mate and would not willingly leave you alone. Xan-der too will suffer the effects of being taken from you.”
“Who said I was suffering?” Spike asked snarkily.
“You do not need to speak for me to know you suffer. Your appearance tells me and your aura is - I think ‘unwell’” Xan told him kindly.
Spike knew it wasn’t Xan’s fault that Xander had been pulled back. He felt hurt that he hadn’t been pulled back with him. It was obvious to him that he didn’t matter to the Scoobie gang. Just as he and Xander might have been getting along in an altogether different way he was taken away from him. Now neither of them could say where things might have led. Spike took a deep breath. Trust him to get shat on.

“Sorry Xan, know it’s not your fault and I’m sure Xander didn’t want to be beamed out of here either, poor kid was like a dog with two tails bein here!”
“Have you dogs with more than one tail where you live Spike?” Xan asked incredulously. Spike laughed at Xan’s literal take on what he said.
“No luv, just yer regular dogs. I meant Xander was very excited to be here. Bet if Xander could, he’d stay here for ever.” Spike said wistfully.

“Come Spike let me entertain you for a time until Xan-der returns to us as I am certain your mate will. I could not bear to be a vast distance from my Wil, I cannot imagine the hurt I would feel” he said holding out his hand as Wil slipped his into it squeezing comfortingly.
“Can I tell you of Aurelius and the last of the line, would that entertain you Spike?”
“Well pet, I’d not exactly say entertain but I am interested. Come on then let’s us find a nice little spot to sit and you can tell me the tale.”

Xan and Wil led Spike over to the seating area in the arboretum, Xan keyed something into a pad on the table in front of him and in good Star Trek fashion three beakers appeared. Two with some beverage for Xan and Wil and one with blood for Spike. He was impressed and thought it was such a shame Xander wasn’t with him to see it too. Spike raised his glass in a salute to the childer and drank the blood which had a very unique flavour. Nice drop thought Spike to himself.

“In the days before The Enlightenment there lived a great demon who had been leashed as were many demons in this time. Our demon was the last of the line of Aurelius and was named William the Bloody. He had a Consort who I am honoured to be named after, as my Wil and Tar’s Wil are both named after William the Bloody. It is a great honour for us to carry these names.
Now, as I said William had been leashed but had been set free - no one knows how this happened to this day, but he understood how vile and unjust the leash was for his fellow demons. He and his Consort strove valiantly to find a way to free others of his kind from this leash. It was not until after The Enlightenment that this was possible and William was hailed as a true hero as now all demon kind that had been leashed could again live as they should, without fear. William and his Consort were known throughout our world as the most honoured and venerable of citizens and were held in the highest esteem. They lived long and contented lives until a heinous and vile crime was committed against their persons.

Consort Xan was taken and slain by the hand of a jealous demon whose name has been wiped from history, such was the horror of this act. William the Bloody was in an agony of grief and rage. He sought out the demon and ripped him limb from limb scattering his foul carcass to the dogs. William the Bloody was inconsolable. He would not be parted from his Consort’s desecrated body for days, holding it to his unbeating chest hoping against hope that Consort Xan would stir once again to life.

Alas, this was not to be and William was eventually persuaded to relinquish Xan’s body. He did not wish for burial as in the old ways or for vaporisation as we practice now, but for Consort Xan’s body to be burned by himself with no other present. As the ashes cooled and the sun started to dawn on the new day, William the Bloody lay for one last time with his beloved Consort and as the rays of the morning sun set him to flame his ashes mingled with those of his true love so they could be together once again as dust motes blown in the wind.”

Xan sighed.

“This account has been passed from generation to generation so that the joy of the bond with one’s true mate can never be forgotten or slighted, and so that all will know that demon and human kind can liver together in joy and harmony.
There are no records of the forms of William the Bloody and Consort Xan, but it is said that they were both fair to look upon and when their gaze locked all could not fail to see the blissful happiness they shared.”

Wil again squeezed Xan’s hand as he looked at Spike and wondered at the emotion on his face. Tears streamed from his eyes and Wil was overawed at how powerful Xan’s storytelling must be to evoke such a reaction.

Spike was overwhelmed by the tale of his death, and surely his consort could only have been Xander, there was no other Xan unless it was a future Xan he still had to find. No, he decided it must be his own Xander Harris. But to live so long, be loved and thought of so highly and to have a consort for hundreds of years? He was swept away. But how was it that he was only known as William the Bloody and not as Spike, and Xander was only know as Xan. Their other names must have been lost through time and only the ones used towards the end were the ones remembered Spike assumed.

“Thank you Xan. Thanks, that was very …… entertaining. You were right it did take my mind off Xander.”

Xan didn’t know if he was going a step too far in asking Spike the question he was itching to ask, but he decided to go for it.

“Spike? May I be bold?”
Spike smiled at Xan’s hesitance.
“Depends pet, on how bold y’want to be!”
“I need to ask - are you leashed?”
“Yeah pet, fraid I am. Can’t act natural, like those other’s that William the Bloody helped. That’s me lot in life tho”
Xan beamed. He knew this had been a test of his worth.
“As a designated Helper I am duty bound to offer to free you from this unnatural restraint. Please Spike, let me do this small thing for you.”

Once again Spike was overwhelmed. He could only nod dumbly. Xan and Wil exchanged glances and took each of Spike’s hands in their own. Spike didn’t really believe that this was happening to him.
“We will take you to the Medical Facility Spike, they can perform the procedure to free you. We will stay with you until this ordeal is over and help you come to terms with your new status. Is this acceptable?”

Again with the nodding and a big slow blink.

Xan and Wil led the way out of the arboretum and the building into the sunlight. Spike came back to his senses as he felt the sun and a breeze on his face and jerked out of Xan and Wil’s hands jumping back to the safety of the building.
“I am sorry Spike. Truly I did not think. You will come to no harm. The sun will not damage you, we have a ward over the entire complex so that demon kind can roam freely without restraint as human kind can. Please, trust me Spike. I do not lie.”
“Sorry pet, natural reaction. I must admit that I miss the sun and like to feel its warmth, but don’t wanna burst into flames. I do trust you Xan, I don’t think you people have a bad bone in your bodies, unlike yours truly!” he chuckled.

Spike held out a hand to each of them and they took hold willingly, smiling warmly at his trust in them, they drew him gently into the sunshine and as Spike truly realised it wouldn’t harm him he threw his head back and howled in elation. Wil and Xan beamed with happiness as they drew him further into the open air and towards the childer’s medical unit.

Once inside Spike was met by more asexual adults, Xan communicated with them, and Spike and his ‘helpers’ took him into a comfortable room with what looked rather like an ancient 50’s style hairdryer. Spike was led to sit under it and one of the adults came in through the door and started to explain how they would proceed with Spike.
“Honoured visitor, this procedure is harmless and you will feel no pain. You may experience slight dizziness and possible nausea but no pain. This is a privilege for my unit. It is rare now to be able to help a fellow citizen and remove this abomination. Be assured we hold your safety as a priority at all times.” The medic smiled at Spike to reassure him and Spike actually now felt like he was in sci-fi land on another planet.

“Ready when you are then pal.” Spike said girding his loins and preparing for the worst. The medic lowered the device over Spike’s head turned to his control panel, flicked his fingers across the screen, there was a small hum and as predicted Spike felt sick and dizzy. The medic smiled at Spike.
“Thank you for your cooperation, the procedure has been completed, you are at liberty to leave.” Spike was flabbergasted.
“Is that it? It’s gone? Just like that? After all the time it’s been there, all the pain it’s bleedin put me thru and two seconds under a hairdryer and it’s completely gone?”
The medic nodded. Spike couldn’t feel any difference. He needed to feel different, to be in control, plus there was no way he was gonna rampage thru these innocents no matter how evil he was. His evil doing days were over. He was on the white hats team. He had purpose.

1. Get his consort
2. Live for 500 years and discover this cure.

He was certain now that this was one of those self fulfilling prophetic moments.
If only bloody Xander was here and he could share it with him.

Xan advised him he needed to rest and they would take him back to their unit and prepare guest quarters for him. Spike was led willingly away to have a nap and recuperate. Xan and Wil were both ecstatic with how well everything had gone with Spike. His aura had perked up slightly even tho it wasn’t quite what it was when Xander was with him, but as far as helping went, they had performed above and beyond!

Spike was napping, half conscious of what was going on around him when all of a sudden his not right-ness vanished. He sat bolt upright and hissed “Xander!”

He flung the covering from him and sped from the room almost knocking Wil flying.
“Spike, Xan cannot be here and has asked me to bring you to your mate” Wil spoke shyly and held out his hand to Spike who was looking perturbed to hear Wil speak, specially as he was expecting his own accent or that of an upper crust Brit, but he got an American twang which coming from ‘him’ sounded plain wrong.

“Ta pet, don’t be shy. C’mon take me to Xander!” he told Wil as he grasped his hand firmly and they headed off to be with their respective mates.

Xander had appeared again where the pair had originally materialised. Xander was happily chatting to Xan when Spike came into view and as soon as he saw him the chat stopped mid sentence which, for a babble machine like Xander was unheard of.
“Ello love, didn’t think I’d be seein you again!” Spike smilingly told him, a huge feeling of relief flooding through his entire being.
Xander blushed and looked down; after what seemed an age he looked up at Spike thru his lashes. Spike thought his heart was going to start beating again at that look from Xander.
“Couldn’t stay away” he said quietly, almost shyly “Mates remember?”
“So then love, it that any way to greet your mate, your mate who thought he might’ve just gone thru the quickest quickie divorce?” Xander shook his head, feeling shy and nervous in front of Spike.
“C’mere then pet an let me see how pleased you are to be back.” Spike wanted to know with certainty that Xander felt something - anything for him. If he was going to be his Consort he needed to be absolutely sure of Xander.

Xander was hesitant but determined.

“I’m not sure what you expect Spike. It’s not every day you find you’re mated with a vampire, a same gender vampire at that. I’m just - nervous.”
“I need you to take the first step love.” Spike gently told him.
Xander took a deep breath and made the few steps to Spike, tentatively reaching for him and pulling him into a gentle embrace.

“I wasn’t gone long but it felt awful Spike. Felt like somebody had died n I just wanted to be back here, with you, with them, but mostly with you. I really missed you, but now I’m back and we’ve got space, we can get reacquainted and, and move …..our …. relationship on. Is that better?”

Xander hadn’t realised but while he was talking he’d started to rub his hand tenderly up and down Spike’s back.
Softly, softly thought Spike. He knew what he wanted and he wasn’t going to make any mistakes in how he got it, he didn’t want to freak Xander out by being all possessive like he usually was.
“Missed you too pet” he whispered turning his face so that his lips pressed gently against Xander’s cheek. Xander moved his head so that his mouth brushed across Spike’s. The butterfly’s in his stomach were doing somersaults, his lips were tingling and he felt good, happy, home.

“That Ok for a first move?” Xander asked against soft cool lips.
“Mmm Hmm, can we go on to the second?” Spike mumbled as his lips pressed back against Xander’s, and for his answer Xander responded in kind.

Audience forgotten Spike and Xander were lost in their tender exploration. Xan had never seen anything like this before, he and Wil were slack jawed at the surge of golden light coming from the joined aura of the kissing pair, it was a moving, magical sight. Xan came out of his stupor and made a small throat clearing noise, which had the desired effect. Xander blushed a pinker shade and Spike grinned like a loon, which, if you knew him was scary sight, and if you didn’t it was way past scary!

“Sorry Xan, traditional greeting when yer mate comes back for ya!”
”I am sure there are many things that you could teach us of your culture Spike. Would you and Xan-der be willing to stay with us and enrich our knowledge?”

Xander and Spike exchanged glances knowing already what the answer was.
“Willow’s given us 24 hours Spike”
“Not much time then love is there.”
Spike, I hate to tell you this but if I’m right then 24 hours here is about 4 years.” Xander couldn’t contain his excitement any longer and flung his arms round Spike.
“Spike, this is going to be awesome, truly awesome, you an me, new lives and new civilisations, boldly going where no one has gone before, I am in future heaven!!”
“So, that’s better than coming back for me?” Spike was hurt by Xander’s excitement.
“Spike, you can’t compare the two things. Being in this time is a dream come true, something to savour. Hopefully, if, well, if it things go Ok with us, we’ll get a lot longer than 4 years to do some savouring.” He told Spike in a shy yet excited tone.

Xander was right. It was a fantastic opportunity for a kid like him, and if they got on as Spike knew they would (having insider knowledge was priceless sometimes) they’d have a bloody lot longer than 4 years, more than 400 in fact. Practically an eternity!

The lights suddenly started to dim overhead and Xan moved towards them both.
“Let us take you back to the regeneration units so that we may all rest. Once you have settled and cleansed your persons then I will call and show you the nourishment facility. Is this acceptable?”
Spike noticed Xander’s curiosity had been piqued when the word regeneration was uttered.
“Hate to break it to ya love, but it’s a bedroom, with a bed big enough for two. That cause you any problems?”
“No Spike, I’ve slept in the same room as you, sometimes even the same bed.”
Xander paused in thought, looking down at his feet he quietly asked
“You won’t rush me will you? This is new and uncharted territory for a time traveller like me.”
Typical, covering the seriousness of his question with his usual humour! Spike could and would wait for Xander. He wanted to be honest with him, he wanted a relationship based on trust. He wanted Xander to trust him implicitly.
“Xan, I won’t rush you, I’ll never hurt you, I want you to want me. I want us to be friends as well as - well, we’ll have to wait a while for the rest, but - no love, no pressure, no rush.”
Xander was satisfied with Spike’s answer. He knew what Spike was like, if it moved he could shag it, but Xander didn’t want to be a shag, he was a romantic at heart and he wanted the works, he wanted hearts and flowers, love and commitment. Spike knew this, and deep down underneath the layers of nonchalance and big bad he wanted exactly the same thing.

They followed Xan and Wil to their sleeping quarters where they were left. Xan told them he would be back after they had refreshed themselves to show them where they could get nutrition. Xander was hoping for a food replicator just like on the Enterprise plus a sonic shower, and was bitterly disappointed to find he still had to wash in water and use soap. Spike laughed at him, not unkindly, and shook his head in despair at Xander’s expectations.
They waited for Xan who came and collected them and took them to eat. Xander was impressed as they really did have a replicator and he could dial up just about anything he wanted - within reason, no meat, cause these guys were all veggies, so a double cheese burger was out, and no double pepperoni pizza either which really limited Xander’s choice. He settled for mozzarella sticks and triple cheese pizza - way to go Xan, on the right track to a heart attack. Spike had a double shot of blood. Once they’d finished Xan told them both he would collect them the next day and would introduce them to all aspects of the nursery. Spike assured Xan that they wouldn’t get lost on the way back to their quarters.

Once back in their room Xander became shy and Spike became wary. It was different now, just the two of them; their relationship had suddenly altered, making them both unsure.

Xander heaved a sigh and Spike looked over to him.
“What’s up Xan?”
“What I really don’t get is why Spike, why do I suddenly feel like this? I never felt this way before, it’s as if without you I’m not me, if you see what I mean. It’s just weird. I’m not complaining Spike, I just don’t get it, I’m not gay, or at least I wasn’t yesterday, but I’ve got these feelings for you, and, and I kinda like them, but at the same time they kinda scare me too.”
He trailed off into silence not knowing what else to say.
“It’s alright love, I‘ve no idea what happened t’make you feel the way you do, but tell y’the truth Xan, I ain’t complainin’ either. Told ya pet, I’ll not hurt ya, or force y‘to do anything ya don’t want. Now, which side of the bed d’ya want?”
“Not bothered, you choose” Xander told him quietly.
“Look love, its not like we’ve not shared a bed before, I’m not gonna sneak up on ya in the middle of the nite, told ya love, just gotta trust me. Not sayin I won’t creep over and cuddle ya, so be prepared pet” he told Xander with a cheeky grin.
Xander relaxed, smiled and shucked out of his clothes getting into bed in his boxers which made Spike smile. He dropped his clothes and climbed in too. Xander was as stiff as a board, laid on his side, back towards Spike.
“Y’ll never sleep like that pet, relax. I’m comin over an’ I’m gonna put my arm round ya and get all that lovely warmth from ya, kay?”
Spike squirmed over so that his chest was against Xander’s back, his arm snaked around him as he luxuriated in the smell and feel and warmth of his Consort to be.
“Xan, go to sleep love, you gotta get used to the feel of me bein here. Night pet.” Spike kissed the back of his neck; Xander gave a shiver and relaxed perceptibly.
“Night Spike” he said, eyes wide open staring in front of him, brain working overtime.
He eventually closed his eyes and as he drifted down into sleep he heard Spike’s voice whisper in his ear.
“Too much thinking love, no need for all that, give it up as a bad job.”
Xander smiled knowing now that Spike had been awake all that time with him, waiting for him to sleep. It comforted him.

Coming to in the morning Xander’s slowly waking brain realised that he was warm, comfy, happy and wrapped around Spike. They were like a pair of limpets and it felt lovely. No other word for it decided Xander, it was lovely. It suddenly dawned on Xander that he could feel something equally hard pressing against his morning erection. Once he realised, it was obvious what it was. His arm slipped down Spike’s back towards his ass and settled there whilst he tried to decide if he really should touch or not.


Far too soon for touching Spike dick, he had enough with Xander dick for the time being. But Spike did have a nice ass he reflected as his hand traced the shape of the nearest buttock, smooth, soft yet firm. As he was fondling Spike’s perfectly formed bum cheek he moved his hips gently and his dick pressed further against Spike’s. God it felt delicious.
“You keep this up pet an’ your gonna havta take a restrainin’ order out on me!” Spike’s voice croaked in his ear.
“Shit, sorry, sorry, didn’t mean - sorry, shouldn’t, sorry.”
“I’m not pet. You can stroke my ass any time you feel the need, long as I get to reciprocate huh?”
Xander buried his head further into Spike’s neck to hide his embarrassment.
“Don’t blush love, nothing wrong with what ya doin’. Talk to me?”
Xander pressed his lips to Spike’s neck before looking up into his yellow eyes.
“Keep this up Xan - on second thoughts you’d better not keep it up love. Can’t help wanting when I’ve got the hottest piece of ass in five centuries in bed with me!”
Xander snorted, yeah as if, he thought, Spike was being nice to him for some strange reason.
“D’you think I don’t mean it Xander?” Spike was incredulous.
“Well duh! The name’s Harris not Pitt!”
“By the time I’ve finished with you love you’ll know you are the best thing on two legs - well with just the one exception, yours truly!”
“I know what I am Spike an’ it’s not some hot guy the babes go for, or the guy’s for that matter.”
“Who the fuck knocked all that confidence outa you pet? Xander, you my lovely, are an ambassador for our time. If that doesn’t give you some pride in yourself, then think about, bugger - no, can’t go there. You are a good lookin boy, demon magnet no less, in the words of Xan you are fair to look upon pet.”
“He said that?”
Spike nodded, he wasn’t really lying, Xan had said William and his Consort were fair. Xander brightened, Spike could feel the change.

“Can I kiss you love?”
A shiver ran through Xander at Spike’s request and he tilted his face up to him.
Spike lowered his mouth gently to Xander’s expectant mouth, ghosting across soft, warm, pliant lips, anticipating the taste and feel of his Consort. He pressed his mouth to Xander who trembled in his arms, his lips parted wanting Spike inside him, exploring, owning. He wasn’t disappointed, Spike entered him gently, tongue searching, tasting, roaming Xander’s mouth mapping its contours like a cartographer. Xander was lovely, like a gift in layers and layers of wrapping and he was only opening the second layer. It was exquisite. Spike reluctantly pulled away to allow Xander to breathe.
“You are beautiful Xander, don’t ever let anyone tell you any different, you taste like bloody ambrosia love. You - are - driving - me - wild. Was - you OK pet?”
Xander could only nod. That must have been the best kiss of his entire life. It had left him speechless. He wanted more, but would more be just as good, or was that one brilliant cause it was kinda the first proper kiss. Only one way to find out. He pulled Spike’s head towards him and tentatively kissed him back, doing his own exploration.

Nope. Not a fluke. The second was just as good he thought grinning goofily.
“Can we do that some more later?” Spike was looking dazed. His eyes kept going all glowy and yellow.
“Spike? Going a bit vampy there, is everything alright?”
“No love, it’s bloody not alright. You’re - bugger! How long you say we’re here, nearly 4 years?”
Xander nodded.
Spike sighed.
“Come on love, time to get up, go have a shower before I say or do something stupid. Kay?”
“Are you mad with me, did I do something wrong - should - shouldn’t I have kissed you again?”
“How could I be mad with you pet? Your kisses are - you undo me Xander. I loose control with you and I can’t, I just can’t afford to do that, cause you’re not ready. I don’t want to scare you love. So, go, shower, now!”

Xander’s brain was buzzing. He hugged Spike to him and kissed him quickly before jumping up and rushing to get in the shower.
“And make sure you leave some bloody hot water!” Spike shouted after him. He wondered if they still had bromide in this century, cause he was gonna bloody need it soon. Xander had no idea of the effect he was having on him Spike mused.
Xander showered happily, gave his dick an extra good soaping to help relieve some of his pressure, and god what wonderful relief it was. He only had to think of Spike’s blue eyes flecked with gold looking at him and he came hard and fast, so hard he felt rather light headed. He was very pleased that he’d kept so quiet, Spike would never know.
When he finished showering the water stopped and the warm air jets blasted his body until he was completely dry. He didn’t have anything else so he grudgingly put his dirty boxers back on and headed into the bedroom to be faced with a golden eyed Spike. In fact his ridges were starting to show.
“What? What’s wrong?”
“Next time pet, I’ll take the first shower OK?” and he quickly pulled Xander to him kissing him hard, forcing his tongue into Xander’s mouth, taking him, owning him, just as quickly releasing him.
“Yeah love, precisely what I’d like to do.”
Spike stalked naked into the shower and waited for the water to hit, holding himself, breathing in Xander’s scent it took him seconds to come. Still not satisfied he washed his hair, rinsed then soaped himself down, pushed two fingers into himself, hissing at the pain; undeterred he eased in an out rubbing against his prostate he jacked off under the warm water to thoughts of fucking Xander. He felt better afterwards, less tense, and sorry with how he had treated Xander. He’d have to apologise.

He strolled into the bedroom and Xander automatically looked up as he heard him. Unable to tear his eyes from Spike’s still semi hard dick he started blushing furiously.
“I’m sorry for being rough love, you just - I could smell - y’know?”
Xander nodded, still agog. Spike noticed where Xander’s eyes were and he started to get hard once more.
“For the love of god Spike, put your jeans on - please, before my eyes fall outa their sockets?”
Spike laughed and his cock bobbed up and down delightfully. He turned around and bent down for his jeans hearing Xander gasp behind him. He was a bad vamp!
He had only just dressed when Xan and Wil came a calling.
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