Free Sunday

Dec 29, 2013 17:37

I'm so thankful Christmas and Boxing Day fell in the middle of the week this year...
It meant I had to drag myself to work on Friday, but it also meant that I saw my parents and relatives for 2 days in a row not long ago, which translates into: FREE SUNDAY!
I got the day to myself for once... Bless!

I got most of my chores out of the way yesterday, so today I'm just trying to relax and use the time to be "productive" on my computer.
Meaning that I'm organizing stuff and cleaning all the junk I accumulated in the last year, including the recent crappy downloads of KPOP songs from YouTube, got none-neither and angelalia to blame for that... (the least you two could for unleashing this on me is giving me sites from which to get songs! XD).

It also gave me a chance to get around to finally finish downloading the Fullmetal Alchemist manga and organizing all the separate files into one neat collection... No more excuses now, I'll have to get down and read it!
On top of that I really need to finish watching Brotherhood, damn it.
The last episode I watched was a good month ago ... Having the brothers separated is rubbing me the wrong way, I guess that's why I haven't had the will to find time to go on with it. The lack of Mustang is also proving to be a problem XD
But I guess the good stuff is coming so I need to plow on! I'm at the point where Ed run into Ling/Greed and decides to "work for him".

Ok, off to be "productive" and watch some Brotherhood :D

fma, sunday

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