Merry Christmas

Dec 24, 2013 22:29

Writing this post from my phone.
Tonight I'm staying at my parents' since tomorrow we'll have our usual big Christmas lunch with the relatives.

It's a bit sad how fast Christmas snuck up on me this year.
For years I kept fantasizing about how I'd prepare and decorate for Christmas once I managed to move into my own place...
In the end I managed to so very little, I didn't even get to buy a proper Christmas tree T_T
This is all I managed:

The real reason for this post though is to wish each and everyobe of you a very, Very MERRY CHRISTMAS ♥ ♥ ♥

Hope you'll spend a lovely day, eat lots of good food and most importantly get to spend it with the people you love. ♥ ♥ ♥

via ljapp, xmas

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