holy moly ive been busy

Feb 07, 2005 16:42

to catch up on my suspensful last entry i will tell ya that what i suspected was right. This guy, helped this lady find her brother,apparently he thought i was this ladys brother, and this guy thought that the sister and the brother got together and decided not to pay this guy for his work. so he thought the best way to get his money was to call me up and bitch and me.

anyhow, my dad called him and i guess they got going pretty good back and forth yelling at each other cause this dude is a total deusche bag. but, anyhow, i saved the dudes phone number so i bet he might get a drunken phone call impersonation of himself from someone....( i wonder who?) but, im not calling on my phone, ill have to borrow a friends. oh yeah, that is prolly gonna happen.

Bobbi's sis got married this weekend! i had a blast! the most fun ive had in awhile. the wedding was cool i didnt screw anything up to bad. the only thing i did bad was got the groom their 10 minutes late, but it was still 50 minutes before teh thing started so that was ok. and he was only late because i was driving him towards the church he told me to go back because he forgot to brush his teeth! who does that.

ive never seen anyone as nervous as teh bride was before the wedding, i tried doing the cool best man thing and calm her down and tell her how good she looks and all that but none of it worked until i told her that Brian forgot to brush his teeth and we had to turn back, she started laughing and said that she did too!! whats up with that. I remembered the rings and the marriage license and we decorated the van with streamers and cans on the back and everyting went off without a hitch.

at the reception is when everything got even better. we sat down and ate and then i gave my speech and i totally NAILED IT! i kicked ass, the guests were putty in my hands, they laughed when they were supposed to and in fact, after i talked about how we "caught the bishop tiwns together" they actually made me pause my speech while everyone laughed and clapped at how good it was, it was my best speech ever!! and after my speech bobbi did hers and she did a good job too, she really suprised me and i was proud of her. By the way everyone loved how i gave them the abacus too! i was the man!

the whole night was just awsome, for some reason i always have really good times at wedding receptions.

the only thing that was kinda weird was the grooms mom, i was pouring the wine out for myself that we get at the head table and the grooms mom comes by and grabs the bottle out of my hand and is all like, "wait wait wait! thats not just for you, you gotta share!" i was like what the hell lady, no, this whole bottle ia mine, my personal bottle and everyone else can just go screw themselves, i had the glass barely half full. but that really wasnt a big deal, but alot of people noticed it and made comments to me about it later, so at least it turned into something funny.

the coolest thing was how i danced pretty much all night to almost every song, my parents were very suprised to say the least. the absolute best part was when 3 chicks were grooving on me at once, and the funniest part about it is that one of them was the bride, for some reason she just loved me that night, i actaully thought it was kinda unapproriate but she wouldnt leave me alone, i did nothing to incite it, she danced with me, i wasnt pursueing her in any way. the other two women were bobbi and bobbis bros wife. people took pictures of it, and i want copies. i think the bride was after me just cause she knew me and was a little drunk and her new husband wouldnt dance with her! it was their freaking weddign reception and he wouldnt dance! so i think i was kinda payback or soemthing. the groom did get a little perturbed with me, but eh, im the best man, i can do what i want!! hehehheeh.

the second coolest thing was how many times i was grooving with two chicks at once, and just to make this clear this was just friendly grooving, not crazy rap video freaking, i was ok for the circumstances. i prolly danced with every chick there at least for a little while, i dont knwo what it is, i must look damn sexy in a tux, and bobbi didnt mind at all if thats what you were wondering, she danced almost as much as i did.

another cool thing was that the priest came to the reception and stayed almost the whole time! and he was drinking and smoking and dancing and just living it up, he is a vietnamese guy and it was totally awsome, he is hillarious!! if i ever start going to church again, i am deffinately gonna go to his church, he almost got as many chicks as i did! i couldnt believe my eyes, any pastor i ever had could be calssified as one of th most boring people ever.

it was great, the bride was soooooo happy, she didnt even realy care after awhile that he wasnt dancing with her. you know how little girls spin around in their dresses and watch them flow around and they look so happy and peacful, that is exactly what she reminded me of, she would just dance by herself on the floor twirling around with her arms in the air just laughing and wathcing her dress go around, it was funny,she just looked so happy and cute, i couldnt help but smile or laugh just looking at her.

well, they are off to hawaii for 10 days, it a 10 hour flight from chicago to hawaii, so that should suck, but oh well, thats what ya gotta do to get ot hawaii i guess. thats all i can remember for right now,but those were by far the highlights.
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