1.SG:A - Why Ronon/Keller? I don't get it. As much as I hate the thought of Rodney with any one other than John, I find Rodney/Keller much more believable and much more endearing, but maybe that's just my geek!love. Judging from comments on other journals I'm the only person in the fandom who thinks this. Am I?
2.Torchwood - Was anyone else totally squicked by the way Gwen looked at Jack while she was kissing Reese? I wanted to vom. And was that Jack looking back? And if so why? whywhywhy!
3.Lost - WTF! Theories?
4. Supernatural - Okay a lot of people are going to hate me for this, but I don't get it. I've watched every Supernatural to date and I still don't get it. I can't relate to any of the characters, I find all the female characters silly and uninspiring, I don't see the chemistry between Sam and Dean and I'm not at all emotionally invested. What is it you all love about this show. Feel free to put me right;)