(no subject)

Oct 10, 2006 19:33

I'm LOVING student teaching! I had my first day actually teaching today...and all the good stuff is back: the outside world disappears when the kids are in the room, the only reason I look at the clock is to check time remaining for the current activity, and I leave the day with a smile on my face, my lesson plans are tangible and flexible, I can look at myself critically without breaking down... wee!

But there are more important things, like

Chapter 2: The Doctor's Companions

Rose: How many of us have there been travelling with you?
Doctor: Does it matter?
Rose: Yeah it does if I’m just the latest in a long line.
-School Reunion

Lynda: Could I come with you?
Doctor: I don't see why not.
Lynda: I promise I won't get in the way.
Doctor: I wouldn't mind if you did, Lynda with a y.
-Bad Wolf

Doctor: I'm the Doctor. And I just snogged Madame de Pompadour!
-The Girl in the Fireplace

The TARDIS, sometime after Martha Jones returns to med school

Doctor: What? (The Doctor leans against a twisting pylon in the centre of the TARDIS)

Damelza: You. You do this all the time. I thought Christmas morning, coming round from hypnosis standing a step away from an eighty two foot drop when the Sycorax invaded Earth was the strangest thing could ever happen to me. (Demelza begins to pace, avoiding eye contact with the Doctor) Then ghosts started appearing all over the world, and I thought I'd better get used to strange. Then the ghosts turned into Cybermen hell-bent on upgrading everyone. This time, for sure, I knew I'd seen everything. (Turns to face the Doctor) But you see that kind of thing every day. You stop this kind of thing every day.

Doctor: Yes. And I start it as well, on occasion, but only when things need a good push (The Doctor pushes an imaginary box off the TARDIS control panel with both hands) past the starting line. Although...(The Doctor pauses, shrugs, and speeds up his speech) that's usually when some unstoppable foe unimagined and undetected by mankind has been mucking about in the timeline.

Damelza (making grandiose arm gestures): Then you swan in, save the world, and swan off again. (Demelza drops her arms emphatically back to her side with a resounding slap of her thighs)

Doctor: Yes.

Damelza: And those Janka...phonic...turtle...

Doctor: Jankaphonictortulocticians.

Damelza: Those were nothing, weren't they?

Doctor: All in a day's work. But you can tough it out. I only take the best, and I took you. You don't want to leave, do you?

Damelza: I...I think...I don't know...

Doctor: But that was just today. Tomorrow you could meet the old Bard himself, or watch a supernova in person. From a safe distance, of course. (Demelza looks unconvinced) Very safe. (No effect on Demelza). A lightyear. (Demelza raises an eyebrow, now slightly amused) Or six.

Damelza (remains unconvinced): Or tomorrow could be the next unstoppable foe unimagined and unseen by a race I haven't imagined on a planet that doesn't even exist yet. Yesterday it was dinosaurs. Hungry dinosaurs.

Doctor (nonchalantly): I told you, they wouldn't eat us because we don't smell like food.

Damelza: There are enough things I can't imagine back on Earth. In London. My London. I'm sorry, Doctor, but I'm not the best. I thought the TARDIS would take me away from everything the Cybermen left behind - and didn't leave behind. I was right, but not like I thought. It's Cybermen every day, or almost every day, and they don't leave anything behind - or we don't keep anything, anyway. (Demelza shrugs and looks up apologetically at the Doctor)

Doctor: Well, then. I said you could go anywhere and anywhen you wanted. So here we go. (The Doctor fiddles with the TARDIS controls, and they fly off through a blue tunnel)  London, November, 2006. Give or take a year. I've rotten luck with that sometimes.

Damelza (looks between the Doctor and the door for a moment, as if coming to a decision): Cheers, Doctor. (Blinking back the beginnings of tears, Damelza walks slowly out of the TARDIS)

Doctor: I knew I should have taken her to Barcelona. Why do I never take them to Barcelona?

Satellite Five, 200,567

Zoe: Thanks for everything, Doctor. I wouldn't have missed it for the world. I always wanted to get out there - out here, really - and do something. Make a difference. You know, like you do. Like I do with you. But back in DC, I saw too much of the government to trust it. CIA, FBI.... (Zoe laughs brightly)...the X-files. How would I know if they ordered me to flip a switch, that it wasn't going to kill a hundred harmless alien lives because of their xenophobia?

Doctor (not hearing the note of finality in Zoe's voice, waving a hand): Well, you lot in America do leave a bit to be desired. I always prefered Britain, but then there was that Harriet Jones... (The Doctor shudders briefly at the memory, then flashes his best smile) Ah, well. You've got me, now, though. Back to the TARDIS, shall we? Mankind really ought to build The Fourth Great and Bountiful Human Empire this time. They don't need us anymore. Where to? I was thinking Bar... (The Doctor pauses ever so briefly) ...genol. It's got 3 suns. Makes a fantastic sunset every month or so. (The Doctor notices that Zoe doesn't look too interested) Or not. It's your choice.

Zoe: The thing is that I always wanted something better. (Zoe hesitates at first, but gradually gathers speed) Life in the TARDIS, life with you is better. Fantastic, really. But not really what I want, either. It's a bit lonely, this life. You've had nine hundred years to get used to that, but I won't even have ninety. I'd like to stay here and help build that Fourth Great and Bountiful Human Empire. There are so many people here, and I can help them build something better than any of us have ever known, if I put my mind to it. Like you do. Only....anyway.

Doctor: Fantastic. Fantastic, Zoe Black.

(The Doctor looks long and hard at Zoe before turning towards the TARDIS. Just after he takes the first step away, Zoe runs to him and embraces him, knowing they'll never meet again.)

Zoe: Don't stay alone, Doctor. (Zoe breaks the embrace and runs off to the lift to Floor 500, the Doctor walks slowly towards the TARDIS)

Doctor: I've lost it. It's the only explanation. I've lost my touch. I snogged Madame de Pompadour, and I lost my touch.

I can't quite get this chapter right; it'll be a work in progress. I want to show enough companions to give the idea that the Doctor's heart is only half in it, so he eventually drives them all away. He still falls in love at the drop of a hat, but doesn't follow through on building a relationship with his companions anymore. He misses Rose too much, and maybe, just maybe, knows that she won't stop until she's got a way back to him. It's really tough to nail down the unique subtexts for these relationships with a completely new characters that are in my head in just a few lines, but these other girls aren't the point of the story. I wanted enough to establish a trend and not so many that it gets too tediously long.

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