(no subject)

Oct 30, 2022 21:18

Well, I contracted COVID about a week and a half ago during a work trip.  Two of my other colleagues also tested positive.  I marched in UT's homecoming last Saturday, and I really started to feel bad as the day went on.  After I marched homecoming--the worst show of my entire life--I left the game and went back to my parents', where I essentially slept for the next day and a half, thinking it was just a seasonal bug.  Then I got an email from work identifying me as a close contact, so I went to the clinic and got tested.  I've been down for the count ever since.

I finally started feeling better on Friday and did a little around the house--changed sheets, washed clothes, did some emails and calls for work.  Then I felt even better on Saturday, so I ran some errands and vacuumed the house.

I decided to stay home from church today because I am still coughing a lot, and it hasn't been that long since I was sick.  But I felt well enough to go in and decorate the office for the Halloween party tomorrow, which I have organized and for which I am the MC.  It took over 2 hours, and I was pretty tuckered by the time I was done.  It's not my best decoration effort, and I had to cobble together table coverings, napkins and plates from previous years leftovers, but it's done, even if it doesn't match.

I will be dressing as Louise Belcher from "Bob's Burgers" and entering the chili cook-off.  And it will be a profound relief when it is all over.

In other news, Barbie has a new Halloween costume this year, Frida Kahlo.  She has too much hair for me to fix her up with the Frida bun, but she still looks pretty cool.

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