May 24, 2010 13:33

Now that it's over, I can finally start watching Lost.

I'll admit, I'm still rather apprehensive when approaching shows (among other things) that I know I'll like.

It's this odd internal thing inside of me, like something I've tried to let go for so many years but still persists.

It's a feeling I'd rather shake rather than have it still there.

It's something I've always had to fight.

I don't know if they have a name for it. I know it sounds ridiculous...

I've always known that I'd like Lost.
So I'm not sure why I feel this way.

I know I used to not like mainstream shows in the past, but now I do, and I would've started sooner but it had gotten so far... Ah, I probably could've started. It's just that I talked to some Losties and they all told me to wait until it was actually over, otherwise I'd go crazy, haha...

I think maybe my feeling is based on being too afraid to like something.

I know it makes no sense.

(I mean, it's just a show...).

And in the end, I start falling in love with it anyway...

(Yeah... I'm still working on fixing myself...).

PS. I think I'm just tired of always being late to the party...
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