My city has a few locations which are reputed to be haunted. One of these locations is the Palace Theatre. It is supposedly haunted by a "malevolent inhuman spirit."
First, I must provide a disclaimer: I'm not sure whether or not I believe in ghosts, haunted places, etc. However, I find that it is more fun to act as if I believe in such things, especially when I am in a relevant location.
I have had a potentially supernatural experience at the Palace Theatre.
A few years ago, I saw Jesus Christ Superstar at the Palace Theatre. I sat downstairs, but my sister and my friend sat in the balcony. During the intermission, I decided to walk upstairs to visit with my sister and my friend. On my way up the stairs, I felt like something was pushing back against me, trying to stop me from going up the stairs. When I finally got to the top, I felt the wind knocked out of me, and I had to lean against the wall to catch my breath. Then, after the musical was over, something strange happened when I was leaving the auditorium. I felt a distinct tapping on my shoulder, as if somebody was trying to get my attention. I turned around, only to see that there was a large space between me and the people behind me. Nobody was close enough to have tapped me on the shoulder. Also, it was odd that nobody was walking closer behind me; it was almost as if the people behind me also sensed a presence there, so they did not walk into that space.
I currently live in an area of my city called Franklinton, which is rather close to downtown. I can easily see the Leveque Tower from here; the Leveque tower is directly adjacent to the Palace Theatre (it's in the same building). As I write this blog, I can see the Leveque Tower from my window. It's rather strange, because the entire building is dark, except for one window. One person, hard at work at 1 a.m., on a late night Friday and/or early Saturday morning? It seems rather strange. I have not seen the Leveque Tower look like this before; usually, it is completely dark after 8 p.m., with the exception of the festive lighting at the top (they light it up red and green for Christmas, red for Valentine's Day, and gold for other times, until midnight).
I am very intrigued by this one window of the Leveque Tower, one window with a light on. I wouldn't find it strange, were it not for the fact that the Leveque Tower is adjacent to the Palace Theatre, which is supposedly haunted (you can read about the supposed haunting online, if you Google it, or if you read the Haunted Ohio books by Chris Woodyard).
Do I have a vested interest in this? Do I have an ulterior motive for hoping that there is a haunted theatre downtown in my city? Of course I do! But I am not completely biased; I find the Ohio Theatre to be far more beautiful and atmospheric than the Palace Theatre. If it were up to me, the potential ghost would haunt the Ohio Theatre, not the Palace Theatre.
But, all evidence seems to suggest that the Palace Theatre is haunted, and the Ohio Theatre is not. I have not experienced, nor observed, anything strange at the Ohio Theatre (besides the fact that I had an odd sense of deja vu in the presence of a mirror at the Ohio Theatre, the first time I was in there, something reminding me of a dream I had). It's kind of sad, because I really do find the Ohio Theatre to be more beautiful; it's completely gilded, and it's very old fashioned, not to mention the fact that it is the place where The Phantom of the Opera has played each of the three times it's been in my city.
However, I've read many places that there is actually a network of tunnels under my city. I shit you not! Many restaurants and bars downtown are supposedly haunted, because employees have witnessed a "hooded man" in their basements, in the entrances to the tunnels. The description of a man in a hood reminded me of The Phantom in his Don Juan Triumphant costume, to tell you the truth. I've come up with a moderately elaborate fantasy of underground tunnels, connecting all the theatres downtown, and a tortured man "haunting" everything.
Yes, I am too imaginative.
Yes, I need a life.
Edit: 2 a.m.: The light in the one window has gone out, at some point during the last 15 minutes. Hmm...