So, I've been toying with the idea for a while of an alien race naming its ships with verb phrases instead of nouns. (And there could be a plot thread where over-poetic translators render them as nouns anyway, so Our Heroes don't realize at first that The Samaritan is the same ship as To Help A Stranger In Need. But I digress...) I figured I'd list them here so they get on paper pixels. Some are sillier than others:
- To Be Distracted By A Shiny Thing (probably an asteroid prospector; the equivalent of The Magpie)
- To Appear To Fly Via Stage Magic
- To Eat Dessert Slowly
- To Build Bridges (either a diplomatic vessel or the Corps of Engineers)
- To Temper a Sword
- To Invent Steam Power (this one might be too human-specific)
- To Help A Stranger In Need (like I mentioned above)
- To Breathe Underwater
- To Tend One's Garden/To Tend Someone Else's Garden (probably two entirely separate concepts)
- To Defend An Unpopular Opinion
- To Entertain Children
- To Dig In Places One Shouldn't (a science/exploration vessel)
- To Take Up Improvised Weapons
- To Build Houses Out Of Impractical Materials
- To Clean The Bones Of Carrion
- To Juggle Unwieldy Objects
- To Begin An Important Project (the closest I could get to Enterprise that wasn't just "to do something")